This is retarded. You\'re justifying a move by Nintendo because of what they have done with past franchise games and that just doesn\'t apply to Metroid in any way, shape or form. The fact is, you can call it Metroid, but it won\'t be the same. Metal Gear, Mario, and Zelda ALL made it to 3D while maintaining ALL of their great gameplay elements that made them extremely fun. The FPS is so different in so many ways that maintaining all the gameplay elements of the first Metroid is impossible. You can say what you want about innovation and Nintendo being great, but I think this stinks of ****. I\'d be happier if they left the Metroid series ended as is and changed the name of the game they have in development to something that is more crowd pleasing. Nintendo can tke their innovation and stick it where the sun dont shine and that\'s the way I feel about it when it comes to a game called something simply because it would sell more copies of the title (Resident Evil Gun Survivor.)