Please let me inform you that my above statement is my firm opinion, some mentioned points are facts like 64DD.
Nintendo making less promises than Sega? Oh please, give me a break. How many times has Nintendo 64 been delayed? It was a mere joke after ahwile of hearing Nintendo say "We are forced to released our product at a given date in the future" over and over and over again. It was just getting boring just hearing that statement over and over again. Unlike Sega, not having 1/3 of the delays N64 had. Was it a rushed product? No, just had *some* flaws in technology. Did it mean it was just put to death at that moment by the media? Hell no. Saturn had some quality games out for it, imports, and many other things that made up for its hardware.
Now please, when I say marketing greed, I mean when Nintendo shot themselves in the foot leering towards the age levels of \'kids\' they ruined their older audience by disapointing us with lackluster games. Duke Nukem, Quake, Doom, Quake II, Wargods, Mortal Kombat, all ports that just didn\'t live up in terms of gameplay. Then once Nintendo realizes that many older audience gamers are taking favor in Sony/Sega for offering some quality FPS games (could be RPG, racing, FPS just so happens to be a favorite), Nintendo feels it needs to build its rep back up again offering games for both audience levels. Thus coming to conclusion, this puts a big tag on Nintendo as \'poser\' and many times before has Nintendo blew their last shot to come back into the scene and failed at offering anything but crap for older audiences. Now, that\'s a poor image from a company like Nintendo. But yet again, was Nintendo known for killer FPS? RPG\'s? Racing? No. Its known for Zelda, Mario, Pokemon. Sony took flag with RPG\'s with its Final Fantasy series, racing with titles like Grand Tursmo, Need for Speed.
It all comes down to the developers who want to develop software for a given company. Simply too many companies were scared away by Nintendo by as I said, cartridges, limitation to hardware (the halarious texture space), sound and controller (to some extent). 64DD played a major role into N64\'s death as it was slated a Japan release in \'97 if I\'m not mistaken, having games that offered HUGE gameplay, great graphics, and exceeding N64\'s hardware limitations by adding more video ram. Guess what? Delay, delay, delay, then cancelled, oh then re-announaced and released. Failure! From the developers stand point, its both halarious and sad that Nintendo did this.
All I\'m saying is that I feel, from a gamer, Sega suceeded more as a whole in the gaming industry (this include their arcade\'s dominance) than Nintendo did. Sure it may not have started it all, but it sure did build apon a lot of aspects videogames have today.