It\'s been fairly well explained already, but in its simplest terms it\'s like this...
Our current system taxes you on production, i.e. the more you work the more you are taxed. As you move up and make more money, so too does your tax bracket, and so more money comes out. It\'s the robin hood of tax systems, because that money is often sent to the lower classes. Not that it\'s entirely bad thing, but it\'s a terrible concept to tax people on production.
Fairtax on the other hand taxes you on consumption. So, when you get a $50,000 a year job you make the full $50,000 not the 30-35k (if your lucky) that our current system has you making. And this time lists prices would be inclusive of taxes. So when you buy something for $100 (it\'s 77+23 for fairtax). So the more you spend, the more your taxed. Which is really the way it should be. It might even encourage people to save money and invest!