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Author Topic: The Japanese hate the Xbox!  (Read 11379 times)

Offline Chrono
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The Japanese hate the Xbox!
« Reply #60 on: January 11, 2001, 07:06:00 AM »
Originally posted by EThugg
Originally posted by Chrono
EThugg MY GOD!!
I thought that post was by the reverand!
Just read ryu\'s above comments...

Ryu\'s post is too long. Make your own reply pussy. Nothing I said was wrong. [/B]

Yes, stuff you said WAS wrong

Its not too long, you just don\'t want to/ can\'t read beacuse
1.)The vocabularly level in the writing is too high standard for you
2.)You are worried about facing the truth
3.)You are worried you will see the truth
4.)It makes you angry


I guess it just shows how mature Microsoft fanboys are...
I\'ve never stooped so low to call somebody a pussy, i\'ve called people uninteligent, fanboys and other similar names, but i\'ve never had to go so low to feel any satisfaction, you are one of the disgraces of this forum!

EDIT: Or as you would say, "is that the best you can do?"

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The Japanese hate the Xbox!
« Reply #61 on: January 11, 2001, 07:42:19 AM »
Originally posted by Chrono
The ps2 is the first console with
1.) Back-Compatiblity
2.) 2 USB ports
3.) Firewire (ILINK)
4.) Truely expandable console, with major plans
5.) DVD playback out of the box.
6.) to play your older games better
7.) modern design
8.) pressure sensative buttons
9.) DVD medium
10.) The first have ethernet/hardrive (sorry, they will be out before your x-box)

WOW! thats ten things
and you only have two
Both of which is not unique and the ps2 will accomplish before the x-box release
so in other words, what is so innovative about the x-box!

I love how you take nothing, and try to make it into something and include to much bulls*it that it seems like alot.

umm, this is kind of dumb, Atari 5200 had Backwards compatibility, Dreamcast is truly expandable (broadband, zip drive, etc.), Dreamcast has pressure analog buttons, (granted I dont think they need pressure sensitive located anywhere else :)) X-Box will have the first Built in hard-drive and ethernet. And Dreamcast already broadband.

Be it that every console has some innovation basically. But alot ofthis stuff is just false. And add-ons really don\'t count.

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The Japanese hate the Xbox!
« Reply #62 on: January 11, 2001, 07:50:05 AM »
Originally posted by Ryu

1-Read interviews w/ developers. MS has the best creative support team for developers *ever*.

Dude, claiming a company has a *Creative support team* does not make it innovative just like how sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.

ROFL, :laughing: that\'s got to be quote of the week IMO. That\'s funny, nice one Ryu.
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The Japanese hate the Xbox!
« Reply #63 on: January 14, 2001, 04:50:53 PM »
Only reason they hate the XBOX is because it is BIG. they like small consoles because it makes them feel better about their tiny ****s...

Offline Chrono
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« Reply #64 on: January 14, 2001, 04:57:12 PM »
Originally posted by david42018
Only reason they hate the XBOX is because it is BIG. they like small consoles because it makes them feel better about their tiny ****s...  

and you would know this.. how?

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The Japanese hate the Xbox!
« Reply #65 on: January 14, 2001, 05:02:58 PM »
iiiim nnnot gayyy... :sconf:

Offline EThugg
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« Reply #66 on: January 14, 2001, 05:31:27 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu
1-Gameboy had backwards compatability first.
2-USB ports do not enhance gameplay.
3-See number 2.
4-So was Genesis and N64. No innovation here.
5-That doesn\'t affect games themselves.
6-The enhancements are minimal.
7-What? WTF does that do for the games? Pull your head out of your ass.
8-Bravo! That\'s one for Sony!
9-While not as innovative as cd\'s were (it\'s just a extention of it), Sony was the first console w/
It. That\'s 2 for Sony.
10-Ethernet...sorry, Sega has you beat. HD? Well, it will be the first (probably) , but being a add-on, it\'ll likely fail. XB including it means the feature will be more successful by default than Sony\'s. So that\'s well, I\'ll give em the point for Sony anyways, they are the first.

