What Paul’s bogusly divine mentality has accomplished by being adopted and mimicked for two millennium is to empower the faithful with a sense of self-righteousness. In some to the degree where their faith makes it not only their right and duty to pass judgment but carries with it a deep sense of obligation to convert others and feel justified in using any means to do so. Extortion, torture and death resulted in the name of saving our fellow man. In direct opposition to the simple basic message delivered by the preceding four Gospels, work on fixing yourself not each other.
We now have 2000 years of proof by way of those that have suffered under the will of men
who perceive the words of a single man as if they were iron clad instructions from God. This should be recognized by now as an obvious recipe for a world of hurt. What seems to get lost in the recent shouts of ‘Look!! Here is the Devil!’ is that all share the guilt. Tagging another as devil carries the threat of being one. Scurrying back to even more ancient script to see to it those texts get re-enforced is not the message for the third millennium. Engrossed at every point in Paul’s conflicts with accepted scripture its easy to overlook how far reaching and widespread this infectious attitude really is. Blindness to hypocrisy can work its corruption regardless of knowledge or faith. The overall message almost every anti-Paul advocate still seems to be missing is:
Don’t behave like self-righteous know-it-all pricks.
He’s a devil, I’m a devil, she’s a devil, we’re The Devil, wouldn’t you like to stop the devil too? At this point it’s only natural to assume there must be a being infinitely wiser than us just based on the depth of man’s collective stupidity. We read warnings to watch out for the beast yet his very presence and nature is under our noses the whole time. Instead of steering clear of him, he is idolized as a lofty spiritual example. A forgiven murdering liar, by his own words, makes claims to visions, secret knowledge and Apostleship. Meanwhile the appointed apostles accounts are all but ignored under the smothering layers of this single early A.D. convert. After all how could such a leading biblical figure so obviously willing and destined to serve God ever lead us astray?
The allegory for all mankind, which this Bible interpretation would beg, has been a long hard lesson. Given equal status the side by side accounts of The Prophet and the False Prophet has made it nearly impossible to identify a bad guy. On the other hand trying to seriously reconcile their words into complete harmony is a test of sanity for an otherwise rational mind. In the early battle between stone cold truth and warm fuzzy ideals we can safely guess which wins. Insanity soon reigned and the dark ages began. Now stripped of their equal status we might perceive the story of several first hand witnesses accountings of a true prophet demonstrating how to live a harmonious life vs. that of an after death follower showing a strong desire to serve his Master, fueled by a mixture of truth, miracles, and a heap of conjecture, as if from on-high inspires fellow believers through letters with far-reaching doublespeak conveying how and why to behave likewise. Ending with Revelations or the symbolic time tapestry of horrific future events, the result of believing false prophets. The vast majority of which can be reasonably argued to have already happened. IMO all that’s left to go through is a thousand years of peace before final shit hits the fan.
That’s the gist of it. Christendom has begun to reclaim a decent foothold on sanity with the advent of the printing press, widespread literacy and freedom of thought. It is my belief understanding of this proposed beast’s identity and nature is the key to ending the reign of hypocritical religious oppression in all faiths not just Christian.