come on it is like 10am on a sunday.
everyone is probably asleep.
I was sleepy and I wasnt thinking clearly:)
...a little question for you...what do you know about streaming Textures in Mpeg2 format from the DVD in real time? Haven\'t Textures in Mpeg2 a compression of 10/1?
Tell me(if you really know something) thanks
I dont know much about texture compression because I ve never seen an exact fact about it.
But If I remember clearely(Its been a while since I last checked the texture issue.So If I am wrong in some parts someone please correct me) it can stream from the DVD small textures and through the 48GB bandwidth send them to the GS then processing and sending them to the VRAM and then through the 3.6GB to the EE engine to display th eresults.(Ehm I think I did something wrong here).
I dont know what happens to the remaining bandwidth but I think there is a texture swapping through the DRAM and 48GB Bndth until it sends to the VRAM again.Probaply there is a continuosly texture compression to make the textures size smaller.
There is a big advandage from the way textures work on PS2.The GS can process the general data from the texture and then create the same texture but with different patterns.
Example:A brick texture goes through processing giving another brick texture that looks different.Result:No repeated textures.The textures are generated through processing and could change while playing if the developer wants to.
I am think I explained some things wrongly so please someone correct me If there is something wrong.
The texture issue is so complicated I find difficulties explaining them because of my bad English.