I believe different from you on the fact that a gaming system has to be "creative". Microsoft doesn\'t care about being "creative" as far as system design goes. A console\'s "creativity" has nothing to do with what really matters, and that\'s the games.
Think of it this way: Where would we be today if every console had the same design as Nintendo\'s NES? No creativity in design, no improvement, just the tried and true to make developers happy. Now, would you really be happy as a gamer with that prospect? Remember my analogy between MS\'s hi-res B&W TV and Nintendo\'s color TV... would you prefer to make movies in color, as a director, or movies in a pretty B&W? Now, if you had to choose which movies to see, would you see the color one or the B&W one... sure, the director could still make an equally impressive movie and make the audience feel for the characters and love the story, but having it in color is just so much more filling and real. If the console does not innovate, then it bottle necks creativity. New possibilities are opened up with improved hardware and new ideas. Do you think Kojima could have thought of any other way to do certain actions for Snake without Sony\'s idea for pressure sensitive controllers? More buttons? Suppose by your logic if we still used the NES 8-bit pad. I rest my case on that.
What Xbox brings to the table though are resources to help the developers be creative. The developers are the only ones who need to be creative and that\'s all I or any other gamer should worry about. The technology Microsoft has provided is the best technology to create games on. That\'s why it has the PC architecture. Every developer already knows how to program for Xbox, so they can spend all their time creating great content instead of wrestling with new hardware.
I am worried about their creativity. Just how many second party games do you think can be made with the idea of 1/5th the dev power in mind? I know MS will be able to put out probably one first party title by launch, then there\'s the second party titles, hindered by incomplete dev kits, and then finally we have all the ports. Ports do not equal creativity no matter how much you sugar coat it with "extra features" and HD support. PC architecture does not mean it will have better games then the PS2 and that\'s fact.
About the controller: If it ain\'t broke, don\'t fix it. Microsoft designed many controllers (they even had one shaped like an "X"!!) and tested them all over the world. Gamers chose the DC-like design, not Microsoft. It seems as if Sega\'s design passed the focus groups and research labs. However, Microsoft has tweaked the design so that it is much more comfortable than the DC pad.
Hypocrite. I remember you *****ing about Sony using a dual shock 2 as their main controller and saying that it wasn\'t innovative cept say the pressure sensitive buttons, another idea MS has carefully implemented. Now, it\'s a controller that\'s much like that of a DC pad and you say "if it aint broke dont fix it"? Oh what a load of crap.
You have to realize that MS just doesn\'t design a controller and say, "Okay, this is it!" No, they test, test, and test! I\'ll say it again, Microsoft didn\'t choose the controller, the gamers that tested it chose it. The majority chose the DC-like design period. Maybe you should have signed up for the focus group Ryu. Every vote counts!
Look, I\'m sure the gamers who thry brought in probably said "We like this, but we dont like this" and they changed it accordingly, suppose again those same gamers said "Make this like the DC controller but with a round D-Pad and a second analog stick like Sony\'s"... That\'s not creative at all. I\'m sorry, but if you think 5000 numbnuts is enough to speak for the millions and millions of gamers in the world, then you are SADLY mistaken and the Japanese gamers have attested to this, quite openly I might add and to put it simply, they hate it, nuff said.
As for innovation, Xbox is the first GAME MACHINE with a built in HDD and an Ethernet port.
So, saying something will be built in instead of an add on is innovative? Suppose Sega released a 32X all in one system, would that be innovative? I don\'t think so. Just goes to show that building something in does not mean innovation when another company will already have done it first. Ethernet support and HDD\'s were announced for both Sega and Sony before MS was even taken seriously about their console so nuts to your supposed innovation brought to us by the almight MS. :rolleyes:
Unlike a "compact design" and the VMU that have added no innovation to GAMES, the Xbox\'s HDD and Ethernet WILL add innovation to GAMES.
The VMU allows me for the first time in GAMING HISTORY to take my characters from the game, download them to my VMU and level them up or improve them while I am away from my console, then, when I take the character back the next day, I can look at my VMU for all his statistics while I roam free on a clear game screen without worrying about seeing health because it\'s on my controller. Lets also not forget that the VMU allows me to see how certain motions are performed from a game on my controller ala, shenmue when doing moves. You should know that though, you supposedly play it a lot more then any PS2 games. :rolleyes:
The DVD movie playback adds absolutely NOTHING to the GAMES. This is all a matter of Microsoft and Sony\'s philosophies. The Xbox is a GAME MACHINE, while PS2 is the Sony Corporation all in one box. Any thing wrong with that? Depends on who you ask. Microsoft did not include DVD movie playback in the box because the developers didn\'t want it. It\'s all about keeping them happy.
