only thing I see is you have a SLI motherboard paired up with an ATI video card. If you are going ATI, I would go with a crossfire motherboard. An SLI motherboard will not allow you to run multiple ATI cards like crossfire will... unless you get nVidia cards. If you don\'t plan on adding an additonal card down the road then everything is fine, you can run a single ATI card in a SLI motherboard no problem.
ATI\'s 5970 is a beast of a card, basically 2 gpus & double the ram on one card. Definitely stick with the ATI card, nvidia\'s new cards have been delayed but should be coming out in the next month or so. It\'ll be intersting to see how much better (if at all) they are over ATI\'s 5xxx series cards.
I have the 5850 and it\'s an amazing card for the price. Prices have been driven up since ATI is dominating the video card world, I got my 5850 for about $269... now you are lucky to find one for under $310.