1-But it can be argued that it is not a console either.  I can say that I play my older games for my old TI-86 on a new TI-90 graphing calculator and consider that backwards compatible, but that\'s not really a console either now is it?

2-Perhaps not, but they do if you want to use a USB mouse and keyboard you already own rather then buying a new set.  It also opens up the field for many different peripherals from many different companies that never were open before, like digital cameras, USB modems, or maybe even those new optical mice.

3-This was mostly for Sony peripherals like their memory stick, but in either case, it does not help in games as far as I know.

4-If by expansion he meant ethernet and HDD, well, it\'s pretty innovative by your standards.  PS2 is getting the HD first and X-Box is getting it second, how does that make it to where PS2 is not innovative for doing it, but X-Box is?  Another contradiction, just like you claiming X-Box gets points for innovation on the ethernet adapter when you say Sega is the first to do it (Today) hands down?  get Altered Feast in here, we got another double standard.

5-True, but it\'s still the first console to ever do it, just like how Sony had the first console in Japan to ever play VCD\'s.

6-Any enhancement, no matter how minimal, is still an enhancement.  Just like Windows Service packs, if you didn\'t have them for 98, you\'d be suseptible to certain hacks and more crashes so the enhancements are good no matter how insignificant.

7-No arguement here

8-At least you and I see eye to eye.  No pun intended.

9-Read number 8.


Looks more like 5 rather then 3 to me.

1-Read interviews w/ developers. MS has the best creative support team for developers *ever*.

Dude, claiming a company has a *Creative support team* does not make it innovative just like how sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.

2-Will have broadband and a HD out of the box.

That isn\'t innovative if another console has it available, it\'s just the people who don\'t want it won\'t buy it.  All because it\'s not included out of the box does not mean it doesn\'t have it, just like how the X-Box does DVD and how Sega does the 32X... you pawn off the ethernet adapter out of the box to be innovative, but give credit to sega for the first to have it?  That doesn\'t make any sense.  If anything, Sega gets all the credit for it and you can\'t refute that since you already said they did :)

3-The best controller ever. Maybe they stole plenty of seperate ideas to make it, but it is the best controller ever. Innovative? Not too much, but since it\'s the only controller to have everything it does, and it\'ll be the most funtional one ever, it\'s just too good not to give a point to. (Hey, Sony only \'kinda deserved there last \'point\' I gave em)

You don\'t get points for innovation when you steal ideas.  Sorry, that\'s just fact.  No one gave credit to sony for being innovative when they doubled up on the N64\'s single analog stick so why should MS get credit for making a rehash?  Answer:  They Dont.

Looks like 5-0 in my book.

2-Modem. DC has a modem o.o.b. It has a broadband adapter out now. It wins the online innovation hands down.

You cant give credit for X-Box on having broadband when you give credit to sega here "hands down" just like I said above.

Thats all that comes to mind here. So if your counting, its 3-3-3, or if your cynical, and wouldn\'t give credit for the last ones for each, its 2-2-2

I count 5-0-3, maybe my math is off?  Maybe yours is?  I\'m not the one who contradicted myself though so my figures look correct.

Nintendo GC.
1-I\'m thinking, but I can\'t think of anything that would affect gameplay....NGC will be more about breakthrough games, than breakthrough technology that will aid games. Little help with this one? Anyone??

So true.  Nintendo does bring more to the table software wise then they ever do hardware wise.

You might be thinking, why does it seem so... well, bad? Surely there\'s more innovation than this! Have you been paying attention? There\'s little innovation so far by any of the 4 companies. Even with the generous optimists numbers, 3-3-3-0, these innovations still pale in comparison with good ol\'creative developers. Nintendo and Sega got the best in that field. Whats the point of my rambling??? I\'ve been sniffing glue, don\'t ask me. But it might be something like this: Stop whining company X is less innovative than company Y, because, in the end, it\'s the games, and the developers that make em, that matter.

