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Author Topic: Metroid becomes an FPS  (Read 6174 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2001, 03:28:26 PM »
Originally posted by Ginko

what happened, I don\'t remember you being such a troll all the time??

Anyway, I for one thought Dk64 was better than the 2D sidescrollers.  The jet pack was cool, swining on vines was done perfectly, the environements were bigger than anything ever seen, and it had the same kinda atmosphere.  It did make the transistion, but that\'s my opinion I guess.

As for Nintendo being innovators, that was me.  Who made the "buddy game",Banjo?  Rare did, but it\'s under a Nintendo Liscense.  Also, Sega said it themselves that Nintendo has got a great lineup of original content and continuing franchises.  Sega is the innovator and shaker of the industry.  If Sega says they have orginal and content and they are excited by it, then it must be something wickedly good!!

Troll? You better call more then half the people in this thread trolls for disagreein\' with you.

Metriod may make a fine FPS. But its not Metriod. Its just another FPS game. Apparently, it is to much to ask of Nintendo to quit shooting themselves in the foot.

Donkey Kong 64?  Ick! But Jumpman said it best, it was a matter of opinion. I personally found the game extremely boring. And it was not original in the least.

 I love Nintendo franchises, but if Nintendo handles the GC like they did the N64 it will be a diaster. Metriod was one of the main reasons for me being a GC, but that is pretty much gone. Make no mistake, I\'ll still buy one, but I\'m not excited about the GC as much as I was.

(goes back to humming the praise of the GBA and forgets about the GC..*sigh* )

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2001, 03:30:41 PM »
Well,thats all a matter of opinion. I for one loved DK64, I thought it was a brilliant game in every aspect.

I thought you said you didnt like this games? Am i the only one that liked DK better on the super nintendo? Anyways IS THEIR A WAY THAT THEY CAN MAKE METROID A FPS AND A TPS?
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Offline IronFist
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2001, 04:43:42 PM »
Originally posted by CelliCeL
Am i the only one that liked DK better on the super nintendo? [/B]

Nope, I also loved the Super Nintendo Donkey Kongs.  Wow, it brings back memories...the days when I actually had respect for Nintendo.

And my oppinion about the Metroid game being a FPS:
Like many have already said, this is one of the biggest mistakes Nintendo could have made!  Metroid was one of the few games that would keep the Gamecube alive against the Xbox and the PS2, but now I don\'t think the Gamecube has a chance.  I can\'t immagine Metroid as a FPS -- and I\'m sure that everyone who is old enough to actually remember the original Metroid would agree.  

Nintendo has dug their grave.  All they need now is a little push from the PS2 (MGS2, US FFX, Baldur\'s Gate) and they will be buried once again.  Rest In Peace, Nintendo.  Rest In Peace.
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Offline ElAsesino
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #48 on: February 19, 2001, 05:29:10 PM »
Originally posted by IronFist
Originally posted by CelliCeL
Am i the only one that liked DK better on the super nintendo? [/B]

Nope, I also loved the Super Nintendo Donkey Kongs.  Wow, it brings back memories...the days when I actually had respect for Nintendo.

And my oppinion about the Metroid game being a FPS:
Like many have already said, this is one of the biggest mistakes Nintendo could have made!  Metroid was one of the few games that would keep the Gamecube alive against the Xbox and the PS2, but now I don\'t think the Gamecube has a chance.  I can\'t immagine Metroid as a FPS -- and I\'m sure that everyone who is old enough to actually remember the original Metroid would agree.  

Nintendo has dug their grave.  All they need now is a little push from the PS2 (MGS2, US FFX, Baldur\'s Gate) and they will be buried once again.  Rest In Peace, Nintendo.  Rest In Peace. [/B]

I think it would be better for you to use the "Wait and See" approach...
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #49 on: February 19, 2001, 07:15:33 PM »
This thread is starting to reek of trollness...

goes back to humming the praise of the GBA and forgets about the GC..*sigh* )

So none of these spectacular looking games interest you at all?

Eternal Darkness
Too Human
Dinosaur Planet
1080 2
Rogue Squadron 2
Wave Race 2
After Dark

Only the games you know about too...Ginko was correct,your starting to turn into a semi-troll.

And my oppinion about the Metroid game being a FPS:
Like many have already said, this is one of the biggest mistakes Nintendo could have made!

