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Author Topic: Square to bring two games to NGC...  (Read 6732 times)

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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2001, 01:45:12 PM »
If one wanted to assume anything about those two quotes it\'s that Squaresoft can make ANY 2 games they wanted for the NGC to reach it\'s GBA profits... Square could port The Bouncer and Driving Emotion Type S if need be and Nintendo would be none the wiser. Nintendo doesn\'t say WHAT games will make it to the NGC, just that some need to be made. The name Squaresoft won\'t turn heads unless Final Fantasy is attached to it and currently, in relation to the NGC, it isn\'t. No one cares because, well, it\'s no big deal. It\'s like Eidos making ports of its games for the PC. It\'s not a huge thing, and people still bought TONS of playstations for the FF name alone. FF sells systems, not Squaresoft.

I agree.Square could make any two games they wanted to have developing access to GBA but I can almost guarantee that they will be good games or FF games.Why?...

We\'re not expecting to be accepted by Nintendo right away, but we\'re doing everything to get the relationship positive again. The most important thing about management is the ability of having several choices. It is hard to loose one of these. We have to try to convince Nintendo, by showing them our plans for GBA and GameCube that we will boost their hardware sales

Thats why!Square knows all about Nintendo\'s need for high quality games,I doubt Nintendo would let Square make ****ty game on their system.That\'s just how Nintendo is.

Plus,did you notice the bold sentence in there?It would appear that if Square truly wanted to be friends again,then they would make a good game,or a FF game!Also, Square announced that thy would be remaking a lot of their old FF games.The platforms for FFXI and XII are still undecided.Hell click here:


It would only make sense to assume that one of the two Square games will be a FF game,wouldn\'t it?

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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2001, 02:41:22 PM »
This doesn\'t make too much sense here so I\'ll clarify Famitsu mistakes a bit...


FF X (Platform still undecided)
FF XI (Platform still undecided)
FF XII (Platform still undecided)

Ok, the FFXI comment I can understand, I mean, it may go to many consoles, but FFX is UNDOUBTEDLY be on the PS2, so why is it listed as undecided?  Wierd.  Another wierd thing about that list:


FF IV (PS2: DVD ver.)
FF V (PS2: DVD ver.)
FF VI (PS2: DVD ver.)

This is new to me.  I had no idea that there was going to be a DVD compilation, or is this a typo?  I\'m not sure, but this is the first I\'ve heard of it on any site.  Sometimes, it takes more then one source to confirm such an announcement, and I\'d trust the announcement moreso if IGN\\videogames.com\\dailyradar they all confirmed it.

Thats why!Square knows all about Nintendo\'s need for high quality games,I doubt Nintendo would let Square make ****ty game on their system.That\'s just how Nintendo is.

Well, simply because Sony is putting out a lot more for Square then anyone ever has.  Sony is like knee deep in the FF movie with Squaresoft along with so many other things.  I\'d actually think another RPG from Squaresoft would be a bigger possibility then anything else, but the best compromise would be FFXI and some other title.  I\'m not saying a bad title or anything, but who could make Nintendo\'s kiddie image go away better then Squaresoft?  With one of the most contraversial storylines in gaming history, Xenogears, a sequel on the NGC could be HUGE to obliterating it and sell a whole ton of copies and NGC\'s at the same time.  Point is, there\'s lots of possibilities and compromises, but from a developer standpoint and from a financial standpoint, it would be unwise for Square to finally start porting their key franchise to other companies in rivalry to Sony after they are fitting so much of the bill.  I think Square is so far in Sony\'s pockets that it would be very hard for them to walk away without feeling a HUGE financial pinch.  That\'s just my opinion, I could be wrong though.

Plus,did you notice the bold sentence in there?It would appear that if Square truly wanted to be friends again,then they would make a good game,or a FF game!Also, Square announced that thy would be remaking a lot of their old FF games.The platforms for FFXI and XII are still undecided.Hell click here:


It would only make sense to assume that one of the two Square games will be a FF game,wouldn\'t it?

Hey, as I said, FFXI can easily be ported to many consoles and be a huge online game.  Square already said they would be using their own servers and not Sony\'s for it.  It makes perfect logical sense.  Fact is, Square\'s in the hole thanks to the FF movie and if they did something to piss Sony off, they could lose their funding for most of their games.  However, FFXI could benefit everyone in any case allowing people to choose which platform they want to play it on.  It would be the most logical choice on Square\'s part.
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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2001, 03:19:57 PM »
I\'m not saying it\'s impossible that Square will develop for Nintendo, but I wouldn\'t open the champagne bottles until there are some better proof... Sorry, a vague French article doesn\'t cut it for me. :)
(thanks Chizzy!)

