1-GB might not be a console, but like Altered said, Atari did it too. Sony isn\'t the first.
2-Using usb isn\'t a big deal, mice and keyboards...bah! It\'s the first to do it, but its not innovative.
3-Glad we agree.
4-It\'s not a double standard. Add-ons aren\'t as innovative as including it w/ the system. The ONLY reason your seeing a HD/Ethernet adapter this year from Sony is because of XB. If having somthing packed in isn\'t innovative, then Sony is less innovative than before.
5-I don\'t know about japan specifically, but other systems played VCD\'s befor PSX. 3D0 and Saturn could play VCD\'s. But having it OOB is innovative (like XB) and it\'d be hypocritical not to give it a point for that.. although it has 0 effect on games...point revoked!
6-No, I just can\'t agree. The \'enhancments are nearly non existant in 95% of the games....about the same percent as bleem PC.
7-10-Glad we agree.
PS2\'s numbers remain 2 or 3, as before.
1) Atari did it, but their games did NOT improve with the new console. As I said before, any improvement, no matter how insignificant, is more then none.
2) It is innovative as soon as it uses a device that was or has yet to have been used before. The possibility is there and that\'s enough to be innovative. If it uses a camera, will that satisfy you? Sheesh, some people are just so fraggin hard to please.
4) That\'s by far the most incorrect statement out of the 7. Sony\'s initial plans were for a full blown BROADBAND only network from the start in 2001. This was Sony\'s original plan since the PS2\'s release date was solidified for its Japanese release. That was nearly 2 years ago, but X-Box was shown and announced specifically with all its components, what, 3 weeks ago? Point is, Sony did it first or will do it first and beating MS to the punch gives Sony yet another advantage. Having it built in or added on does not subtract from the fact of who was the first to do it... I give Sega credit for having both the first 32-bit ADD-on AND the first 32-bit system. Also, don\'t confuse having something packed in with something done first. If you\'re the first to do something, it\'s innovative, but if it\'s not the first, then it\'s either an improvement or just a knock off.
5) I don\'t think so. The medium itself effects games. Just like how CD format was a big factor for Square leaving Nintendo. If this wasn\'t the case, we\'d all still be with carts.
6) That\'s just not true. Load times or minimal graphic enhancements are better then none. Any improvement is a good one otherwise we\'d be stuck with the same crap for years to come.
I\'m not gonna bother giving a number ratio anymore. I have my reasons for saying they are innovative and you have yours for saying they aren\'t, but I know the only way we can agree is to agree to disagree. Maybe innovation is a series of exceptions as you put it, or maybe it\'s the first to do something different as I put it, but who can say for sure? No dictionary definition can settle this and that\'s for damn sure.
It (XB\'s HD & Ethernet) IS innovative as 1-It\'s OOB, and 2-It actually can enhance games themselves. Unlike PS2\'s HD/Ethernet, and DC\'s Ethernet, it can actually be used by most XB owners...the mainstream won\'t be picking up all the peripherals. Sega owns online in innovation because 1-They had the 56k OOB, and 2-Despite it being a addon, it\'s first to offer Ethernet. I don\'t have a double standard. If Sega had no OOB modem and just came out w/a add-on, I\'d be just as critical of them.
Look, OOB or not, I still think the first to do anything in anyways gets the title of innovation. I don\'t care how you put it, but if Sony came out with a built in VMU in the controller to where the data is saved and the controller acts as a handheld in itself, I\'d still give credit to Sega for doing it first, not to Sony cuz they did it OOB.
Uhhh...LOTS of ppl on this very board give Sony credit for their controller, despite the analog and rumble ideas were taken from Nintendo. And they deserve their accolades for being the first to include rumble IN the controller, and the extra analog. XB is the first to include all the features it does by default OOB, and they do get a point for doing so.
Wait a sec... you think the DS2 is innovative... name ONE thing about it that sets it one step above the DS2 that makes it innovative. Name one thing and I\'ll consider it, and those slots on the back don\'t count because they don\'t enhance gameplay. Prove one thing that sets it a step above the Sony controller and I just might give it a point.
XB\'s hardware isn\'t a step back. Infact, it\'s 1-More powerful than PS2, and 2-Much easier to develope for.
Remember the TV analogy as far as technological innovation goes and you\'ll see my point. Consoles were not meant to be based off of PC architecture and the reason why we buy consoles is because of that fact and I\'m sorry you don\'t see it.
You didn\'t have any answers in your post that satisfied me...
Of course not. We both have ground that we\'re unwilling to give up. That\'s what debates are all about, but stating that gets us nowhere