I\'m trying really hard to not call you an idiot for just saying that. Leaving it in TPS would of been worst,why? Because the game obviously wasn\'t turning out so well. Forget the name Metroid. Its all about the quality. This is the LAST time I\'m saying this,I hope LIC and that Sony troll get it this time.

Metroid was one of the few games that would keep the Gamecube alive against the Xbox and the PS2, but now I don\'t think the Gamecube has a chance.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHASHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your kidding right,this one game will decided the GameCube\'s fate? Somebody drive me home I think I\'m drunk and actually thought he was being serious.

Fact is,TPS don\'t sell well in America(where Metroid is being focused),a Metroid in FPS form would have better sales. This move was about quality and money...

One game....HA!HAHA!

I can\'t immagine Metroid as a FPS -- and I\'m sure that everyone who is old enough to actually remember the original Metroid would agree.

IT DOESN\'T MATTER WHO AGREES. YOU MISSED MY POINT. I\'m not going to repeat myself again,read the god damn thread.

Nintendo has dug their grave.

By making a beneficial move,Nintendo has dug themselves a grave...hhhmmmm......I guess Sony is home free cuz they made a lot of terrible moves! :laughing:

All they need now is a little push from the PS2 (MGS2, US FFX, Baldur\'s Gate) and they will be buried once again.


Three games won\'t decide ****. I can name three awesome NGC games to argue your point if you like. :rolleyes:

Rest In Peace, Nintendo. Rest In Peace.

LOL! Thanks for the laugh. :laughing:


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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #50 on: February 20, 2001, 01:05:58 AM »

And my oppinion about the Metroid game being a FPS:
Like many have already said, this is one of the biggest mistakes Nintendo could have made!

I\'m trying really hard to not call you an idiot for just saying that. Leaving it in TPS would of been worst,why? Because the game obviously wasn\'t turning out so well. Forget the name Metroid. Its all about the quality. This is the LAST time I\'m saying this,I hope LIC and that Sony troll get it this time.
How do you know that the game "obviously wasn\'t turning out so well."  Maybe developers have always planned for the new Metroid to be a FPS.
Everyone who was excited for this game when they first heard of it were expecting it to be like the original -- not a completely different genre.  I think the developers should be the ones who "forget the name Metroid" and name it something else so less people are dissapointed.


Metroid was one of the few games that would keep the Gamecube alive against the Xbox and the PS2, but now I don\'t think the Gamecube has a chance.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHASHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your kidding right,this one game will decided the GameCube\'s fate? Somebody drive me home I think I\'m drunk and actually thought he was being serious.

Fact is,TPS don\'t sell well in America(where Metroid is being focused),a Metroid in FPS form would have better sales. This move was about quality and money...

One game....HA!HAHA!
Metroid was one of the few games that would keep the Gamecube alive.  It is not the only one, but now there is one less, which isn\'t good for the Gamecube and it\'s small amount of games.  

Fact is?  Where are your sources?  And if that is true, it\'s because developers in the past haven\'t done it right.  Metroid could have been the game to change that reputation, but the developers took the easy way out and I think they are going to pay for it.


I can\'t immagine Metroid as a FPS -- and I\'m sure that everyone who is old enough to actually remember the original Metroid would agree.

IT DOESN\'T MATTER WHO AGREES. YOU MISSED MY POINT. I\'m not going to repeat myself again,read the god damn thread.
But it DOES matter -- you missed my point.  Think about all of the people who were really looking forward to this game.  Think of all the people that were going to get the Gamecube because they loved the original Metroid so much.  Now what is their motivation to get the Gamecube?  RE:0?  What\'s the point when you can get RE4 on the PS2?  SSX:SE?  This is also coming to the PS2 by the end of the year.  Mario?  Yawn, \'nuff said.


All they need now is a little push from the PS2 (MGS2, US FFX, Baldur\'s Gate) and they will be buried once again.


Three games won\'t decide ****. I can name three awesome NGC games to argue your point if you like. :rolleyes:
Actually, yes, I would like.  

Nintendo needed this game to have a chance against the PS2 and the Xbox.  It is not going to be easy fighting against a system that has been out for almost two years that has tons of awesome games for it, a built in DVD player, backwards compatibility, and around 15 million units sold.  Nor is is going to be easy fighting against a company that is known for it\'s attempt at world domination in the OS  battle.  Nintendo needs everything they can get to have a chance this time around, and without a real Metroid game, it\'s going to be that much harder.


