Dude its the truth, and obviously it bothers yo so much you respond like a little girl
I don\'t care if it\'s the truth or not, your STILL trying to make Nintendo look bad.
Why though? Why are you going out of your way to put PS2 on a pedestal amd NGC on the ground? You must be worried about it because you seem to be slamming it pretty hard.
I think I\'ll do what you do(trolling)...
Again. common sense. 3rd parties are going to stay with the biggest Userbase.
Ha. Then why arn\'t they all with Nintendo and Sega?
I expect GC to have 3rd parties, the N64 did,
In case you don\'t know yet but they will have a lot more third parties around more than the last time.
just don\'t allow yourself to believe they\'re just going to take all of there best work and put it on GC instead, cuae it way to obvious that thats not going to happen.
I\'m not an idiot ddaryl. Besides, I only buy Nintendo 1st and 2nd party games, I don\'t care if GameCube doesn\'t any third parties because Nintendo is capable of carrying a system by themselves.
Sony on the other hand couldn\'t do it. They have the ****tiest 1st parties around. Cmon, Naughty Dog with that moron Jason Rubin? What descent games have they made? Crash? IE a cheep rip off of Mario.
love the way you choose not to answer when you don\'t really have one. Also wahts up with Silicon Knights, I thought they we\'re a Nintendo 2nd party, if they are a 3rd party who does GC exclusives they congratualtions you have 1 3rd party that Sony doesn;t have.
You idiot. I just gave you an example of a Sony third party jumping ship. They are a Nintendo 2nd party btw/.
But I remember when everyone was so excited about Too Human for PSX. People were calling it the next MGS or FF, then they ****ed Sony and went to NIntendo. Too bad, they had talent, something most Sony developers don\'t have. Besides poor ole Square of course.
1st Nintendo doesn\'t have Square, Square never announced any GC games and you know that. EA, Namco, Capcom, all have more PS2 project in development then GC or Xbox and are always announcing more. These are fact jumpman, I\'m not making htis up, they are facts... You need to deal with them
1- they do have Square. Yamauchi CAN\'T STOP THEM. They are the facts trol..er ddaryl,you need to deal with them.

(I like this troll gimmick)
Oh yeah, read above. 3rd parties can lick a llama\'s anus.
Sorry again, Nintendo franchises only appeal to Nintendo fans.
Sorry, but thats just completely insane. Nintendo\'s franchises were the ONLY games that Sony fans liked. They kept saying" well they only have some good games and thats from their 1st and 2nd parties because they don\'t have any third parties."
Why do you think the latest Japanese Polls shows the PS2 being the console of choice.
I\'d like to see those.
Why are PS2 selling like hotckaes in the US and still steady in Japan.
I went to Walmart today to pick up MSR and I saw about 15 PS2\'s on the shelves. They were there when I came and left. I guess hotcakes don\'t sell too well...
Nintendo is a niche\' market, and that fine Nintendo will profit and do well, but they\'ll never ever be #1 again in the console market. Handheld is there\'s but GC will never be #1. It might be just an opinion right now, but I\'ll make any bet with you on that one
Fine I\'ll take your pathetic little flame bait. Nintendo will be number one through Christmas 2002. Lets just wait and see on this one.
C\'mon Jumpman, your not going to start that lame ass crap again.
Actually thats the first time I ever mentioned PS3 in any of my posts.
It hurts doesn\'t it. GOOD
Actually it doesn\'t hurt to know that PS2 will be the least powerful console this genereation(loving this troll gimmick, it\'s pretty fun eh ddaryl?).
Yu brought up these thing originally, now you are telling me it has nothig to do with the debate. Nice try, now answer the question son.
It doesn\'t have anything to do with the debate. Go ahead, try and explain. I\'m in the mood for another good trollish remark.
Answer-no,but again I don\'t care.
Your right it doesn\'t matter about who\'s on top but it is the games, and its so obvious Sony and the PS2 will have a larger library of kick ass games.
ddaryl, just admit that your a troll and go back under your bridge. ITS ALL ABOUT OPINION. You can\'t say PS2 will be better because thats your opinion, not everyone elses.
They may have a larger one, but they won\'t have a better one.
( I love being a troll)
As for software wars, what You think Nintendo will sell more software than Sony this generation, maybe, but again SOny is developing some 30 games to be released this year
some of the most anticipated PS2 games will be Sony 1st party games. Sony only had limited experience when the launched the PSX, but I\'m already excited and realtively large amounts of kick ass looking titles SOny is putting out for the PS2.
I think Sony should leave it up to the people who know how to make games, not do it themselves. What do they got? Some gay ass Naughty Dogg game, Dark Cloud? PPFFFTTTT! I\'ll stick with their third parties thank you.
Go ahead and say it. I know you want to say your biased comments about Up and coming Sony games vs: Nintendo games, but the fact remains, alot of people don\'t care for Nintendo games, and SOny has ALL Genre\'s covered. They have a couple of Gems coming ut this year alone, no denyiong that
Wow they have all genre\'s covered do they? Is that suppose to make anyone excited?
Yes you and alot of Nintendo fans seem to be from the Nintendo Zealots I meet on Forums. They all quote Nintendo PR BS as some sort of gospel. Nintendo is a good company made some great games for there fans, but they definetly don\'t belong on some special pedestal that you put them up on.
Face it ddaryl, your just as biased as I am. You know, just try and argue out of this one( and stay on topic while you do it).
I never said Nintendo only cared about graphics, some Nintendo fans do though.. as do fans of any console
Your excact words:
the GC is all about Graphics
Seems pretty trollish to me.
But what did Sony care about when they made the PS2? Obviously it wasn\'t graphics or gameplay because they would of made it like NGC then. What were they trying to accomplish? Pissing developers off? Well they succeeded at doing that.
If you actually use a tad bit of common sense userbase determines where 3rd parties concentrate there best efforts, and newer franchises mostly ( I didn\'t say entirely, mostly)
Tell that to Sega and Nintendo after the SNES you gimp.
Newer franchises- UNPROVEN. And can\'t be unless your god.
ight on topic you just don\'t have any argument to fight with so you turn to BS,
I\'m turning to BS? Please, then why would you bring up who\'s number 1 or any other of your other of no where comments?
and Ethernet will not cost that much. Sony knows it will fail if they charge over $75. There are alot of ways to make the money back for these periphials cause Sony\'s online network is so much more then just gaming. I don\'t think BB will take off for Xbox or the PS2 as much as anyone would like but it will not "screw up" as you are so deserately are hoping for. Sony is teaming up with lots of bigtime players, I seriously doubt it will "screw up" and I will mark your words. It\'ll just give me more reasons to laugh later on
75$? LOL. Try over 100 $.
But don\'t go trying to make Nintenod out to be this whollier than thou company that stand for the rightesnous of gamers, cause thats Nintendo\'s public relations BS does to so many Nintendo fans..... Brainwashes them.
You need to get out of the house more often ddaryl. Your the one saying PS2 is better and will have better games, not me. I don\'t do that ****. I ain\'t a fanboy.
there will equally fun, equally in quality, equally in inovation games on all 3 systems. The PS2 will just have a larger library of them.
It\'s official, your an idiot. Unless you can predict the future than just shut up. You don\'t know whats gonna be all the NGC or Xbox so why would you say PS2 is better? I\'ll answer that: cause your a true Sony fanboy. Deny it, I dare you. After saying something so twisted and insane as you can\'t deny it.
they why do put down the little developers as making crappy games??
Hey, they\'ve giving SOME the chance. But the only ones I can think of are Retro and Silicon Knights...meh. Meh. I blame Yamauchi for that.