Sorry Bizioee,I didn\'t see one of your replies. Thanks for being such a dumb ass,it makes things so much easier for me...sniff*.
Capcom said that Devil May Cry is better in real time than RE series in CG...and it\'s only an early second generation are blind!
I\'m blind? Ha. If you think for one second that Devil May Cry is CG quality then you are a fool.
Honestly,who thinks Devil May Cry is CG quality? I can already guess everyone\'s answer except yours.
oh yes...MGS2 and GT3 is nothing
...and you are not a FanBoy Jumpy-Boy
Ok,now your just starting to piss me off. Your intelligence level was amusing at first but now it\'s just annoying. Please,don\'t reply,I don\'t wanna waste anymore time on some little **** who thinks he\'s tuff.
Two games? That\'s it? Thats just not gonna cut it,your gonna have to do better than that next time. Two games can\'t prove mo hawk ****. Look at Bouncer. It had very high expectations,and what happened? BOMB.
PS2 isn\'t delivering the goods yet. It might within the next year but now it\'s nothing special.
Did I say GameCube won\'t have wonderful games?? are not cute again because you didn\'t undestand my point again
WHAT POINT! YOU DIDN\'T HAVE A ****ING POINT YOU MORON. You were just trying to make Sony look good again,you wernt\' trying to prove anything. I was just stating a fact,that Xbox and NGC will have great games too. I don\'t care what you said or didn\'t say,I was just stating a fact idiot.
Do a [favour] to everybody............Make a little jump on a GCforum
Why? So you can run your little mouth without worrying about someone making you look bad?
Now,on to your next post.And thanks for keeping my favour( oh I mispelled a word,my bad)

Beat?...fight?...what are you saying?
Man I feel like going word for word on this post(oldschool

Jumpy-Boy is only a Nintendo FanBoy who comes here and try to sling mud at PS2!
1.I own a PSX,DC,and N64 and plan on buying a PS2 eventually. I\'m hardly a fanboy,in fact,I\'m not even close to a fanboy. Fanboys are dumb,ignorant,and blind people. They think their console is the best and the rest suck.
You BizioEE are a true Sony fanboy. Your not a zealot yet, but you\'ll get there! Don\'t worry.

He\'s one of the most biased person here!
Biased? I\'m able to see the good sides of all console,how can I be biased? So what if I like NIntendo the most. Does that make me biased? Hell no. Get a better argument ****nut cause I\'m losing my interest in this now.
I can\'t understand why people don\'t reply to Jumpy when he says biased-things like:"...GT3,MGS2,FFX,Devil May Cry and other are only decent games..."...
why only decent? Because they are PS2\'s games?
Can I please have my own opinion here? I think GT3,MGS2,and FFX will be great games,but I have no interest in any other games really. Got a problem with that?
Have you played them?...NO!!! So what the Hell can you write such rubbish!...
My god your an idiot. I\'ll say it again in case you didn\'t hear me:OPINION. If you don\'t like it,go **** yourself. You can\'t change it.
...MGS2 could be one of the most beautiful game ever...or just only a great game...but till you play a game you can\'t speak!
I never said anything about MGS2...your starting to scare me now...
And you speak about Mario,Metroid,and bla bla...have you seen something? you think you can deliver a judgement for a movie you\'ve seen?
Yes. I\'ve loved every Mario platform so far. I think I\'ll really enjoy Mario 128 because I loved all the other ones.
Do you think your a magician? Can you see the future?
So why are you saying PS2 won\'t show what Sony has promised?
You should wait and see a little more! Don\'t you agree?
What makes you think that there gonna turn it all around all of a sudden?
and....what have you seen on X-Box? What have you played?
I only said that the Xbox was more powerfull,nothing more.
so...don\'t assail people saying:"fan boy fan boy"...when you are the first to be a FANBOY! YES! A NINTENDO FANBOY
That sounded really immature. "Your a fanboy,yes a fanboy". Cmon how old can you possibly be? 10,11 at the most? If your any higher then I think you would be classified as a retard.

Oh good times man...but calling me a fanboy now? Again, I own DC(love it),PSX,and N64. I plan on buying a NGC and PS2 sometime. How can I possibly be a fanboy? I\'ll save you more humiliation by anwsering that myself-I can\'t be. Never have been,never will be. Go to the main forum, I hate fanboy. I make fun of them at every chance I get,and as you can see I\'m not passing this one dowm.