Oh. And the other concern I have regarding the Series S and why I think it may flop is just the value of it. It comes with 512 GB of storage. That's not a lot even by this generations standards. And with games next gen expecting to have some pretty hefty install sizes (hell, Last of Us 2 was over 100 GBs in itself!), 512 won't get you that far. Neither will the 1TB in the Series X and PS5. But here's the kicker. On Microsoft's consoles, you can expand the storage. However, you have to use a proprietary expansion SSD made by Seagate. 1TB Xbox expansion costs over 200 dollars! And you have to use it! You can't use an external except for storage apparently. You can't run the games off of off the shelf externals. As far as I know, you can expand the PS5's storage with off the shelf M.2 SSDs, following the cadence of past generations (my PS3 and PS4 have been upgraded. And it took me about 5 minutes to do on each. Super simple); and apparently it has an expansion bay. So that 299 Xbox Series S that people save money on buying will likely cost them over 500 dollars to make it usable. I'd imagine most people who buy one will be out of space within a year. At that point, if they buy the expansion memory, they're already over the cost of the Series X and PS5. I dunno. I think a lot of people are gonna be pissed about their Series S long term because they aren't thinking about this kind of stuff.
Don't get me wrong. I love Microsoft's consoles. I adore my Xbox and Xbox 360. In fact, I think the Xbox was the better console of that generation, now that I own one and experience it. I love how the Xbox does 480p right out of the gate as opposed to PS2's 480i natively and 480p game specific. My Xbox looks amazing on my HDTV. My PS2? If a game doesn't do 480p, it looks like a pile of shit. But I've always hated how Microsoft doesn't allow for upgradability. The Xbox, if your hard drive goes, you have to hack the console just to get a new hard drive to work. And the hard drives in there are just ATA hard drives. The 360? Not all of them had drives. But if you had an Elite or newer consoles that had a bay, upgrading is not as simple as far as I know. On my Elite, it's a module you have to buy as a unit; granted it is easily opened and you can put in as big of a drive as you want. Granted, on the 360, I believe you can use an external to run games off of, it looks sloppy in a setup IMO.