Rest In Peace, Nintendo. Rest In Peace.

LOL! Thanks for the laugh. :laughing:
Um, sure.  Anytime.  I made a mistake though.  That should say, "Rest In Peace, Gamecube.  Rest In Peace."  Because I also think the GBA is going to do well, and it will probably save Nintendo like Pokemon games saved them earlier.
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #51 on: February 20, 2001, 04:56:12 AM »
"I\'m trying really hard to not call you an idiot for just saying that. Leaving it in TPS would of been worst,why? Because the game obviously wasn\'t turning out so well. Forget the name Metroid. Its all about the quality." - Jumpman

Why would leaving Metroid as a TPS make it crappy? Their current build could have been junk.. but that dosen\'t mean Nintendo couldn\'t have put the pressure on to rebuild the game on a different engine while keeping it a TPS. I know quite a few TPS\'s are fun.. just because their one engine sucked they think, and now they\'ve gotten you to think, that TPS\'s in general suck.. therefore a TPS Metroid would have sucked? What total BS.

You were right about the marketing part though. The entire move was probably made in order to meet the right demographic... to hell with quality or fanbases. All they seem to care about is weither or not the game sells well.. even if that means destroying everything that made Metroid an excellent title to begin with.

I\'m just really surprised that someone who\'s been a fan of the series "From the beginning" like you would welcome such an obviously unoriginal and devestating move like this. What their trying to do is like Sega making Shinobi a FPS, or AfterBurner into a SIM.. that\'s just not right and it\'s going to kill people\'s hopes of playing a new "true" Metroid title.

The fact is, that unless you can guantee us that the Metroid gameplay will make the trasition to FPS very well.. then you shouldn\'t even be calling this game a Metroid. Call it, a spin-off or just a "New FPS based in Metroid universe" instead.

Nintnedo COULD have put the work into the game to make it an EXCELLENT TPS Metroid title.. but they didn\'t. From my point of view, you\'ve just fallen victim to the spin doctors who have taken a greedy attempt to increase Nintendo\'s bottom line and candy coated it enough to keep "Joe Blow Gamer" from choking on all the crap trying to be shoved down their throats. Sorry but that\'s just how I feel. Nintnedo could have done it.. but they didn\'t. They just gave up.. gave up on Metroid, it\'s fans, and gamers in general with this move they made solely in hopes to increase profit.

Where was all that damned "Innovation" that Nintnedo keeps getting credited with when Metroid was laying on the cutting room floor?????
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #52 on: February 20, 2001, 03:04:25 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
This thread is starting to reek of trollness...

goes back to humming the praise of the GBA and forgets about the GC..*sigh* )

So none of these spectacular looking games interest you at all?

Eternal Darkness
Too Human
Dinosaur Planet
1080 2
Rogue Squadron 2
Wave Race 2
After Dark

Only the games you know about too...Ginko was correct,your starting to turn into a semi-troll.

And my oppinion about the Metroid game being a FPS:
Like many have already said, this is one of the biggest mistakes Nintendo could have made!

I\'m trying really hard to not call you an idiot for just saying that. Leaving it in TPS would of been worst,why? Because the game obviously wasn\'t turning out so well. Forget the name Metroid. Its all about the quality. This is the LAST time I\'m saying this,I hope LIC and that Sony troll get it this time.

Metroid was one of the few games that would keep the Gamecube alive against the Xbox and the PS2, but now I don\'t think the Gamecube has a chance.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHASHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your kidding right,this one game will decided the GameCube\'s fate? Somebody drive me home I think I\'m drunk and actually thought he was being serious.

Fact is,TPS don\'t sell well in America(where Metroid is being focused),a Metroid in FPS form would have better sales. This move was about quality and money...

One game....HA!HAHA!

I can\'t immagine Metroid as a FPS -- and I\'m sure that everyone who is old enough to actually remember the original Metroid would agree.

IT DOESN\'T MATTER WHO AGREES. YOU MISSED MY POINT. I\'m not going to repeat myself again,read the god damn thread.

Nintendo has dug their grave.

By making a beneficial move,Nintendo has dug themselves a grave...hhhmmmm......I guess Sony is home free cuz they made a lot of terrible moves! :laughing:

All they need now is a little push from the PS2 (MGS2, US FFX, Baldur\'s Gate) and they will be buried once again.


Three games won\'t decide ****. I can name three awesome NGC games to argue your point if you like. :rolleyes:

Rest In Peace, Nintendo. Rest In Peace.

