Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
The FACT IS Microc@#ks use Hype.. They hyped the World wide release.. Say BYE BYE too that. They hyped the system specs.. Like sony.. Say bye bye too that.
I wonder how much else they have hyped. The MS Powerhouse XBOX system is a HYPE machine as much as ps2 was.
I donno how well xbox will do. But if MS keep breaking there promises.. There gonna lose more fans, From whatever they did have.
If you are going to be an administrator you had better know a few facts first before spouting off crap....
First of all, if you know anything about silicon chips you would know that the more transistors the chip has the more heat it lets off. Heat is a bad thing when it comes to chips. There are layers of transistors that are messured by "Microns". The Xbox GPU is manufactured by TMSC which has had trouble with lower microns such as .13 or .15 micron, so Nvidia had to raise the micron process which creates heat when means the chip can\'t be clocked as high and instead of producing 150 million can only do 125 million, now if they were able to get a lower Micron level, they could clock it at what it was supposed to be clocked at 300 Mhz instead of the 250 Mhz its now clocked at. The amount of polygons is in relation to how many MHZ the chip can be clocked at. Get it???? There is no hype... Just reality....
The European released was delayed so Microsoft doesn\'t do a Sony. Not everyone has a PS2 even after Christmas and they won\'t for a very long time, this is a public relations nightmare and Microsoft is trying to avoid something like this from happening, they want massive amounts of xbox\'s to be available on store shelves....
The Xbox can do around 100 Million polygons with static lighting and no curved surfaces. The raw (ala PS2) polygon rate is now 250 Million polygons instead of 300 Million that they were shooting for.
Once again people, know a few facts before making really ignorant comments. Its really tiring for people just to spout off without knowing much of anything, at least the xbox can do 100 million and its not like the bogus figures from Sony...
If Sony PS2 can do 66 million, then the xbox can do 250 million.
I mean if you like the PS2 fine, but please don\'t act like the Administrator. Microc***s, come on, lets be a little more mature. I expect better from someone who is an Administrator of the BBS.