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Author Topic: X-Box Vs PS2????  (Read 5798 times)

Offline Sublimesjg
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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2001, 07:58:25 PM »
So do u feel better after getting all that out.

Actually i liked most of what you posted, but. . .
there is no real proof of what either xbox or gamecube aare capable of or sony for that matter unless you can predic t the future - unless you do that than all of your comments and theirs are speculation

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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2001, 09:24:45 AM »
." I mean how many of us hardcore gamers who play 15 hours a week would want to play som crappy game about a girl named malice!?!?"

I do!!!!  I love platform and adventure games above anything else.  And that game looks amazing!  I also want to play Halo, and Fate.  And rumours are flying that X-box will get Crazy Taxi 3...exclusively!!  

I say, wait until E3 too make any more assumptions guys.  The war is far from over, hell, it hasn\'t even started!

Offline ElAsesino
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Hmm... I disagree
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2001, 01:28:38 PM »
  I have to disagree with the XBox vs. PS2 thing.  I don\'t know what will happen for sure, but I think it will be GC vs. XBox for the simple reason that XBox and PS2 are competing in the same category.  There are very few PS2 games that won\'t be on XBox, and you really can\'t deny that.  XBox has a ton of developers, and the majority of them are also PS2 developers.  Casual gamers will more than likely get an XBox after they see PS2 games on it with better graphics.
  Nintendo could survive by themselves if they wanted to, but they have help this time.  They own the younger demographic, so the next thing is the mature demographic.  I\'m not saying that Nintendo will own this demographic too, but I\'m saying that there will be a huge difference between the variety on N64 and the variety that will be on GC.
  This is why I think it will probably come down to XBox and GC, and a lot of XBox and GC supporters think this too.  PS2 is too underpowered compared to GC and XBox.  I\'m sorry to say, but graphics matter just as much as games do to casual gamers.  Look at what happened to DC.  Even though Sega didn\'t market the DC as they should have, it still had tons of AAA games.  This traveled by word of mouth, but people decided against getting it because of the PS2 being more technologically advanced than the DC.  How is this going to be different for the PS2? It\'s even worse for PS2 because Sony totally depends on 3rd parties unlike Sega.  I honestly think that if there are a lot of ports this console war (which it looks as if this will happen), then the PS2 will be in deep trouble.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

Offline BizioEE

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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2001, 02:25:08 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
Yes! A thread with numerous idiot replies for me to destroy! I love this!

Who will come out on top when the dust is settled down..Dreamcast tried to overcome PS &PS2 but to no avail...i think sony will keeping kicking a$$ through out the console future..

And you think this because...(elaberate on your post)

How so when the psx2 is a overhyped flawed piece of hardware, that will crumble in game and graphics quality compared when the xbox and Nintendo GameCube.

This is my opinion, i feel sonner or later all the psx2 fans will see that sony will not live up the the ps0 nor come any close. The fact we are hardcore gammers, but it\'s the casual gammer that makes up most of the industry. With that being said the casual gammer sosen\'t know **** compared to us on the net. So they very easly buy into the hype having no idea about psx2 just that\'s it the new sony gam machine. They will payt greatly for there ignorence, when they see xbox and GC.

Again this is jsut my opinon, and if you like PSX2 then fine, i respect that but i beleieve the casual gammer will be the real loser here.

My god your stupid. I\'m not talking about your uneducated opinion, I\'m talking about your horrible spelling and gramar. Please,leave here and go back to school. We would all want that.

You need a good doctor:laughing: Jumpy-Boy:D


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Offline BizioEE

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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2001, 02:35:36 PM »

Xbxo has a PIII processor the PS2 uses the EE which destroys Xbox in processing power. Xbox will have better graphics but the PS2 can do alot of things simulataneously that Xbox will never be able to pull off

I\'m sorry to say this but your dead wrong. So the EE is stronger than the PIII,so what? PS2 relies on the EE, with Xbox its different. The Xbox has it\'s awesome graphics chip and it\'s respectable processor, the PS2 has a ****ty graphics chip(compared to Xbox)and an awesome processer. Make no mistake people,the Xbox is the more powerfull machine,it will have much better graphics than PS2.

yes:rolleyes:...because you are a "hardware genius"...X-Box won\'t have better graphics in the overall aspect...and however you understand nothing about hardware so close your mouth!:D

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Offline BizioEE

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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2001, 02:49:24 PM »

The Games will make PS2 GREAT...not the fact it is Hyped...Can you play GT on GameCube?...NO...so if you like this game you have to buy a PS2!...Will you play Tekken 4 or Virtua Fighter 4 on GameCube?...No...