Lets see, just using the DVD format in the console for the first time adds a lot to games seeing as how it allows for the largest amount of space on any format in gaming history, another idea MS is now using. Lets also not forget that Sony lovs its developers as much as MS does supposedly and it sounds like Squaresoft is pretty happy where they are, especially since they have yet to announce their loyalty to MS even though you said they would at the CES, another sermon wasted right, Revvy?
Also, lets not praise the X-Box for being a game machine here when it is CLEARLY more then that when it has an HD and an ehternet port and DVD playback. Having it to where it can play DVD\'s with or without the inclusion of a remote does not make it ANY LESS of a DVD player then Sony\'s machine. you said "so what, 30 bucks for a remote" well, now, that\'s a bit of a double edged sword isn\'t it? To make developers happy, you gotta pay 30-50 extra dollars, does that make you happy especially when that money could be used towards a game or some other peripheral?
Developers were worried about the PS2 situation...keep in mind that the Konami\'s and the EA\'s won\'t make money off of DVD movie sales. They wanted to make sure that their games would sell and so Microsoft included DVD movie playback as an OPTION.
Last I checked, develoeprs were pleased with the sales of the PS2 software given the amount available to the public as present. So, what\'s your point? Sure, developers don\'t make any money off of DVD sales, but it seems they are making plenty of money off of gamesales instead. Developers unhappy about DVD playback? I think that\'s a rumor you can put to rest after past Christmas sales of the PS2 software dont you think, Revvy?
Ryu, do you have a PS2? Do you watch DVD movies? If so, did you purchase a remote and reciever for it? Thank you.
Actually, no I didn\'t at first. I was content with the controller and can easily say that for every person who has a ps2, not all of them have a remote and are content with their controller, but the fact of having a choice for their medium is great, something MS does not give you since you end up paying for the DVD player REGARDLESS of the remote you buy, unless they drop the price of the console and make the remote cost 200 dollars which I seriously doubt they will do.
Excluding DVD movie playback will have zero effect on the games. Just as you complain about Xbox not having movie playback, I can complain about PS2 lacking a HDD/Ethernet, except my complaint would be legit. A HDD/Ethernet ADD-ON will split the GAMES market which is bad for Sony. A $30 remote package for the Xbox does not. If you want to watch movies, fine. If you don\'t, fine. But all Xboxes will be the same hardware-wise. Can we say the same about PS2?
The fact that you miss is that the consumer STILL pays for a DVD player in the console as well. what\'s the point of paying extra for a feature you may or may not use. Lets put that to test again with ethernet support. How many people in the US and Japan really have broadband support? Not nearly as much as the 56K market by a long shot, but hey, with the PS2, we got a choice thanks to the USB ports on the front of the machine and current USB modems, but I guess that Ethernet I am paying extra money for is useless if I dont have broadband, right? Lets also not forget the implication of an HD for games is useful only in the way for saving the entire game to the HD and decreasing load times, but that doesn\'t mean load times are non existant at all, and what good is dling certain expansions for games if I don\'t have BB in my house... does that mean I payed all this money so games load faster? hah, pure genius when it comes to money suction on MS\'s part, but you buy into it as if it was the greatest thing since canned ham. :rolleyes:
Now answer this, do I have to pay extra for the HDD and the ethernet adapter if I dont have BB in my house? Not with Sony. You see, no games, I repeat, NO GAMES will require a HDD for the Sony system. Sure, there will be benefits to having both the BB and the HDD, but by no means will you need it to play your favorite games just like how Sega does not require you to go online to dl certain things that would fix bugs in the game, but if you ever wanted to, you HAVE THE OPTION of doing so. Unlike X-Box, you pay for peripherals, expensive ones at that, that you may or may not use... I may not buy a DVD remote, but I pay for it anyways and I may not have BB, but I have to buy that ethernet adapter anyways... and if I have a 56K service? Well, I guess I am **** out of luck then huh? Oh well.
I can name TWO things on the Xbox that will effect the way you play games.
1. Hard Disk Drive
2. Ethernet
But Sony offers them first, so what\'s your point on them offering it when it\'s clear that Sony will be the first to offer an HDD and Sega is the first to offer Ethernet support? What exactly is MS bringing when the ideas are already done?
As for games, all you want is better graphics and you can tell that by your sig so you don\'t even qualify to speak of such things ok, revvy?