The reality is that PC developers have to program to the lowest common denominator (i.e. me with my Celeron and Intel AGP Graphics). Everyone who buys a PC game isn\'t going to have the latest Nvidia graphics chip.
Question.. answered. If they developed for the high end PC\'s, you\'d have to upgrade twice a damn year. As far as Microsoft, I\'d be amazed if they went over $300 as well. The last consoles to do that: Neo Geo, Saturn, 3DO. If I\'m not stupid enough to do that, then I seriously doubt a highly competitive guy like Gates is. Remember, this is a guy who
gave away his browser to hurt Netscape. Do you honestly think he\'ll try to enter the console market with a $350+ machine? No. I can see him selling it for $20 and taking a huge loss just to take over the marketplace before I can see him charging $350 or more.