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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2001, 04:08:58 PM »
New Games From Square

Bigger than SCEI? Inside, a few details on the 23 upcoming titles from Square.

January 29, 2001

Yes, kids, Square IS nuts. A few days back, the company revealed its plans for game development in the coming year. Not much as changed since then - Final Fantasy is still nearly everywhere in the lineup - but thanks to Japan\'s G-Time news, we have news of a few previously unannounced titles.
The site states that 23 games are in development from Square, and lists the following as known:

Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XII
Online RPG
Online Strategy game
Play-Online sports game
Two other sports games
New PC title
Remakes of FF7, 8 and 9 on PS2 DVD format
Various portable remakes of Final Fantasy
New portable Final Fantasy

We\'re particularly interested in the Online RPG and strategy games, as nothing has been said about these before. We\'ll we back with details should we learn more.


I don\'t know if this is what you were talking about ryu
but this is from IGN
it mentions reamkes of FF7 FF8 FF9 on PS2 DVD\'s.
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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2001, 04:35:06 PM »
I don\'t know if this is what you were talking about ryu
but this is from IGN
it mentions reamkes of FF7 FF8 FF9 on PS2 DVD\'s.

Yep, it does mention those, but the Famitsu article mentions IV, V, and VI as remakes on the PS2 on DVD(s).  The IGN articles talk about the later VII, VIII, and IX.  Thanks for trying to help anyways :)
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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2001, 04:35:23 PM »
Originally posted by unknown
i am not stressing it one bit, infact more power to nintendo th nk its great that squares maing ngc ps2 games, but square will stay at ps2 side no mattter what thats my opinion

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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2001, 04:38:43 PM »
Great new for NGC, at least xbox wont get them!! HA!
NGC will finally have some quality games I\'m interested in, but I hope that square will focus on ps2 instead on GC
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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2001, 07:15:48 PM »
Great new for NGC, at least xbox wont get them!! HA!

Isn\'t that all that counts?:D


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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2001, 07:39:36 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
Great new for NGC, at least xbox wont get them!! HA!

Isn\'t that all that counts?:D


yes, i\'m happy for nintendo, I hope they wont dissapoint this time, square gives them some help GO NINTENDO!!

xbox, SUCKERS!!! no square and msg2 for you! and no xbox will never get square
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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2001, 07:46:26 PM »
Sometimes I wonder if one of Nintendo\'s secondary objectives is to frustrate gamers across the world. Just  accept Square into your life and stop acting like a child(pun intended!).
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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2001, 07:49:44 PM »
yeah..wiseboy is right, nintendo is know for its dissapointments and delays. At first n64 looked great, but after a year it started to suck.

I hope this will chance this time around
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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2001, 07:50:29 PM »
Well isn\'t Squaresoft developing a disney rpg to go multi-platform?  Maybe that\'s one of the two games.
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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2001, 07:56:18 PM »
xbox, SUCKERS!!! no square and msg2 for you! and no xbox will never get square
If there is one thing i have learnd from being a gamer for over 17 years, is NEVER say NEVER. I mean who ever thought sega would go develop games for sony?? Mark your words my friend cause i wouldn\'t be surprised  slightest if square went to xbox(what a dream it would be for square\'s programmers, also the hdd).

But to be honest i don\'t even like square games, but square does bring business in.

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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2001, 08:00:55 PM »
Sometimes I wonder if one of Nintendo\'s secondary objectives is to frustrate gamers across the world. Just accept Square into your life and stop acting like a child(pun intended!).


I see you haven\'t been reading the thread.(no pun intended)

yeah..wiseboy is right, nintendo is know for its dissapointments and delays. At first n64 looked great, but after a year it started to suck.

There won\'t be a delay.In fact,if any console were to be delayed,then it would be the X-Box.Click here:


Well isn\'t Squaresoft developing a disney rpg to go multi-platform?


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Square to bring two games to NGC...
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2001, 08:02:24 PM »
Originally posted by PSX2CENTRAL
xbox, SUCKERS!!! no square and msg2 for you! and no xbox will never get square
If there is one thing i have learnd from being a gamer for over 17 years, is NEVER say NEVER. I mean who ever thought sega would go develop games for sony?? Mark your words my friend cause i wouldn\'t be surprised  slightest if square went to xbox(what a dream it would be for square\'s programmers, also the hdd).

But to be honest i don\'t even like square games, but square does bring business in. [/B]

you dont like square games?, thats fine. I bet when square develops for xbox you suddenly LOVE them! Square is the one who breaks or makes a console.

You all said mgs2 would go to xbox, you were looking foward to it! Now that hideo said that it will be a MGS1 directors cut thingy, you xbox guys suddenly dont care about mgs2 anymore!!

I will never understand you guys
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