I\'ve been thinkin\' and sometimes my mind goes off thinkin\' some crazy s**t when i\'m just in deep thought, so why is it that in this day and age, when we have the latest cutting edge technology, the most sophisticated in cleaner energy/efficient running vehicles the world has ever seen, that our way of life isn\'t getting better?
We even have optic sensor identification now...y\'know the stuff that we were amazed to see in sci-fi movies..that\'s a reality now....they even have some type of clean water technology that is made up of a simple pellet or pill, that when you drop this thing in a glass of dirty water, it instantly makes the water drinkable.
I say all this because i wonder that why with all of these advances, do things tend to get worse?...i\'m talking about evertything in general from the global economy to jobs, it\'s harder to make a living and to just get by,....you\'d figure with all of this tech that we have now, that the human race would be living in a somewhat peaceful utopia....ok maybe not that extreme, but somewhere along those lines.
My point is that i don\'t see that happening no time in the near future....it seems that things just keep getting worse and worse even with the advances that the human race have made thus far........will 2012 be the year that this thing comes to a boiling point?....thoughts?
Maybe this should go to CE, but the most traffic seems to be in off topic, but if a Mod wants to transfer it over there feel free....