LOL! Thanks for the laugh. :laughing:



I\'m not saying that none of the GC titles don\'t excite me. I will get one. Resident Evil, Mario, the eventual Zelda title and Wave Race 2 will all be excellent games--no doubt. But,I can\'t say I am extremely thrilled about the GC.

I am more thrilled about the GBA.

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #53 on: February 20, 2001, 03:37:03 PM »

I\'ve said everything I needed to say, I don\'t reall feel like repeating myself but I guess I\'ll do it anyway... joy joy.

How do you know that the game "obviously wasn\'t turning out so well."

*major sigh*

UM...BECAUSE NINTENDO MADE THEM CHANGE IT. Also, Nintendo previously mentioned that they were not impressed with Metroid(before the FPS change).

Metroid was one of the few games that would keep the Gamecube alive.

 One of the Few games that will keep GameCube alive... I\'m too lazy to read post my list,read it again then shut up.

It is not the only one, but now there is one less, which isn\'t good for the Gamecube and it\'s small amount of games

Gid I can\'t wait till E3. Then we\'ll see this whole " Nintendo has no games" argument shut down.

Now what is their motivation to get the Gamecube? RE:0? What\'s the point when you can get RE4 on the PS2? SSX:SE? This is also coming to the PS2 by the end of the year. Mario? Yawn, \'nuff said.(WELL THATS YOUR BIASED OPINION FOOL

Again,read my list. And thats only the games we know about.

That really sounded like something a troll would say by the way.

Nintendo needed this game to have a chance against the PS2 and the Xbox.

*sigh* I can\'t believe you just said that...

The name alone will sell a lot of copies.  

Um, sure. Anytime. I made a mistake though. That should say, "Rest In Peace, Gamecube. Rest In Peace." Because I also think the GBA is going to do well, and it will probably save Nintendo like Pokemon games saved them earlier.

K I can\'t argue with these troll remarks, they make my mind go num. Please try to actually bring up DESCENT  point next time you post. Then maybe I\'ll take you seriously.

Why would leaving Metroid as a TPS make it crappy?

Really, TPS suck royal Jumpman. Look at Jet Force Gemini, Metroid probably would of turned out something like that... thanks god they made it into a FPS.

I\'ve already said everything that needed to be said. This topic deserves to be closed because I find repeating myself several times becomes extremely irratating.

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #54 on: February 20, 2001, 03:42:42 PM »
Banjo-Kazooie-the most underated game on the N64. I think it\'s the best 3D platform game ever(with Mario 64 coming in at a close 2nd). I really hope Rare makes another one of these because their truly amazing games.

DK 64 kicks Banjo Kazooie\'s a$$ anyday IMO. And I said IMO so don\'t flame me.



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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #55 on: February 20, 2001, 09:02:07 PM »
One of the Few games that will keep GameCube alive... I\'m too lazy to read post my list,read it again then shut up.
Settle down Jumpman.  There is no need to get rude.  Here is the list:

*Metroid -- Does not deserve to be called Metroid.  Nintendo really screwed this up by changing the whole genre.  They could have had something really cool, and something really innovative, but they took the easy way out instead.
*Mario -- Yawn.  Another Mario game.  Yippee.
*RE:0 -- I\'ll take RE4, thankyou.  And while I\'m waiting for RE4, I\'ll be busy playing RE:CV. :)
*SSX:SE -- This will kick butt, I can\'t argue with that.  There are two problems though.  1. It\'s also coming to the PS2.  2. Sacrifices will have to be made in order for it to work with the controller (There\'s not enough grab buttons).  I am interested in seeing what the developers do to fix this problem.
*1080 2 -- What\'s the point when you have SSX:SE?
*Rogue Squadron 2 -- Nope, I don\'t like flight games that much.
*Wave Race 2 -- This game will probably be cool.  The only problem I had with the first one was the horrible sound/music.  Now that it\'s on a CD type format, it can be done right.
*Eternal Darkness -- ??? - Not sure what this is, and I couldn\'t find any info on it.
*Too Human -- ???
*Dinosaur Planet -- ???
*After Dark -- ???
*Thornado -- ???

See, the problem with the list is that there are zero fighting games!  We all saw this coming when we first saw the NGC controller, so I\'m not surprised at all.  Until there is a fighting game on the list, I am not impressed.  There are some games that I don\'t know about on the list, and cube.ign.com had no info on them, so I couldn\'t tell you what I think about them.

