I've decided within the last couple months that I've had enough of smoking. I've been a smoker for close to 10 years and I decided enough is enough. I've tried in the past quitting cold turkey but never made it past a few days. I'm thinking of my health, I want to quit for my girlfriend and I made a promise to my mom I would quit so the time feels right (not to mention my dad has been smoking for 40 years and wakes me up almost every morning hacking up a lung. Don't want that to be my future).
A vapor shop just opened up close to me so I decided to stop in. I bought a starter kit a couple weeks ago and bought some supplies. I have to say, I'm having incredibly good luck in quitting. I rolled my own cigarettes and bought loose tobacco by the tin. The only reason I have a couple cigarettes every day is only because I have some left and I'm at the point right now I have to force myself to smoke it just to get rid of it (ironic and never thought I'd say that. Though, in the same token, all my friends smoke so I could just give them the tobacco and supplies). As soon as the rest is gone, I have no plans to smoke again.
Even my physical body feels so much better since I've started vaping. My lungs have a much deeper capacity, I'm not coughing up any tar, and I just overall feel better.