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Author Topic: Xbox Live Problems  (Read 1832 times)

Offline Viper_Fujax

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Xbox Live Problems
« on: January 05, 2010, 10:58:12 PM »
I cant figure this out at all

There are times when I have absolutely no problems at all. Then there are times where I can\'t stay on live longer than 5 minutes without getting kicked off.

Now I play fine for an hour or more and then ill randomly get disconnected.
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Offline Eiksirf
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Xbox Live Problems
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 10:26:10 AM »
Do you get any kind of error message? The problem if I had to guess is with your connection as opposed to an error on the Microsoft side of things.
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Offline Viper_Fujax

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Xbox Live Problems
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 11:49:10 AM »
If I\'m playing and it disconnects, just a \'Disconnected from Xbox Live\' thing pops up (looks like the normal achievement/log-in pop up).

If I try to connect and it doesnt work the big error box that says \'cannot connect to Xbox Live\' comes up.

Come to think of it, my psn does do the same thing every now and then. Might just be coincidence that it never happens when I\'m playing online since I dont play UC2 and KZ2 online too often.

It\'s just weird how periodical it is, where I can have no problems at all one day, then another not be able to stay on more than a few minutes

edit: my system is all hardwired, with the modem going to a router, to an A/B switch which has my ps3/360. I guess I could try and connect the modem to the 360 directly, but Im not sure what that accomplishes. Since I have no internet problems I\'d assume it\'d work fine, but if it doesnt how could the router be good enough for the internet and not for xbox live. And it\'s not just during games, but during lastfm and even just sitting on the dashboard.

And I didnt have anywhere near the problems I\'ve been having this last month prior to this. But it\'s been happening every time i\'ve been on lately
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 05:01:56 PM by Viper_Fujax »
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Xbox Live Problems
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 05:07:37 PM »
i\'ve been having similar problems all week... ended up being a problem on Comcast\'s end.  It seems to be all better now though.  I saw you log on and off several times just about 30 mins ago while watching my kids play spiderman.

You don\'t get disconnected as often while playing the ps3 or browsing the web on your pc?

Offline Viper_Fujax

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Xbox Live Problems
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2010, 05:33:36 PM »
I dont disconnect ever on the web.

PS3 I do every now and then but not like 360. But I also play mostly single player stuff on PS3, so its less obvious

and sorry about signing on and off a bunch,haha. It has to be pissing off everyone on my friends list. I wish live was a little less obnoxious about people signing on/off

edit: nix that, it just happened to me on uncharted 2 online. So its 100% me.

edit the edit: I took out the A-B switch and plugged the 360 right to the router and it\'s working. Still need to give it some time since it could always cut out like an hour later. Kind of a pain in the ass if thats the problem since I dont know if I need a new switch or if any switch won\'t work if the signal isnt strong enough to go through a switch
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 07:21:06 PM by Viper_Fujax »
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Xbox Live Problems
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2010, 08:03:46 PM »
Hmm... I remember receiving an error message and being disconnected from PSN and looked up that code and discovered: I was kicked off temporarily for cursing on Home!!! hahahahah

I noticed it happened again recently before I wanted to play some MW2 and restarted my modems, checked the connections and still got it! I assumed it was problems with my local cable\'s servers because it worked fine 3 hours later when Bladez was ready to team up.
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