Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
The ps2 DOESN\'T NEED A DVD REMOTE too work.
You can use the normal DS2 control for it. I\'m guessing the part will be cheap. Lets find out if i\'m right when it comes out.
Agreed, let\'s wait until we know exactly what it is before calling it a rip off! Just like Sony\'s PS2 add-on, I\'m sure MS will keep the price as low as possible.
Yes like the PS2, no games will be installed onto the harddisk, neither will there be any patches...
So your saying u will have too install BIG games on the HD first?. That doesn\'t sound like a console man. So i doubt that will happen. If it does, Then the Xbox would be becoming more like a pc then a console. Like i said. The PS2,XBOX Harddrives/eithernet will be useless unless u have the INTERNET.[/B]
NO Soulgrind, games DO NOT install on the HD. The HD is there to store data that can be (and will be) used in games, BUT NOT PERMANENTLY. Except for save games and perhaps some user data in future, most of the HD is wiped everytime you use the console!!!.
As I\'ve said, you can think of part of it as a memory card. However, and perhaps more importantly, the HD is a fast and convient way to expand beyond the limits of main memory. The HD is significantly faster than DVD AND is read/write, therefore it can be used to expand the game world in a way that DVD cannot achieve.
Most accept the possiblities of streaming data from the DVD on the PS2, yet it\'s strange those same people have difficulties understanding that this can be achieved much faster and with greater flexibility via a HD.
I doubt the HD of the PS2 will be there merely to hold content downloaded from the internet, and I doubt you can find a single article which believes the HD\'s of the PS2 and XBox will be used for nothing more.
I have overlooked nothing! Avvy\'s link is actually based upon the link I posted and supports the arguements I\'ve made so far....
Yet u never said anything about the chip.. You kept stating that we don\'t know at ALL what it is. hmmm.
Because the arguement was NOT about the components of the DVD add-on (which we only discussed LATER), but about your claims that it was a rip-off.
My whole arguement is that without knowing the cost of the XBox and DVD expansion pack, you cannot call it a rip-off. The actual composition of the expansion pack was irrelevent to that arguement.
We do not know what the chip is. If it offers DVD decompression, then there are arguements for and against, but I don\'t see the point of discussing the expansion pack in such detail WHEN WE DO NOT HAVE THE EXACT DETAILS AS YET. :rolleyes:
When we know the costs, and if I thought it was too expensive, then I may be in agreement with you. But that\'s then and ONLY then. For now, we can only speculate.
As you said, let\'s wait and see.
Over to you...

[Edited by Dr Yassam on 01-01-2001 at 04:30 PM]