Hardware spawns ideas.  If hardware takes a step back, so does the games.  It\'s that simple and why I do not like MS\'s presence in the upcoming console fued.  Hinder an idea because of hardware restraints and the ideas get pushed off the table.  Remember what Hideo Kojima said: "In MGS, there was so many things I wanted to do but never could because the PSX was so limited, but thanks to the PS2\'s great leap in hardware, many of those lost ideas have been realised."

Ryu\'s post is too long. Make your own reply pussy. Nothing I said was wrong.

Heh, you tell him to make his own reply then say mine is too long even though it has all the answers you need.  if things were really that simple, I\'d be sure to give you the downsized cliff note versions, but this is a forum and my ideas may be long winded, but they\'re always educated and thought out which is something I can\'t say when it comes to most of the spam on this forum.  If only people would read most of the stuff on here, they might learn a little something about consoles and games, but sadly, that\'s just not the case as you have demonstrated here. [/B]

1-GB might not be a console, but like Altered said, Atari did it too. Sony isn\'t the first.

2-Using usb isn\'t a big deal, mice and keyboards...bah! It\'s the first to do it, but its not innovative.

3-Glad we agree.

4-It\'s not a double standard. Add-ons aren\'t as innovative as including it w/ the system. The ONLY reason your seeing a HD/Ethernet adapter this year from Sony is because of XB. If having somthing packed in isn\'t innovative, then Sony is less innovative than before.

5-I don\'t know about japan specifically, but other systems played VCD\'s befor PSX. 3D0 and Saturn could play VCD\'s. But having it OOB is innovative (like XB) and it\'d be hypocritical not to give it a point for that.. although it has 0 effect on games...point revoked!

6-No, I just can\'t agree. The \'enhancments are nearly non existant in 95% of the games....about the same percent as bleem PC.

7-10-Glad we agree.

PS2\'s numbers remain 2 or 3, as before.

Ok, ill skip the support team, although it IS important to have a good one, and everything I\'ve heard from magazines, and interviews sez they have the best...

It (XB\'s HD & Ethernet) IS innovative as 1-It\'s OOB, and 2-It actually can enhance games themselves. Unlike PS2\'s HD/Ethernet, and DC\'s Ethernet, it can actually be used by most XB owners...the mainstream won\'t be picking up all the peripherals. Sega owns online in innovation because 1-They had the 56k OOB, and 2-Despite it being a addon, it\'s first to offer Ethernet. I don\'t have a double standard. If Sega had no OOB modem and just came out w/a add-on, I\'d be just as critical of them.

Uhhh...LOTS of ppl on this very board give Sony credit for their controller, despite the analog and rumble ideas were taken from Nintendo. And they deserve their accolades for being the first to include rumble IN the controller, and the extra analog. XB is the first to include all the features it does by default OOB, and they do get a point for doing so.

Looks like 2 or 3 to 2....not quite the same as what you were going for...It must be your math. :p

XB\'s hardware isn\'t a step back. Infact, it\'s 1-More powerful than PS2, and 2-Much easier to develope for.

You didn\'t have any answers in your post that satisfied me... And Chrono should reply to specific points I made that were in reply to his post. Your post has nothing to do with why I disagreed with his list.
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« Reply #67 on: January 14, 2001, 05:43:02 PM »
Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by EThugg
Originally posted by Chrono
EThugg MY GOD!!
I thought that post was by the reverand!
Just read ryu\'s above comments...

Ryu\'s post is too long. Make your own reply pussy. Nothing I said was wrong. [/B]

Yes, stuff you said WAS wrong

Its not too long, you just don\'t want to/ can\'t read beacuse
1.)The vocabularly level in the writing is too high standard for you
2.)You are worried about facing the truth
3.)You are worried you will see the truth
4.)It makes you angry


I guess it just shows how mature Microsoft fanboys are...
I\'ve never stooped so low to call somebody a pussy, i\'ve called people uninteligent, fanboys and other similar names, but i\'ve never had to go so low to feel any satisfaction, you are one of the disgraces of this forum!

EDIT: Or as you would say, "is that the best you can do?" [/B]

No, the stuff I said WASN\'T wrong!