My god that sounded really dumb. You brought up three examples...how pittyful. If you think three games is enough to prove your theory,then you are a fool.

  • First: GT alone is enough to prove my Theory:D
  • second: GT3,GT4,Tekken4,VF4(by now),MGS2,Naughty Dog\'s games,FFX,FFXI and they are not the only exclusive titles coming:D...
  • third: You haven\'t understood my point...I mean...each console has its exclusive titles so if you like a particular game you have to buy that particular console...
  • fourth: You are not cute:D


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Offline BizioEE

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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2001, 03:06:48 PM »

PS2 Hyped?...Sony said PS2 can produce Movie-like graphics...and...yes...PS2 can really produce what Sony said

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!! So you trust reliable old Sony huh?Man your some lost. I guess you think the PS2 can do 66mpps huh? And if you think that the quality of PS2 graphics are at the same level as FMVs,then your simply blind.

...Capcom said that Devil May Cry is better in real time than RE series in CG:D...and it\'s only an early second generation game:)...you are blind!

PS2 will show everything Sony has promised...and even More

PS2 has showned nothing it\'s promsied and probably won\'t promise more because they know they can\'t deliver. Man your one true fanboy...

...oh yes...MGS2 and GT3 is nothing:rolleyes:
...and you are not a FanBoy Jumpy-Boy :laughing:

Remember...only Great games make a Great Console...and...Yeah...PS2 will have GREAT GAMES

Big deal.Xbox and GameCube will have great games aswell.

Did I say GameCube won\'t have wonderful games??...Nope...you are not cute again because you didn\'t undestand my point again:D

Do a [favour] to everybody............Make a little jump on a GCforum:D


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« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2001, 03:09:12 PM »
LOL. So,someone has intelligence to reply back to my post, how hilarious!

You need a good doctor Jumpy-Boy

...Is that all you got? If that\'s the best flame you can come up with then I suggest you to jump off a cliff cause life isn\'t for the weak and retarded you know.:laughing:

yes...because you are a "hardware genius

Hey ElAsesino seems to think the same way. I guess were both idiots right? :rolleyes:

First: GT alone is enough to prove my Theory

No its not you stupid little ****. One game isn\'t enough to prove anything moron. Especially a racing game.
This is way too easy...I want a freaking challenge,not some fourth grader.

second: GT3,GT4,Tekken4,VF4(by now),MGS2,Naughty Dog\'s games,FFX,FFXI and they are not the only exclusive titles coming...

Yeah but there the only descent ones...

third: You haven\'t understood my point...I mean...each console has its exclusive titles so if you like a particular game you have to buy that particular console...

Try and find your point in here:

PSX2CENTRAL?...your so annoying...
The Games will make PS2 GREAT...not the fact it is Hyped...Can you play GT on GameCube?...NO...so if you like this game you have to buy a PS2!...Will you play Tekken 4 or Virtua Fighter 4 on GameCube?...No...so if......
And MGS2?...ok,ok,if you like Mario you have to buy a GameCube....and...another little thing...PS2 Hyped?...Sony said PS2 can produce Movie-like graphics...and...yes...PS2 can really produce what Sony said!(Capcom said Devil May Cry is better in real time than the CG of The Resident-Evil series on PSX)
...At first Sony wasn\'t sure to include DVD-Movies capabilities...but...at the end...SHE included IT!
At first Sony showed a 250 Mhz Chip capable of processing 55 millions polys/second...and...later the EE of the PS2 capable of 66 millions...so...where is the Hype?
PS2 will show everything Sony has promised...and even More
And X-Box...isn\'t it REALLY HIPED??

You were just trying to make PS2 look good(and I must say, you did a very bad job on doing so),you didn\'t mention or imply about every system having there own exclusives.

Missed your point...bwahahahhahahahaha! What point? That your a biased fanboy? No I think we all got that. :laughing:

fourth: You are not cute

Another awesome flame...bravo Bizio...that makes two. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah,I forgot one of your other idiot remarks.

X-Box won\'t have better graphics in the overall aspect...and however you understand nothing about hardware so close your mouth!


Your all alone on this one kiddo.

Can I ask you a favor? Reply back to my post. I need another good laugh. :laughing:



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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2001, 03:15:49 PM »
Only a word for you...IDIOT:)
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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2001, 03:27:35 PM »
Originally posted by BizioEE
Only a word for you...IDIOT:)


Oh man,thanks for the laugh kid,but I thought you would put up a better response than that. I mean,I saw you when you were arguing with Altered Beast,you never gave up with him even though he was always making you look bad.But only a one line response? What\'s wrong fool?

