Ya, the N64 realy does kick the PSX\'s ass for mutiplayer, even with a mutlitap its still not nearly as good because the games don\'t take advantage. The fat is that an addone like the multi tap just doesn\'t get used by developers because they don\'t think enough people will use it to make it worth while, which means games don\'t get made for it so people don\'t bother getting it. With the N64 and four controler ports developer figure, what the hell, the ports are their lets throw in a four player mode and hope it sell a few more units, and after Goldeneye was released it realy made developers notice how popular multiplayer can be. I\'m realy disapointed in the PS2 not having four controler ports, I can understand the PSX not having four but for the negligable cost it woud have taken to put them in the PS2 they would have had a lot of gain. The same probablem is going to plague the PS2 that the PSX, developers don\'t like to support addons, so the multitap thing will never be as popular as the normal multiplayer on other consoles. Sony realy threw away the multiplayer market with that one stupid move. Its not fatal or anything, but it is dumb.