It is long, but...
1-My vocabulary is fine thank you. No one else I knew read at a college level in grade school. (I was tested, because I was considered weird, \'cause I didn\'t participate.)
2-I know the truth already, and I say nothing but.
3-See 2
4-Nothing makes me \'angry\'. I\'m a very centered person...

What are you gonna do? BAN ME? ROTFL!! If what I said was violating any rules, I\'d have been warned by someone who has some POWER....:p

That\'s funny, Soulgrind called me a Nintendo fanboy... odd... Does the word \'pussy\' offend you? Disgrace huh?  That\'s just mean! :( ..... :D
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

Offline Chrono
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« Reply #68 on: January 14, 2001, 05:48:29 PM »
*alarm sounding*
bullsh*t alert!

"4-It\'s not a double standard. Add-ons aren\'t as innovative as including it w/ the system. The ONLY reason your seeing a HD/Ethernet adapter this year from Sony is because of XB. If having somthing packed in isn\'t innovative, then Sony is less innovative than before.

5-I don\'t know about japan specifically, but other systems played VCD\'s befor PSX. 3D0 and Saturn could play VCD\'s. But having it OOB is innovative (like XB) and it\'d be hypocritical not to give it a point for that.. although it has 0 effect on games...point revoked! "

Your kidding me right
Sony has had the plan to bring out these things way before the directportbox ever was annouced... you are such a idiot, or as you would put it, "pussy" to think that.

Beacuse it can play DVD\'s, that means more causual gamers will buy the console, which means more companies will make games for it, and there are more innovative games for the console..

MSFANBOY unvelied, I told all your forums goers all along he was, and now everybody knows for sure... how hilarious

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« Reply #69 on: January 14, 2001, 05:55:09 PM »
Originally posted by Chrono
*alarm sounding*
bullsh*t alert!

"4-It\'s not a double standard. Add-ons aren\'t as innovative as including it w/ the system. The ONLY reason your seeing a HD/Ethernet adapter this year from Sony is because of XB. If having somthing packed in isn\'t innovative, then Sony is less innovative than before.

5-I don\'t know about japan specifically, but other systems played VCD\'s befor PSX. 3D0 and Saturn could play VCD\'s. But having it OOB is innovative (like XB) and it\'d be hypocritical not to give it a point for that.. although it has 0 effect on games...point revoked! "

Your kidding me right
Sony has had the plan to bring out these things way before the directportbox ever was annouced... you are such a idiot, or as you would put it, "pussy" to think that.

Beacuse it can play DVD\'s, that means more causual gamers will buy the console, which means more companies will make games for it, and there are more innovative games for the console..

MSFANBOY unvelied, I told all your forums goers all along he was, and now everybody knows for sure... how hilarious

Does this mean you agree with everything else? :)

4-I didn\'t say Sony didn\'t announce it first. Apparently English isn\'t your first language... The only reason it\'s comming out *THIS YEAR*. If XB wasn\'t around, It wouldn\'t come out this year.

5-No, assuming it will infact persuade mainstreamers, there will be more mainstream garbage.

I\'m glad your the official fan-boy nominator...:D moron... You were wrong before, and your wrong now... how hilarious!
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« Reply #70 on: January 14, 2001, 06:07:59 PM »
ahh.. I see now
You are the son of REVERAND X BOX!!
no wonder... I was mistaken all along...

I hereby resign this thread beacuse.... Ethugg you are a moron. A brick wall if u will. There is no point in talking too a wall. When they don\'t understand you anyway. They are too thick.

Here is what you are, just as a reminder so you don\'t forget on how to act: "Fanboy: someone whom doesn\'t believe or want too believe anything that is PROVEN fact. They deny everything too make there system better. Or a system they hate worse."

RYU may reply, and i\'m sure he will, a more inteligent human being then yourself. I am done with your lame biased fanboy views and hope from this all the forum goers know how much a fanboy you really are. Just beacuse you buy stuff from all console does not mean your not a fanboy. Beacuse you still obviously are.

and BTW, all forum goers, be carefull what information you give beacuse he will message you on ICQ and bother you, I hate fanboys who even go so far to find your ICQ number then message you to just say they replied to your message. That people is the ultimate lamer.

he just said to me on ICQ "EThugg: You ARE a little *****....****sucker"

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« Reply #71 on: January 14, 2001, 06:26:42 PM »
Originally posted by Chrono
ahh.. I see now
You are the son of REVERAND X BOX!!
no wonder... I was mistaken all along...