Offline Sublimesjg
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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #25 on: February 11, 2001, 11:44:00 PM »
ummm ok this got turned into a battle of who can put who down better and i must say BiozEE that you must try harder than that if u expect to beat jumpman at his own game, yea u better try a lot harder obviously

but with that said i think we need to get back to the old and redone over and over topic of XBOX VS PS2

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Offline BizioEE

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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2001, 09:39:12 AM »
Beat?...fight?...what are you saying?:rolleyes:
Jumpy-Boy is only a Nintendo FanBoy who comes here and try to sling mud at PS2!  He\'s one of the most biased person here! I can\'t understand why people don\'t reply to Jumpy when he says biased-things like:"...GT3,MGS2,FFX,Devil May Cry and other are only decent games..."...
why only decent? Because they are PS2\'s games?
Have you played them?...NO!!!  So what the Hell can you write such rubbish!...MGS2 could be one of the most beautiful game ever...or just only a great game...but till you play a game you can\'t speak!
And you speak about Mario,Metroid,and bla bla...have you seen something?...do you think you can deliver a judgement for a movie you\'ve seen?
Do you think your a magician? Can you see the future?
So why are you saying PS2 won\'t show what Sony has promised?
You should wait and see a little more! Don\'t you agree?
and....what have you seen on X-Box? What have you played?
...so...don\'t assail people saying:"fan boy fan boy"...when you are the first to be a FANBOY!  YES! A NINTENDO FANBOY!:D

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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2001, 12:34:35 PM »
Sorry Bizioee,I didn\'t see one of your replies. Thanks for being such a dumb ass,it makes things so much easier for me...sniff*.

Capcom said that Devil May Cry is better in real time than RE series in CG...and it\'s only an early second generation game...you are blind!

I\'m blind? Ha. If you think for one second that Devil May Cry is CG quality then you are a fool.

Honestly,who thinks Devil May Cry is CG quality? I can already guess everyone\'s answer except yours.

oh yes...MGS2 and GT3 is nothing
...and you are not a FanBoy Jumpy-Boy

Ok,now your just starting to piss me off. Your intelligence level was amusing at first but now it\'s just annoying. Please,don\'t reply,I don\'t wanna waste anymore time on some little **** who thinks he\'s tuff.

Two games? That\'s it? Thats just not gonna cut it,your gonna have to do better than that next time. Two games can\'t prove mo hawk ****. Look at Bouncer. It had very high expectations,and what happened? BOMB.

PS2 isn\'t delivering the goods yet. It might within the next year but now it\'s nothing special.

Did I say GameCube won\'t have wonderful games??...Nope...you are not cute again because you didn\'t undestand my point again

WHAT POINT! YOU DIDN\'T HAVE A ****ING POINT YOU MORON. You were just trying to make Sony look good again,you wernt\' trying to prove anything. I was just stating a fact,that Xbox and NGC will have great games too. I don\'t care what you said or didn\'t say,I was just stating a fact idiot.

Do a [favour] to everybody............Make a little jump on a GCforum

Why? So you can run your little mouth without worrying about someone making you look bad?

Now,on to your next post.And thanks for keeping my favour( oh I mispelled a word,my bad):D
Beat?...fight?...what are you saying?

Man I feel like going word for word on this post(oldschool :D)

Jumpy-Boy is only a Nintendo FanBoy who comes here and try to sling mud at PS2!

1.I own a PSX,DC,and N64 and plan on buying a PS2 eventually. I\'m hardly a fanboy,in fact,I\'m not even close to a fanboy. Fanboys are dumb,ignorant,and blind people. They think their console is the best and the rest suck.

You BizioEE are a true Sony fanboy. Your not a zealot yet, but you\'ll get there! Don\'t worry. :D

He\'s one of the most biased person here!

Biased? I\'m able to see the good sides of all console,how can I be biased? So what if I like NIntendo the most. Does that make me biased? Hell no. Get a better argument ****nut cause I\'m losing my interest in this now.

I can\'t understand why people don\'t reply to Jumpy when he says biased-things like:"...GT3,MGS2,FFX,Devil May Cry and other are only decent games..."...
why only decent? Because they are PS2\'s games?

Can I please have my own opinion here? I think GT3,MGS2,and FFX will be great games,but I have no interest in any other games really. Got a problem with that?

Have you played them?...NO!!! So what the Hell can you write such rubbish!...

My god your an idiot. I\'ll say it again in case you didn\'t hear me:OPINION. If you don\'t like it,go **** yourself. You can\'t change it.

...MGS2 could be one of the most beautiful game ever...or just only a great game...but till you play a game you can\'t speak!

I never said anything about MGS2...your starting to scare me now...

