Beasly is gone to make room in the salary cap for a 2nd round pick in 2011.
The heat literally have 2 years of NBA experience in the 4 other players they have right now besides Lebron, Wade and Bosh. Right now they aren\'t a championship team, but it could change depending on who they bring in with the limited money they have left.
I\'m not a big NBA follower, and I\'m not fan of Cleveland. But the way Lebron handled this whole situation was disgusting. One of the most pointless and selfish things I\'ve seen in a while. How do you keep your old team completely in the dark, then hold an hour long special to announce that you\'re stabbing them in the back? Completely unprofessional. Never before have I see something this ridiculous from a free agent in any sport. Do it the way everyone else does it, announce it and have it show up on the bottom line. Don\'t be a prick about it.
I hope he never wins a ship now.