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Author Topic: Cheapest way to get a new 360 hard drive  (Read 2399 times)

Offline Viper_Fujax

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Cheapest way to get a new 360 hard drive
« on: February 17, 2011, 06:23:22 PM »
After buying the three mass effect 2 DLC\'s, I only have 1.6 GB\'s left on my hard drive...unfortunately I wanted to get back into Bad Company 2 and theres a 1.8GB update I need to play the game. I\'ve gone through my list of saved items multiple times and tried to delete anything dispensable, but theres nothing left that I can get rid of...I could delete the mass effect 2 stuff but im afraid of that messing with my saves, and I could delete Shadow Complex but im slightly paranoid ill have to re-buy it to download it again (i know it probably wouldnt charge me again but you never know with MS)

I\'d like to get an elite, but I want to get settled at work before i start spending a bunch of money...but getting a new hard drive separely for 130 bucks is a huge ripoff (almost half the price of a console..fucking kidding?).

Is there an \'alternative\' method to put a bigger hard drive in my console?
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Offline Viper_Fujax

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Cheapest way to get a new 360 hard drive
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 11:25:27 AM »
bah. so I deleted BC2 off my hard drive to make room and played other games like AC:Brotherhood and what-not problem free.

Yesterday I was bored and decided to try BC2 a bit since I was in the mood, with the humming still there but not quite as loud as it was before I installed it. Then about 5 minutes after playing my game froze. I turned the console back on and put in assassins for about 45 minutes no problem.

Then I put in halo reach right after and it locks up on the bootup.

When I turn the xbox back on I get the three red rings. I got it to work once, but now it will never get past the red rings. So I think its time to buy a new one.

Just a pain in the ass since it puts a small damper on getting a new gaming PC. Works going alright but id like to move into my own place

Whys everything gotta cost so damn much....
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Offline Viper_Fujax

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Cheapest way to get a new 360 hard drive
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 10:55:15 PM »
going to get it tomorrow

Anyone know if the slim has problems like the other xbox\'s? I usually dont bother with spending the 50 bucks er whatever for a protection plan since thats the price of a game/you have microsoft\'s warranty as is..if there arent common problems ill probably pass on the protection plan

Still think its kind of bullshit that them making shitty products gets them more money out of me while my ps3 (knock on wood) has ran solid since the day I got it. This will be my third xbox, granted M$ gave me the 2nd one for free and it was a refurbished xbox
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