And you speak about Mario,Metroid,and bla bla...have you seen something?...do you think you can deliver a judgement for a movie you\'ve seen?

Yes. I\'ve loved every Mario platform  so far. I think I\'ll really enjoy Mario 128 because I loved all the other ones.

Do you think your a magician? Can you see the future?
So why are you saying PS2 won\'t show what Sony has promised?
You should wait and see a little more! Don\'t you agree?

What makes you think that there gonna turn it all around all of a sudden?

and....what have you seen on X-Box? What have you played?

I only said that the Xbox was more powerfull,nothing more.

so...don\'t assail people saying:"fan boy fan boy"...when you are the first to be a FANBOY! YES! A NINTENDO FANBOY

That sounded really immature. "Your a fanboy,yes a fanboy". Cmon how old can you possibly be? 10,11 at the most? If your any higher then I think you would be classified as a retard.:laughing:

Oh good times man...but calling me a fanboy now? Again, I own DC(love it),PSX,and N64. I plan on buying a NGC and PS2 sometime. How can I possibly be a fanboy? I\'ll save you more humiliation by anwsering that myself-I can\'t be. Never have been,never will be. Go to the main forum, I hate fanboy. I make fun of them at every chance I get,and as you can see I\'m not passing this one dowm.


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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2001, 02:00:24 PM »

How so when the psx2 is a overhyped flawed piece of hardware, that will crumble in game and graphics quality compared when the xbox and Nintendo GameCube.

This is my opinion, i feel sonner or later all the psx2 fans will see that sony will not live up the the ps0 nor come any close. The fact we are hardcore gammers, but it\'s the casual gammer that makes up most of the industry. With that being said the casual gammer sosen\'t know **** compared to us on the net. So they very easly buy into the hype having no idea about psx2 just that\'s it the new sony gam machine. They will payt greatly for there ignorence, when they see xbox and GC.

Again this is jsut my opinon, and if you like PSX2 then fine, i respect that but i beleieve the casual gammer will be the real loser here.

My god your stupid. I\'m not talking about your uneducated opinion, I\'m talking about your horrible spelling and gramar. Please,leave here and go back to school. We would all want that.

...nope Jumpy-Cube-Boy...your the only stupid and uneducated here:D

The Games will make PS2 GREAT...not the fact it is Hyped...Can you play GT on GameCube?...NO...so if you like this game you have to buy a PS2!...Will you play Tekken 4 or Virtua Fighter 4 on GameCube?...No...

My god that sounded really dumb. You brought up three examples...how pittyful. If you think three games is enough to prove your theory,then you are a fool.

[opposite of Biozee] Can you play Metroid on PS2?No. Can you play Zelda on PS2? No. Can you play Eternal Darkness or Too Human on PS2?No. Can you play Resident Evil:0 on PS2? No.Can you play Rogue Squadron 2 on PS2? No.[/]

Now do you see how dumb you just sounded?

...your so stupid and so biased(I feel your are a 8 years old child) that you can\'t understand what people says...I mean...I replied to PS2CENTRAL when he said that who has bought a PS2 will payt greatly for there ignorence, when they see xbox and GC...and I said PS2 will have great exclusive and great games coming so if you like for example GT and Tekken or MGS or FF or Naughty Dog games you can choose PS2!...
...and you said:"Can you play Metroid on PS2?No. Can you play Zelda on PS2? No. Can you play Eternal Darkness or Too Human on PS2?No. Can you play Resident Evil:0 on PS2? No.Can you play Rogue Squadron 2 on PS2? No.[/]"...:laughing:...STUPID MONKEY!...can you understand english:D...PSX2CENTRAL,in a word,said that there is no one good reason to buy a overhyped flawed piece of hardware(PS2)...and I replied to this ****...so...tell me in this context the meaning of the GameCube exclusive titles??...you are a moron jumpy-Boy!...I was saying PS2 exclusive can be a reason to choose a PS2 and you replied with......MORON!!!and again MORON :laughing:

PS2 Hyped?...Sony said PS2 can produce Movie-like graphics...and...yes...PS2 can really produce what Sony said

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!! So you trust reliable old Sony huh?Man your some lost. I guess you think the PS2 can do 66mpps huh? And if you think that the quality of PS2 graphics are at the same level as FMVs,then your simply blind.

I think the EE can process 66M poly with z-buffering and a-blending only! not in game IDIOT:D

:bounce: Jumpy-Jumpy-Jumpy-Cube-Boy :bounce:


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X-Box Vs PS2????
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2001, 07:22:24 PM »
Bizio, Jumpman pretty much just molested the argument you had against him.  That was pretty weak.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.


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