If you bought the Anthology, then there should be a file on the CD somewhere that has all the copyprotect codes in it. It\'s labeled "Manuals", and you\'ll probably have to install Adobe Acrobat to read them since they\'re all in PDF form I believe. At least, that\'s the way it is on my CD version of QFG4.
I\'d pop in my cd and look them up for you, but I\'m feeling lazy right now and don\'t wanna piss with that adobe crap. Luckily for you, I also have the DOS version and the hardcopy manual that goes with it. (Why Sierra ever stopped printing manuals, I\'ll never know.)
Gargoil = Pizza, Water, Water, Earth, Earth
Quixoat = Water, Air, Fire, Pizza, Air
Hintline = Earth, Air, Pizza, Air, Earth
Now I\'m not going to be anal and accuse you of downloading the game, or just suggest you send away for another copy of the manual. I\'ve been stuck in your position before, and I know how much it sucks. The way I see it, IF you did download the games.. then that\'s acceptable since you probably never would have blown 40 bucks on old games you already bought once. I would ask that IF you did download them, then please buy a copy since that is the only way to tell Sierra and the rest of the gaming community that you enjoy adventures and would like them to continue making them.