If only they didn\'t jump on the bandwagon prematurely?
Reverend, they bought the followup for the PSX. They enjoyed Wipeout, Madden, Tekken, Ace Combat, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, ALL that crap that Sony had. So, they simply bought the next one. Bandwagon? No.
They just wanted their favorite games in 128bit glory. Same with Gamecube fans getting excited about the next Mario, Metriod, Perfect Dark. But what about the XBox fans? Why are we not accusing them of jumping the bandwagon prematurely? XBox fans are purely about power - that is it. Power of unfinalized specs. Not too mention the unfinalized launch list (some of us buy systems for the games, not the power... we wait for confirmed game lists). Yes, someday it will be an amazing machine. But when you start staunchly supporting it and attacking other consoles in it\'s behalf - ONE YEAR before it launches, then you are one hell of a bandwagoner.
. If by some weird occurance that PS2\'s showing at E3 outdoes the Xbox (shyeeah right!),
WHY WOULDN\'T IT??!? They\'ve got more developers than XBox does right now. Yes, that could change. But it just irks me when people spit on developers to spite the console. You have no idea what those developers have up their sleeve. PS2 has more developers, PS2 has more recognition in the industry, and their developers have had more time with the dev kits (dev kits which are finalized and have been finalized). What makes you so certain that it\'s not possible that they\'ll have an impressive E3? Didja notice Sega at last years E3? Again, developers had more experience and more time with their dev kits. If anything, XBox is at a disadvantage. Plus we don\'t know what Gamecube will have.