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Author Topic: Metroid becomes an FPS  (Read 6173 times)

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2001, 11:04:10 AM »
This comes as a very unpleasant surprise for me. To tell you the truth, I\'ve never played any of the Metroid titles. But from what I\'ve heard of the franchise, it\'s to the core a third-person shooter. How in heaven or hell are you going to pull off a successful jumping mechanism in a FPS, that allows you to hop from platform to platform without feeling awkward?? And what about the much-touted grappling gun?? It\'s going to be hard enough as it is to master that in a TPS, but it\'ll be nearly impossible in a FPS environment. There\'re numerous other setbacks of transforming Metroid to a FPS. IMO, Nintendo should have handled the Metroid project on ther own, and should\'ve given Retro a separate FPS to makes use of the company\'s real talent.  

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2001, 11:30:16 AM »
To tell you the truth, I\'ve never played any of the Metroid titles.

\'Nuff said...

But from what I\'ve heard of the franchise, it\'s to the core a third-person shooter

Well you heard wrong. Metroid would of sucked as a TPS, I was hoping that they would change it to a FPS all along.

IMO, Nintendo should have handled the Metroid project on ther own

IMO,Nintendo were the ones who made them change it. They didn\'t like Metroid as a TPS so they changed it to a FPS for the better. You should be happy that it got changed,not sad. Besides, you\'ve never played a Metroid game before. You can\'t make an accurate judgement on this if you\'ve never played it before.


Offline Dragnair
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2001, 11:30:24 AM »
OMG FPS??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the whole action element of metriod was the fact that it was Third Person. Arg it won\'t be the same...
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Offline CelliCeL
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2001, 01:31:23 PM »
I cant wait for Killer Instinct 3 to come out. The reason most people are disappointed that Metroid is a FPS is because they are used to it being a TPS. Also how will they be able to the flips, rolls, and attack moves like in the previous metroid games? I on the other hand can deal with playing the game as a FPS, but the game would be even better if the developers were able to let you play most of the game in FPS, but in certain parts and levels you would have to use TPS. That way you will be able to do all the moves and new moves( if they add any in the game).
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2001, 04:18:35 PM »
arent there any original titles that are going to be on GC? Oh Yeah! I forogt, Nintendo doesn\'t make original franchises anymore!

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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2001, 04:45:30 PM »
Joy oh Joy. They just killed Metriod. :(

I am not excited. I was looking forward to another Metriod, but now instead, we get yet another FPS. Isn\'t anyone tired of these things? Geeze...

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2001, 05:19:57 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Joy oh Joy. They just killed Metriod. :(

I am not excited. I was looking forward to another Metriod, but now instead, we get yet another FPS(THAT MAKES TWO FOR GAMECUBE). Isn\'t anyone tired of these things? Geeze...

I hate it when people don\'t read the whole thread before post.

NOTE TO EVERYONE- The guys who helped develop Half-Life and Quake on working on this,so even though it\'s a FPS,it\'s gonna be one helluva FPS.

arent there any original titles that are going to be on GC? Oh Yeah! I forogt, Nintendo doesn\'t make original franchises anymore!

Instead of being a smart ass why don\'t you try contributing to a thread for once? :rolleyes:

Offline CelliCeL
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2001, 08:21:35 PM »
Living-In-Clip and AlteredBeast are just saying that nintendo has too many FPS games. FPS games are good but they are not as good as TPS imo. In TPS you can do much more in a game than a FPS. Have you played any previous Metroid games? I mainly like FPS as multiplayer games and thats why the N64 killed in that category.

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2001, 10:30:45 PM »
Originally posted by CelliCeL
Living-In-Clip and AlteredBeast are just saying that nintendo has too many FPS games. FPS games are good but they are not as good as TPS imo. In TPS you can do much more in a game than a FPS. Have you played any previous Metroid games? I mainly like FPS as multiplayer games and thats why the N64 killed in that category.


They don\'t have too many. The whole amount of FPS is staggering in my opinion. It is almost as bad as the kart racing games. Err.

But Metriod as FPS? Geeze. Super Metriod is one of the greatest games. How do they plan to even make it close to that great using FPS style? It is impossible. Thank you, but no thank you Nintendo.

My reasons for getting a GC is getting extremely limited...

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2001, 10:52:27 PM »
Living-In-Clip and AlteredBeast are just saying that nintendo has too many FPS games.

They do??? They didn\'t have very many FPS on the N64, and the ONLY good ones were Perfect Dark and Goldeneye( the two best FPS on a console).And they only have two scheculed for NGC. Metroid and After Dark.

FPS games are good but they are not as good as TPS imo.

I disagree with that completely. There has never been a good TPS on the N64 or PSX(no MGS doesn\'t count because it\'s more of a spy type game with less action). Hell the only descent one was MDK:2 for DC.

Have you played any previous Metroid games?

I own all three of them.

EVERYONE READ THIS AGAIN FOR THE LAST ****ING TIME: Metroid would not have been the same anyway as a TPS so don\'t ***** about it being a FPS. Nintendo made the decision,they are the masters at these games(Zelda),so I think we should trust them on this one and accept this move.


Offline Samwise
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2001, 01:50:46 AM »
Well, my knowledge of old Nintendo games is a somewhat limited, but I think people are pissed off because the game is developed as a FPS now, instead of basing it off what it was before. To me that seems as if Nintendo might as well make a Link Kills Allâ„¢ FPS. Granted, it might be a great FPS, but it isn\'t exactly what people are expecting.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2001, 10:07:47 AM »
Nintendo is sending a lot of its older franchises to 2nd party developers and fucusing on new franchises.

People like Altered kill me. I think it is the anger because of the demise of SEGA. Oh well sorry. I hope you have fun playing Sonic on the GCN. HAHAHA
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Offline Halberto
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2001, 10:28:42 AM »
Metroid FPS?! I want the TPS!!!

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2001, 10:56:34 AM »
Maybe you don\'t understand here Jumpman, lemme explain.  In Super metroid, there was TONS of different moves you could.  You could double wall jump from wall to wall, use the morph ball move, and the screw attack, but those are things that are IMPOSSIBLE on an FPS.  I\'m sorry Jumpman, but I loved Metroid for the sweet ass moves you could do, not blowing up enemies and using an all new keycard system. :rolleyes:

You can say "oh, but it\'s by the creators of half-life," and crap like that, but it won\'t save it and give Samus her feel that she had in her 2D predecessor.  They\'re going to nab the Metroid franchise, make it an FPS, minus of course the flair that made it metroid, and drop it on us players.  In TPS, at least we had the possibility of all those moves returning to the franchise, but now, that\'s just pretty much an impossibility.  Sad really, really sad.
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #29 on: February 18, 2001, 11:14:15 AM »
If they build the game so you don\'t have to Double Jump, Screw Attack, Roll, or Grapple.  It\'ll be fine.  I\'m sure they can implement new moves for the FPS genre.

I bet they do include the Roll, Screw Attack, and Grapple though.  Somehow, they will.

Anyway, can you imagine doing a dash, or jump dash, busting through rocks and plowing through enemys in FPS!  It\'s going to be fukkin sweet!


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