Originally posted by 8-P
You know §ôµÏG®ïñD that is one of the most closed minded things I have ever heard you say. Where is your "proof" that developers know this? I mean, I have talked with a lot of developers and they are really excited about all the machines.
I bet i\'ve talked with more dood.. The reason i said it was.. Because LOOK AT THE developer support. There are MORE developers on XBOX and PS2 FACT. They see the CONSOLES will or do have the MOST userbase. They see the MOST money coming from the consoles. Like it or not. Thats why they develope for systems.. FOR MONEY
Even though they had more harsh comments about the PS2 then any other machine, they were still excited for it.
All consoles have there ups and downs. I don\'t expect developers too completely love ps2. Or any other console.
And developers are excited about the Xbox and the GCN. Developers know that they are going to have awesome machines this time around. This time around, imagination will be the limit for them.
I totally agree man. I don\'t doubt this for a second.. I just BELEIVE, IMO. That Xbox and ps2 will end up leading this console war. This is MY belief.
I have seen what is capable from the next generation machines in a few years\' graphics wise, and I am very excited about it.
So have i.
I am very disappointed in this kind of talk coming from you.
I can\'t please everyone man. I know all the consoles are GREAT.. I know they all will have unreal games. I\'m just saying the REASON why developers will mostly be on PS2 and Xbox is because they SEE money coming from them. I\'m not a bias gamer. I have a DC. I\'ll get a ps2. And oneday maybe a xbox. But that doesn\'t mean i\'m blind too the way developers think.. Its where the support is.. Support = MONEY.
And what\'s up with your Mario list?
- Mario Golf
- Mario Kart 64
- Mario Party
- Mario Party 2
- Mario Tennis 64
- Mario 64
What are you trying to say with this list, that these games are just focused around the younger generation? That you can only truly enjoy games like this if you are between the ages of 8 - 14. Oh, you also forgot Super Smash Brothers. Since that also has the childish characters that Nintendo makes, must be another one of those games that are focused on the younger generation.
That WAS the point. Too show how many games are young target games for children. I can find easily a WHOLE list of under 14 year old games from nintendo.. Hell i can email nintendo and get them sent too me.
Come on §ôµÏG®ïñD those games you listed are awesome games that anybody can pick up and enjoy. Mario Golf is one of the most fun golf games I have ever played. I won\'t even talk about Mario Kart 64, I have had this game since it\'s been out. I have stayed up 3 days straight playing it with my buddies and we are all over the focused Nintendo age limit.
Where did i say you can\'t enjoy them man. I know u can. I played Mario Kart for ages. I\'m just saying NINTENDO is KNOWN for having kiddy games.. Thats all man. I\'m not saying there not FUN or crap.
After reading this topic §ôµÏG®ïñD, you makes it sound like if we don\'t buy MS or Sony we are going to be wasting our money because the other ones won\'t be around much longer. And those 3rd party developers won\'t even support the other machines. That they will only go for PS2 or the xbox because they are a "sure thing". (Even though in business, nothing is ever a sure thing) If developers are in it just for the money, why don\'t they just port all of their games onto all systems? That way they will get the most out of their games. That makes sense to me.
Where did i SAY. That the developers would leave NGC and DC for Xbox and ps2.. I didn\'t ANYWHERE. All i said is they have the MOST developer support. That there the MOST likely too win this console war. EVERY NON BIAS gaming site BELIEVES this man. Developers DO check out websites.
Nintendo did just fine by themselves, just wait to see what happens when they start to get the back up of 3rd party support. I\'m not saying that Sony is going to sit in a corner and cry, nor is MS. They will all have awesome machines with awesome games. Don\'t count any of them out. And please stop with the "kiddie" comments. They are getting very old and very repetitive.
I just say kiddy because its easier then saying Under 14 age games.. I\'m not saying Nintendo or Sega won\'t do well. Because i KNOW they will. I KNOW they will have great games.
This is what i\'m saying.
Sega isn\'t good at keeping money.
Nintendo isn\'t well known for having Mature games on there N64.
Sony have VERY good user and Fan support. Sony have Very good Developer support.
MS have Very good developer support. Now if i was too go by web site polls. MS have the WORST fan support but the sites themselfs believe this will change when the 500 million ad margeting starts.. IMO i believe that Nintendo and Sony will be on top. BUT.. At the same time i believe Xbox may come up and became Number 1 or 2.
I believe it will be out of Ps2, Xbox and NGC. But i think Xbox and Ps2 will be on top in the end. i think NGC will go well at first but then xbox will slowly edge over it.
Hell for all i know. PS2 and DC could be the worst.
[Edited by §ôµÏG®ïñD on 12-29-2000 at 09:40 AM]