Getting a new computer for Battlefield 3 is still on my radar. But it\'s been about 5 years since I looked into this stuff, I was hoping to get a ball park figure from people who recently built a computer or builds them regularly
These are the specs people anticipate BF3 having:
Recommended System RequirementsProcessor: Quadcore Processor
Memory: 4 GB
Hard Drive: 15 GB for Digital Version, 10 GB for Disc Version
Video Memory: 512 MB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 11
Keyboard and Mouse
DVD Rom Drive\'ll be getting everthing. Only have a 17" monitor so ill probably replace it iwth a better one. And I\'ll get a new case/mobo/etc
I\'d like to keep it under $2200. And I hear all the time from the pc crowd (usually yelling at the console crowd) that gaming pc\'s dont cost nearly as much as people think. Still, $1500 seems like it\'d be the bare minimum to get and thats still 4 times as much as a console so I dunno why they get upset when people assume that..but im going on a tangent
Any estimates?