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Author Topic: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster coming out today  (Read 4777 times)

Offline Paul2

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Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster coming out today
« on: March 18, 2014, 12:41:26 PM »
I am excited that its coming out today in U.S.A. because i will buy it sometimes in the nearby future.  I had great fun playing the ps2 version of FFX back then and i probably will enjoy it again in the remaster HD version.  I never play X-2 before so i will see how X-2 turn out after i try it in the future.

Here is the review: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/03/10/final-fantasy-x-x-2-hd-remaster-review

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Re: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster coming out today
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2014, 11:17:33 AM »
You know, you could always replay the PS2 version ;)

I'm still on the fence about these remasters as I've said here before. I personally like playing games as they were originally intended. But then again, at least they get to be enjoyed by a new generation or people who didn't get it the first time around.
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Offline Paul2

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Re: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster coming out today
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 09:55:45 PM »
i have 2 ps2s.  one original size and one slim size.  unfortunately,  they are not here anymore.  I let a neighbor's kid borrowed my slim size and all my psone and ps2 games while the original size, the neighbor's kid's friend wanted to borrow it too after he sees me let his friend borrow mine.  so i let 2 kids borrowed both my ps2s.  like a month later, the kid's friend broke my ps2.  he said his older brother got upset about something and his brother had an argument with his mom and he broke my ps2.

That was over a year and half ago and to this day i am scare to go ask him to pay for it or buy me a used one.  Sometimes later, i decided to let my nearby neighbor's kid have my slim ps2 as it was my intent and idea to let him borrowed it in the first place.  i was deciding to let him have my original size ps2 but his friend borrowed it and broke it.

Anyway, i ordered the remaster FFX/X-2 ps3 version on amazon on the 21st with the strategy guide and it arrived 4 days later.  i thoroughly enjoyed the game and i am about 1/3rd way done on X.  Here are something i find the ps2 version is better:  Most of the music in the ps2 are better than the remaster version.  Especially the normal battle theme, the ps2 sounds awesome while the ps3 sounds kind of good, but not great.  Maybe they make great use of the sound synthesizer on the ps2 than on the remaster.  Might be a budget reason.  the crappier battle theme kind of ruin the enjoyment experience somewhat because it play most of the time during battle.  The facial expressions on the characters look a lot better on the ps2 than the remaster.  On the remaster, they usually look dead, especially the eyes movement - yuna's eyes expressions are probably the worst.  it almost look like moving paper with pupils on it.

there are some frames drop on the ps3 during battle scenes.  Some enemies stuttered somewhat during battles because of the frame drop.  Even during summoning, there are moments where the frames just drop somewhat while some scenes of summoning doesn't seems to have any noticeable frame drop.  While the ps2 version has no noticable frame drops during battle scene, except when the enemies died and the spirits started to fly and there are some frame drop there.

i read on youtube where a user comment that the slider on Tidus's limit's break is slightly off - or maybe he's getting rusty.  i thought i was getting rusty when i try to hit the small bar on the middle of the slider but i usually miss.  After i read his comment, i become suspicious the remaster version is slightly off with the button pushing on the slider.  i tried pushing the x button a bit ahead before the slider move into the middle bar and i got a hit.  so i realize it's slightly off.  kind of bad programming there.  There are other minor nitpicks of the game but i don't want to write it because it would be too long.

Beside that, the remaster has much better graphic than the ps2.  Its in native 16:9 aspect ratio while the ps2 is 4:3.  Its also in HD, probably 1080p HD with no black borders whatsoever while the ps2 is 480i but with black borders on all 4 sides.  The texture resolution are higher on the ps3 remaster than on the ps2.  the background on the battle scenes look much better on the remaster than on ps2.  So are the field area too.  some of the water running scenes look really pretty on ps3.  i can see seperate fingers on the main characters on the field area where there are a lot of characters on screen on the remaster while the ps2 version, it has lower polygon counts where the 4 fingers are attached together with the thumb.  So they did a good job with the graphic there for the remaster but it could have been better like better facial expressions.  the texts like words and numbers are also redone in HD too.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 01:09:50 AM by Paul2 »

Offline Paul2

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Re: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster coming out today
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2014, 04:07:25 AM »

Here is a tiny bit of ps2 vs ps3 remaster comparison.  Notice how dead the facial expression is on the remaster while the ps2 version has much better facial expression.  I also notice the lighting on the ps2 looks a lot better too while the remaster light source doesn't exist or it has weak or little light source.  But beside that, i think the ps3 remaster has better texture an higher polygon count though.  it also has no motion blur in the background where Kimarhi and Tidus were standing.  the ps2 has the annoying blur while the ps3 doesn't.


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