Gid I can\'t wait till E3. Then we\'ll see this whole " Nintendo has no games" argument shut down.
I never knew you could see the future.  I think there is a little speculation on your part.


Now what is their motivation to get the Gamecube? RE:0? What\'s the point when you can get RE4 on the PS2? SSX:SE? This is also coming to the PS2 by the end of the year. Mario? Yawn, \'nuff said

Again,read my list. And thats only the games we know about.

That really sounded like something a troll would say by the way.
Sorry, I don\'t follow.  What sounded like "something a troll would say?"  All I said was my oppinion on some of the games on the list.  Isn\'t that why you gave us the list in the first place, so we could tell our oppinions on the games?


Nintendo needed this game to have a chance against the PS2 and the Xbox.

*sigh* I can\'t believe you just said that...

The name alone will sell a lot of copies.  
Once again, I don\'t follow.  Are you talking about the "Nintendo" name, or the "Metroid" name.  If you are talking about the Metroid name, that is why I said the developers should change the name.  They are deceiving the constomers into buying a false Metroid game.  If you are talking about the Nintendo name, that is obviously not the case.  Look at the N64 vs the PSX.

K I can\'t argue with these troll remarks, they make my mind go num. Please try to actually bring up DESCENT  point next time you post. Then maybe I\'ll take you seriously.
I don\'t think I\'m the one having problems bringing up a decent point.  You keep on throwing us this list of sub-par games that only the greatest of Nintendo lovers could love.  Once again, I am not impressed with the lineup.

I\'ve already said everything that needed to be said. This topic deserves to be closed because I find repeating myself several times becomes extremely irratating.

Then maybe you should stop repeating yourself.  You still haven\'t given me the three games on the NGC that can match FFX, Baldur\'s Gate, and MGS2, which will be coming out at around the same time the NGC is released.  Don\'t go back on your word, I want to see these games that you said you would show me.
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #56 on: February 21, 2001, 01:28:48 PM »
Ah,my mind is in a state of readiness, it\'s time to end this pathetic argument once and for all. Rest in peace Sony *****es, rest in peace...

*Metroid -- Does not deserve to be called Metroid. Nintendo really screwed this up by changing the whole genre. They could have had something really cool, and something really innovative, but they took the easy way out instead.

Um, who says they still can\'t be innovative with a FPS Metroid? Nintendo is the master of coming up with new and brilliant ideas, the\'ll think of something extraodinary to not make this game "just another FPS",but a revolutionary FPS!

I\'ve already said this several times but I\'m forced to repeat myself. A TPS Metroid would of followed it\'s old ways but it would of been extremely hard to do. All TPS usually end up like crap so why wouldn\'t they make the smart move and turn it into a FPS? FPS sell better than TPS do...they play better...in case you don\'t get it yet, they ARE superior!

So what if it isn\'t Metroid, leaving it as a TPS would of been worse. Everyone would of been so hyped up and then when they bought it they would be like, "God this game was a let down". But instead, now they can actually make the game better than before.

I hope this little bit ends this whole Metroid argument. I thought I could do it on my own but I guess you people just forced me to use the facts straight up!

Metroid First-Person Exploration

So is this now "set in stone" that Metroid is going to be a FPS? If so, that\'s really too bad. I\'ve always been a huge fan of Metroid due to the unique gameplay style and it\'s great presentation. But how is Metroid still Metroid as a FPS? It isn\'t, it still might be a great game like GoldenEye, but it still isn\'t Metroid IMHO.
The Japanese don\'t like FPS do they? I wonder if because Metroid wasn\'t that popular in Japan, but it was in the US - and since FPS are popular in the US, but not Japan - they figured let\'s have Metroid be a FPS for the US. Best of both worlds, right? Bah!

So is there any light for us old school Metroid fans that don\'t really like FPS anymore? I got burned out on Doom 2 and Quake in college...

Fran responds: You know, as each day passes by I feel more and more guilty that we labled the game as an FPS without going into more detail. The problem, of course, is that we don\'t have many details. What we know so far indicates that Retro, Nintendo, and everyone involved with Metroid know just as well as you do that shooting did not make Metroid the brilliant franchise that it is. The main focus has always been starting with basic exploring and uncovering huge upgrades that allow you to do more. It is in the same vein that fighting enemies in Zelda is. They are merely hurdles to get by. The real meat of the gameplay is the puzzles and giant bosses. This is exactly the same for Metroid and the developers know. You underestimate them if you think otherwise.