I hereby resign this thread beacuse.... Ethugg you are a moron. A brick wall if u will. There is no point in talking too a wall. When they don\'t understand you anyway. They are too thick.

Here is what you are, just as a reminder so you don\'t forget on how to act: "Fanboy: someone whom doesn\'t believe or want too believe anything that is PROVEN fact. They deny everything too make there system better. Or a system they hate worse."

RYU may reply, and i\'m sure he will, a more inteligent human being then yourself. I am done with your lame biased fanboy views and hope from this all the forum goers know how much a fanboy you really are. Just beacuse you buy stuff from all console does not mean your not a fanboy. Beacuse you still obviously are.

and BTW, all forum goers, be carefull what information you give beacuse he will message you on ICQ and bother you, I hate fanboys who even go so far to find your ICQ number then message you to just say they replied to your message. That people is the ultimate lamer.

Yes, yes...very mature. You lost the argument and stormed of like a little kid...

I\'m a wall? So your saying that your dumber than a wall?

I\'ve denied NO proven fact\'s. If your accusing me of such, then provide quotes. No quotes? Oh yea... that\'s because I never did that. I\'ve said it before, and I\'ll say it again. I don\'t have \'a\' console. I have every console, and love games on every system. It must be hard for a Sony fan-boy like you to understand, actually liking every system. I\'m critical of PS2, because there\'s reason to be. If you can\'t handle that Sony-boy, too bad for you.

I welcome Ryu\'s response on any real issues, he replies to things I say, unlike you who makes a blanket \'I\'m right, your wrong\' statements. You calling me a fanboy doesn\'t make me one. Everyone here will draw their own conclusions, not your conclusion.

If I bothered you on icq, all you had to do was say so. I don\'t look up ppl. Soulgrind and me were discussing PC gaming, and we strongly disagree\'d. He gave me icq #\'s to ask \'anybody\', because he felt everyone would agree with him. That\'s fine. I asked you if you had a problem with me icq\'ing you, you said no. Don\'t act like a ***** now, just \'cause I don\'t agree with you.
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« Reply #72 on: January 14, 2001, 07:30:24 PM »
No, only a biased person like you would agree.
Name one thing that MS has done creative and innovative to the console industy, and untill you do I will always shoot your creative crap down. [/B][/QUOTE]                                                                                                                                                                                            To be true MS did do a creative thing in allowing the developers and the gamers themselves to acually design the X-box.(see latest EGM) They acually went to thousands of homes and talked to gamers asking them what they wanted finding that most homes the systems were played on the floor. EA was a major contributer to the internal design of the machine. I believe the X-box will be solid.

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« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 04:23:29 PM by jiggs »
But captain what will we do for the pain? You scream for the pain!

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The Japanese hate the Xbox!
« Reply #73 on: January 14, 2001, 08:10:04 PM »
1-GB might not be a console, but like Altered said, Atari did it too. Sony isn\'t the first.
2-Using usb isn\'t a big deal, mice and keyboards...bah! It\'s the first to do it, but its not innovative.
3-Glad we agree.
4-It\'s not a double standard. Add-ons aren\'t as innovative as including it w/ the system. The ONLY reason your seeing a HD/Ethernet adapter this year from Sony is because of XB. If having somthing packed in isn\'t innovative, then Sony is less innovative than before.
5-I don\'t know about japan specifically, but other systems played VCD\'s befor PSX. 3D0 and Saturn could play VCD\'s. But having it OOB is innovative (like XB) and it\'d be hypocritical not to give it a point for that.. although it has 0 effect on games...point revoked!
6-No, I just can\'t agree. The \'enhancments are nearly non existant in 95% of the games....about the same percent as bleem PC.
7-10-Glad we agree.
PS2\'s numbers remain 2 or 3, as before.

