rejoicing ??????
I guess I don\'t care what other people say or think, obviously you do.
Who cares if MGS2 is on Xbox, who cares, if they think there special cause they get PS2 ports. I for one will be happier knowing XBox will be making its own great exclusives cause I sure as hell don\'t want one to play PS2 games on Xbox
Yes it is embarassing seeing diehard PS2 fans insecure and afraid that a few of there games won\'t be exclusive like they have some right to keep developers from making money on other platforms.
Oh by the way I won\'t be leaving this forum any time soon, also I won\'t listen to people hating or preying for the failure of other consoles I\'m tired of the console war, its pointless
I won\'t let Xbox fans or GC fans post there dribble here, I also will speak my mind on those who have obvious biased hate for other platforms,
You don\'t like it, oh well