Of course, moving to first-person makes jumping around and exploring a little different. Well, a lot different. Still, consider that the main problem first-person brings to the table is platforming. Retro may very well have some unique solutions that no one has thought of. This is a Nintendo game. Many once asked, "How are we supposed to fight enemies in Zelda if it\'s 3D?" The Z-lock solved everything. If my hunch is right, Retro is creating some very inventive camera tricks and lock-on methods. Perhaps when you use the grappling hook the camera will go to third-person. Perhaps jumping from platform to platform will be realized in level design? In Metroid, didn\'t you take one platform at a time? Look up above the nearest door to you and envision a platform above. It\'s not so hard to imagine jumping with the low gravity that Metroid\'s worlds have, is it?

Anyhow, I am no game designer, but I am one of the biggest fans there are. First-person definitely presents some problems, but it also presents some solutions. Walking down a thin tunnel with tons of creatures crawling after you(as seen in the GameCube demo) would definitely be better handled in first person. You would simply turn and shoot, instead of turning, aiming (which would switch to first-person anyhow), and then firing.

Give it some time, and I think you may find out that a 3D Metroid might be better off in first-person. The development teams have had the opportunity to explore BOTH third and first-person control. They chose first-person for a reason.

\'Nuff said about Metroid. We have a good long two pages about it there is nothing more we can say about it other than "smart move Nintendo.

*Mario -- Yawn. Another Mario game. Yippee.

I suppose you like Raymen 2 for PS2 then don\'t you?

Listen,Mario is Nintendo\'s biggest system seller, you may not like it but it\'s gonna be tha bomb for all of us unbiased people. Mario is knowned for it\'s quality.

*RE:0 -- I\'ll take RE4, thankyou. And while I\'m waiting for RE4, I\'ll be busy playing RE:CV.

RE:4 has already been announced for NGC. So that means Nintendo gets a new exclusive version and PS2 gets RE:CV. Oh joy joy,who wants a game we\'ve already played and loved before? RE:0 is going to be a prequal,it\'s going to tell the true story behind the RE series,quite frankly its a must have title for all the major RE fans.

SSX:SE -- This will kick butt, I can\'t argue with that. There are two problems though. 1. It\'s also coming to the PS2. 2. Sacrifices will have to be made in order for it to work with the controller (There\'s not enough grab buttons). I am interested in seeing what the developers do to fix this problem.

Don\'t you worry about the controller, no freaking sacrafices are necassary, it has arguably the best button layout out of all the next-gen controller(if you want to battle about that then be my guest,I know I can\'t lose, how can you not understand it?)

*1080 2 -- What\'s the point when you have SSX:SE?

1080 was always thought to be the best snowboarding game until SSX. I think on a CD format then it will have no problem showing EA how to make a real snowboarding game. The N64 has it\'s limits,but GODs allow for over 100 times more space than cartridges,think about that.

Rogue Squadron 2 -- Nope, I don\'t like flight games that much.

Good for you! Tell that to the people who\'ve played the first one. RS on the N64 was awesome, it was loved by all the major sites and now with one coming to GameCube it will be 100 times better than the previous one.

Wave Race 2 -- This game will probably be cool. The only problem I had with the first one was the horrible sound/music. Now that it\'s on a CD type format, it can be done right.

So,you actually played Wave Race to make a comment on it, good job.

*Eternal Darkness -- ???
*Too Human -- ???
*Dinosaur Planet -- ???
*After Dark -- ???
*Thornado -- ???


Oh dear god your pathetic. These are the systems sellers right here,and you have absolutely nothing to say about them ! Go figure.

Too Human- MGS2 KILLER BABY!*note* This applies to the argument you mention later in your post, I\'ll just use this and one other as an example.*

You don\'t remember Too Human? It was suppose to be a 4 disks PSX game at first. Everyone had high hopes for this games,many people thought that Silicon Knights was the next best developer out there. This game was supposed to push the pSX\'s power to the max. Then they became a Nintendo second party!:D This game was going to have over 80 hours of game play and was said to have a better story line than both FFXII and MGS.

Check out IGNCube\'s preview for more information on this great looking GameCube only game.

