Many people say they\'ve born twice. Me too.
Some months ago, while I was driving back home from work, I decelerated slowly to allow a big truck get into the highway. Suddenly, and from nowhere, an old French car appeared at my back, braking hard. All I could do was to look at my mirror, hold my wheel and wait for the worst.
The car hit strongly my back at approx. 100km/h and I lost my consciousness for some secs. My head hit the seat and my neck was damaged. Fortunately, no further serious consequences appeared, apart from this:

My brand new Ford Focus...
The French driver was nearly 80 years old. The accident happened at 2 PM, sunny day, no fog, no clouds, high way, not many cars and... SLOW REFLEXES. It was his fault. You cannot drive a car if you haven\'t the reflexes to see an obstacle in the road and brake. Old timers should not be allowed to drive unless they\'re 100% able to do so. According to the police, I was not killed thanx to the strong, sound car Fords are. Of course he paid the bill:

About $8000. The car was damaged from the back to the top: doors, trunk, lights, windows, structure... even the control panel and wheel were damaged and displaced. Thx God the front airbags didnt pop up...
Beware the mummies on the road