NO WAY IN HELL the PS2\'s HDD/Ethernet adapter cost over $100
if it does its a failure
Sony will make there money from online advertising. I wouldn\'t be surprised if the PS2 automaically takes you to a SOny home page full of links and advertising, and as you move from game server to server there will be more advertising. Your loading screens will be brought to you by Pepsi
Sony can\'t afford to sell the HDD/ethernet for much at all, Sony knows add-ons fail, and expensive add-ons defiently fail
Expect Sony do something to offset the costs because they have much much bigger plans for online then just games which will make SOny even more money in the long run, so why stick the knife in and throw away all that major money making potential by selling the necessary equipment for way more than the majority of casual gamers would even think about spending
I would also think your local ISP would be fine, cause having a seperate ISP for your PS2 and your PC would also price it outta reach of the majority of casual owners. Only the diehards would HAVE TO have online capabilities for that kinda scratch. I would think you\'d connect through your local ISP but the PS2 Browser will automatically take your too the SOny PS2 homepage
Online subscriptions for games might be offset by being able to pick up Online games for $10 and paying $5 a month to play them or something.
Somehow all those online gaming servers need to be paid for or need to make a revenue, advertising may pay the bills then again it might not
I hope we can connest directly to ISP addresses of our buddies