Eternal Darkness was going to be N64\'s violent and disturbing game..until it was coming to NGC. This game is also made by second party Silicon Knights and also has high expectations for it.

Dinosaur Planet- a game thats being made by the famous Rareware. It was showened at E3 and everyone was blowned away from it\'s stunning graphics and details. Definately a system seller.

After Dark- From the creators of Goldeneye...need I say more? This is a sequal to an awesome FPS that was almost perfect. This game will be the FPS to get at launch day, along with Metroid that is! Its going to be interesting to see which is better,very interesting indeed. :)

Thornado- Factor 5\'s breakout game. It was showned at Spaceworld and was said to be the best looking game there. Its an action shooter with a dark theme,I can\'t really say more about it but since\'s it\'s coming from a great developer I can almost garantee that this game will be great.

As for the Buldars Gate killer...see Too Human, Thornado, After Dark, Dinosaur Planet, Metroid, and Eternal Darkness. Face it, it\'s just a good looking game on a system that is hard to program for, you guys shouldm\'t get too hyped up on this one. GameCube will have better graphics, so it looks like Baldurs Gate will be nothing.

Now for the FFX killer...I\'ll give you this one. Too Human has a chance a it but not bloody likely. Enjoy your one game that you will have over GameCube, because it will be your last(I had to say that).

But...this game might be coming to GameCube. Did you hear that recent Square announcement,well if you didn\'t  tell I\'ll explain it to you right here: Square will bring two games to NGC(check out that topic). FFX might be one of them,and FFXI might be the other one!(keep reading that topic).

Even if they don\'t come to NGC, we still have Zelda! :P


See, the problem with the list is that there are zero fighting games! We all saw this coming when we first saw the NGC controller, so I\'m not surprised at all. Until there is a fighting game on the list, I am not impressed. There are some games that I don\'t know about on the list, and cube.ign.com had no info on them, so I couldn\'t tell you what I think about them.

God who gives a **** about fighting games? They don\'t sell very well anyway, I hope Nintendo doesn\'t concentrate on fighting games AT ALL.

But the\'ll come anyway. Namco is developing for them as wel is Sega. We will observe some great fighting games on GameCube, don\'t worry, E2 is almost there.

Don\'t even start on the controller. IGNCube clarified everything \'bout that.

I never knew you could see the future. I think there is a little speculation on your part

You underestimate the GameCube and it\'s developers... EA, Ubi Soft,Namco, Sega,and others,have all confirmed support. We\'ll see them at E3 with Nintendo. Nintendo will have plenty of games for NGC,this isn\'t the N64 after all.

Sorry, I don\'t follow. What sounded like "something a troll would say?" All I said was my oppinion on some of the games on the list. Isn\'t that why you gave us the list in the first place, so we could tell our oppinions on the games?

You were putting PS2 on a pedistole and NGC on the ground for god\'sakes. You were trying to make PS2 look good and NGC look bad, thats something a troll would do.

Once again, I don\'t follow. Are you talking about the "Nintendo" name, or the "Metroid" name. If you are talking about the Metroid name, that is why I said the developers should change the name. They are deceiving the constomers into buying a false Metroid game. If you are talking about the Nintendo name, that is obviously not the case. Look at the N64 vs the PSX

When people see Metroid in stores, the\'ll flip, even if it\'s a FPS and even if it\'s not really a Metroid. This game is going to sell more as a FPS than a TPS,thats one of the reaons that Nintendo changed it.

I don\'t think I\'m the one having problems bringing up a decent point. You keep on throwing us this list of sub-par games that only the greatest of Nintendo lovers could love. Once again, I am not impressed with the lineup.

Sub-par? HA! Just because your too blind to see the good of NGC don\'t try and  make it sound like a fact dood.

Then maybe you should stop repeating yourself. You still haven\'t given me the three games on the NGC that can match FFX, Baldur\'s Gate, and MGS2, which will be coming out at around the same time the NGC is released. Don\'t go back on your word, I want to see these games that you said you would show me.

I just gave you the games. But I guess I was acting a little foolish...you will always think that MGS2,FFX, and Baldurs Gate are better than anything I will mention. Your a fanboy. I can\'t change your uneducated opinion on this matter so there is no true point on me telling you which game is better. You\'ll never believe me. You\'ll never admit it. You will always think the same way,but I don\'t care. When NGC comes around your going to be the one missing out,not me.

Thanks for playing.

