Yea, I\'m very excited too. What I can\'t understand is how blown out of proportion the difficulty for programming for the system has been. People just can\'t seem to get over this.
It\'s really not that big a deal. Hey, with games already looking as sweet as MGS2, GT3, Red Faction, Bouncer, etc. it\'s already proven that with a little perseverance games can be produced that will take the market to new heights both graphics-wise, audio-wise, and gameplay-wise.
Yea, about my Dreamcast, it\'s a shame I had to sell the little dynamo. You gotta respect Sega though- they\'ve had pretty much EVERY odd gainst them when they came into these generational wars, yet they\'ve put up a hell of a fight so far and I\'ve enjoyed many a phenomenal game on the little white console. If they do go software-only, PS2 should be on their list to develop for. Can you imagine it: Loading up an enhanced version of Sonic Adventure 2, or a Shenmue chapter, etc. That would be a dream.
Anyway, can you guys give me the dates the BIG games start rolling out?