What a dumb shit, all pcbs on pcs or any high level component product is multi-layered. So he basically cut tracks in god only knows how many of the layers.
Then the dumb shit decided to "dead short" all those tracks together by putting a screw driver through the hole. Which could have damaged other parts of his pc, being that he may have put voltage on pins that have none on his pci-e slot. Which no doubt he did since he said it smoked.
This is why DIY requires research and basically basic level knowledge of what your doing.
thanks for the laugh Paul.
as for what you did. 2 possible answers, you put DC on a AC unit, AC on a DC unit (which can sometimes be ok if they use a bridge rectifier on the pwr input and you have the ac pack close do the dc value) or you put higher voltage then the unit required.
Examples would be..
24V DC on a 12V DC unit etc
24V AC on a 12V AC unit etc.
live and learn. Match Current types and Voltages. Keep current values higher or on whats required
12V DC 2amp device could use a 12V DC 5amp plug pack etc.