Our government put the country into lock down pretty fast. Can't travel from state to state, can't leave the house unless for work, food, medicine, exercise etc.
Big fines if you get caught doing anything that's deemed unnecessary. So no parties, going to families, friends houses etc.
They've just now eased of the lock down a little. Can have groups up to 5 indoors and 10 outdoors. For the most part, when our government said its lock down time, we all went "ok" and just did it.
If we have any slight signs of cold or flu we have to get tested and put ourselves into quarantine. My brother had recently had a cold, had to be tested and was on house lockdown till he got the results.. All clear. So for the most part everyone just did what they were told. Didn't stop the weirdos from buying up all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer though. Our stores put in policies to stop people returning it. So some retards now have years worth of toilet paper they can't sell back to stores or on ebay etc. Funny shit!