1) Atari did it, but their games did NOT improve with the new console.  As I said before, any improvement, no matter how insignificant, is more then none.

2) It is innovative as soon as it uses a device that was or has yet to have been used before.  The possibility is there and that\'s enough to be innovative.  If it uses a camera, will that satisfy you?  Sheesh, some people are just so fraggin hard to please.

4) That\'s by far the most incorrect statement out of the 7.  Sony\'s initial plans were for a full blown BROADBAND only network from the start in 2001.  This was Sony\'s original plan since the PS2\'s release date was solidified for its Japanese release.  That was nearly 2 years ago, but X-Box was shown and announced specifically with all its components, what, 3 weeks ago?  Point is, Sony did it first or will do it first and beating MS to the punch gives Sony yet another advantage.  Having it built in or added on does not subtract from the fact of who was the first to do it... I give Sega credit for having both the first 32-bit ADD-on AND the first 32-bit system.  Also, don\'t confuse having something packed in with something done first.  If you\'re the first to do something, it\'s innovative, but if it\'s not the first, then it\'s either an improvement or just a knock off.

5) I don\'t think so.  The medium itself effects games.  Just like how CD format was a big factor for Square leaving Nintendo.  If this wasn\'t the case, we\'d all still be with carts.

6) That\'s just not true.  Load times or minimal graphic enhancements are better then none.  Any improvement is a good one otherwise we\'d be stuck with the same crap for years to come.

I\'m not gonna bother giving a number ratio anymore.  I have my reasons for saying they are innovative and you have yours for saying they aren\'t, but I know the only way we can agree is to agree to disagree.  Maybe innovation is a series of exceptions as you put it, or maybe it\'s the first to do something different as I put it, but who can say for sure?  No dictionary definition can settle this and that\'s for damn sure.

It (XB\'s HD & Ethernet) IS innovative as 1-It\'s OOB, and 2-It actually can enhance games themselves. Unlike PS2\'s HD/Ethernet, and DC\'s Ethernet, it can actually be used by most XB owners...the mainstream won\'t be picking up all the peripherals. Sega owns online in innovation because 1-They had the 56k OOB, and 2-Despite it being a addon, it\'s first to offer Ethernet. I don\'t have a double standard. If Sega had no OOB modem and just came out w/a add-on, I\'d be just as critical of them.

Look, OOB or not, I still think the first to do anything in anyways gets the title of innovation.  I don\'t care how you put it, but if Sony came out with a built in VMU in the controller to where the data is saved and the controller acts as a handheld in itself, I\'d still give credit to Sega for doing it first, not to Sony cuz they did it OOB.

Uhhh...LOTS of ppl on this very board give Sony credit for their controller, despite the analog and rumble ideas were taken from Nintendo. And they deserve their accolades for being the first to include rumble IN the controller, and the extra analog. XB is the first to include all the features it does by default OOB, and they do get a point for doing so.

Wait a sec... you think the DS2 is innovative... name ONE thing about it that sets it one step above the DS2 that makes it innovative.  Name one thing and I\'ll consider it, and those slots on the back don\'t count because they don\'t enhance gameplay.  Prove one thing that sets it a step above the Sony controller and I just might give it a point.

XB\'s hardware isn\'t a step back. Infact, it\'s 1-More powerful than PS2, and 2-Much easier to develope for.

Remember the TV analogy as far as technological innovation goes and you\'ll see my point.  Consoles were not meant to be based off of PC architecture and the reason why we buy consoles is because of that fact and I\'m sorry you don\'t see it.

You didn\'t have any answers in your post that satisfied me...

Of course not.  We both have ground that we\'re unwilling to give up.  That\'s what debates are all about, but stating that gets us nowhere :)
Don\'t you ever touch my cape.

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« Reply #74 on: January 14, 2001, 09:05:54 PM »
I was wondering where this went.
I was looking for it for awhile.
I love this thread.
None of the main combatants will admit this i dont
think, but both sides have been making great points,
the only time I\'ve seen this handled well.


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