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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #57 on: February 21, 2001, 05:53:32 PM »
Wow, why are we still talking about this... Jumpman could write a novel on Metroid being an FPS!
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #58 on: February 22, 2001, 12:05:02 AM »
I have some things to say before this topic is lost in the mess of thousands of dead topics (I agree that this has gone on long enough :)).

Metroid being a TPS vs a FPS.  This is obviously a personal oppinion and we will never come to an agreement about whether Nintendo made a good choice or not.  And the fact is is that none of us will know until it is released.  Nintendo could make it a really cool FPS, but they could also screw up big time (kind of like Square and The Bouncer.  I think even you bought into the hype ;)  It was hard not to.)  It\'s ok to be looking forward to Metroid, but just remember, anything can happen.  It could turn out really crappy for all we know.

Another thing I want to point out is that you posted all of those games, but there is almost no info on any of them.  Hardly any (if any at all) screen shots.  The previews about them are just saying how great these games will be (like they know it as fact) -- even though they don\'t have any good reason to say all these great things about the games because they really don\'t know that much about them.  

You are right that I should wait until E3 before I judge the Gamecube, but I think that you should do the same.  Wait for some real footage of the games.  Don\'t buy into the hype.  It will kill you in the end.

RE:4 has already been announced for NGC. So that means Nintendo gets a new exclusive version and PS2 gets RE:CV. Oh joy joy,who wants a game we\'ve already played and loved before? RE:0 is going to be a prequal,it\'s going to tell the true story behind the RE series,quite frankly its a must have title for all the major RE fans.
I haven\'t played RE:CV yet.  I have always wanted to, but I never got a Dreamcast (I bought a computer instead :)).  So I am really excited for RE:CV coming to the PS2.  There is even supposed to be some new things in it that were not in the Dreamcast version, which makes me want this game even more.  

Don\'t you worry about the controller, no freaking sacrafices are necassary, it has arguably the best button layout out of all the next-gen controller(if you want to battle about that then be my guest,I know I can\'t lose, how can you not understand it?)
Come on Jumpman, it\'s me, IronFist.  You and I have already had topic after topic debating which controller is the best, and look where it got us - nowhere.  I like the PS2/PSX dual shock controllers, you like Nintendo\'s controllers.  Let\'s not get into the controller argument again. :)

After Dark- From the creators of Goldeneye...need I say more? This is a sequal to an awesome FPS that was almost perfect. This game will be the FPS to get at launch day, along with Metroid that is! Its going to be interesting to see which is better,very interesting indeed.
Timesplitters was also made by the Goldeneye team, and it kicks butt!  If there is a FPS game to anticipate, I would guess that After Dark will be the winner because of the developer\'s experience in FPS games.

As for the Buldars Gate killer...see Too Human, Thornado, After Dark, Dinosaur Planet, Metroid, and Eternal Darkness. Face it, it\'s just a good looking game on a system that is hard to program for, you guys shouldm\'t get too hyped up on this one. GameCube will have better graphics, so it looks like Baldurs Gate will be nothing.
You don\'t understand why I chose Baldur\'s Gate as one of the three games.  It\'s not because of the graphics, even though they are really nice.  It\'s because Baldur\'s Gate games kick butt!  The D&D style gameplay is really fun.  Finally, a great PC rpg is coming to the PS2.  I can\'t wait to play the final product.

God who gives a **** about fighting games? They don\'t sell very well anyway, I hope Nintendo doesn\'t concentrate on fighting games AT ALL.
Just because you don\'t like fighting games, doesn\'t mean they don\'t sell well.  The video game world does not revolve around you.  Tekken Tag Tournament has been in the "top ten PS2 best selling list" every week since it was released.  Like it or not, fighting games are a huge genre in the video game industry.

Your a fanboy. I can\'t change your uneducated opinion on this matter so there is no true point on me telling you which game is better. You\'ll never believe me. You\'ll never admit it. You will always think the same way,but I don\'t care. When NGC comes around your going to be the one missing out,not me.
You should probably think before you start calling people fanboys -- Make sure you are not one yourself.  I love every console except for the N64.  I used to be a Nintendo fan, but the N64 made me change my ways.
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Metroid becomes an FPS
« Reply #59 on: February 22, 2001, 07:29:08 AM »
I\'ll laugh pretty hard if Gamecube gets screwed over because of some stupid things Nintendo changed in their original games...Whats next? An FPS Yoshi game?
Bring it on woman!

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