In terms of variety, Sega owns all, but in terms of brand name titles, nintendo owns all. Face it, there is no one mascot more recognized then Mario, although Pikachu comes in a close second and those characters could be dubbed, albeit oddly, marquee (sp?) performers. I mean, Mario has a total of 70+ appearances in videogames, and I\'m sure Nintendo paid Miyamoto handsomly for each one. Pikachu is just a cash cow, or yellow-buzzy-thingy-mabob, whichever you prefer.
Money aside, in terms of fun, variety wins out here. Sega has the BEST franchises along with the most differentiated line up as well. The only new game that was of Nintendo origin that was truly original was Super Metroid and that was still a sequel to a previous franchise and that was 7 fraggin years ago! I think that one sentence says a lot about Nintendo. Now that I think about it, I think Nintendo and Capcom share the same common business practices: "Release one original title every 6-10 or so years, milk the crap out of it in said 6-10 years, then release something completely new or an old rehash that seems fresh and original yet is the same thing regardless. Rinse and repeat."
Waverace 64 --> Waverace 2
Super Metroid --> Metroid 4
Mario 64 --> Luigi\'s Mansion
Rogue Squadron --> Rogue Squadron 2
Zelda: OoT --> New Zelda game... Links Arousal? Anybody\'s guess
Perfect Dark --> After Dark
Company known for it\'s originality and innovation? If by innovation you mean redoing the same tired thing over and over, you got that right.