well now i can offficially say i am a hardcore ps2 goer, i got the gamelink monster s-video cords, and i got the ghamelink600 surge protector, i have a grip of monsoons here and you can hears and see lighting from everywhere, well anyways, the monster cables actually have a more sharper and more colorful look to the games, it makes certain things more definable, i like them they were a good investmanet, the only reason i got them was because, they were previously opened and were 10 bucks of!, i came up n them lol, so i guess if you wana spend the money, they are a good investment on sucking all the juice from the ps2 to give you better sound,sharpness, and color, i have s video cables before justrs o you know, and to make a long story short, they make the games look better not by a huge difference just better