As we all old-school iD fans remember things (pre quake2 days) iDSoftware had two eaqually well known John\'s working in its offices. One the greatly celebrated 3d graphics pioneer, John Carmac, the other, the excentric, long haired, game designer, John Romerro.
I bring your attention to the stark contrast of what these two John\'s do. One designs games and the other designs the engines they run on. The latter job being done by the John first mentioned, John Carmac.
A well defined destinction must be made between these two jobs. While I do recognise iD\'s latest offering does fall short of being the best in terms of gameplay, it was by far the most technologically advanced peice of technology in its feild at the time of release. Just as its predecessors where.
I wouldn\'t equate the giant leaps between each game to merely "slightly altered textures/sprites". And one is hard pressed to legitimately argue such a point of view. Anyhooo... most of the credit for these technological advances goes mainly to our demigod, John Carmac.
That said, I\'d just like to express my opinion that JohnC is the biggest nerd ever! This is despite the semi-beliveable things that, Bobo would have you beilve (which I am not obliged to remind everyone of)