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Author Topic: Rayman: Revolution  (Read 2124 times)

Offline Zavijava
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Rayman: Revolution
« on: December 15, 2000, 01:52:43 PM »
For those of you who have played Rayman 2 on the DC, would you mind giving me your impressions of the game. Rayman: Revolution, from what I can gather, is pretty much on par with it\'s DC counterpart, and before I purchase a soon-to-arrive copy, I\'d like to know how it fares.
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Rayman: Revolution
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2000, 01:19:31 AM »
I\'m going to buy it. But it depends whether I\'ll agree with your decision to buy the game or not.

If you own the DC version, I think it isn\'t worth it to buy Rayman:Revolution just because of the new larger levels.

Ubi-Soft has over-hyped the game I think. They said it\'s going to be much harder and non-linear than the previous Rayman 2 titles.

But I can\'t really know. Is there any reviews of the game on .net?

Whether the hype is correct or not, I\'m going to buy it because I don\'t own it on any system :)

And I think it\'s going to be really good ;)
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