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Author Topic: GAMECUBE WILL LAUNCH AT $150. OFFICIAL PROOF INSIDE  (Read 7990 times)

Offline ooseven
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Don\'t be a Fooooooooollllllllllllllllllllll !
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2001, 05:07:21 PM »
It\'s Febuary the 25 here thats 36 days away from April the first :laughing:.

I think we have our first April Fools of the Year 2001, FFS Game Cube Fan site coouldn\'t of you just waited another 36 days before trying to pull this one :laughing:.
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Offline ElAsesino
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« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2001, 05:10:25 PM »
I choose not to believe it simply because I don\'t want to get my hopes up.  I don\'t want to get high hopes, and then be burned because my hopes were way too high.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

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« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2001, 05:17:54 PM »
Come one enough is enough, even if they where ABLE to produce it for $150, what would they make back in profit?

the last time i checked Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, And Sega WHERE NOT A CHARITY

if you want some thing as good as a PS2 X Box or Game Cube

You have to be willing to part with a fair bit of money !

haven\'t you ever heard of the frase " there an\'t no thing as a FREE LUNCH ! "
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Offline ddaryl
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« Reply #33 on: February 24, 2001, 05:33:22 PM »

Actually, I honestly do and the same thing applies for the Xbox as well.

Yes you honestly do, but the majority of gamers don\'t think so, and I sure as hell do not. You are a Nintendo fan first you like Nintenod games, but the real truth is Nintendo is not the choice of the mass market of gamers. Nintenod is now a Niche\' market....

Lets take a system that was difficult to develop for and it\'s games- the Nintendo 64.

Why wern\'t there so many great games on the N64? Because developers didn\'t want to waste money or they had limitations with the hardware. It was very hard to get your idea done on the N64 because of the vector units and the catridges.

Yes but that opened the door for Sony who is a much larger company than Nintendo and is now the brand of choice for the majority of gamers. Most gamers want to play a large library of great and good games (and crap) over Nintendo\'s franchises and 2nd party games. 3rd party developers won\'t be jumping on the GC\'s ship becasue GC will never be the #1 selling console.  

The bottom line there will be great games on all 3 systems, but the bottom line is the PS2 has 3 times the 3rd party developers that Nintendo has, and even Xbox has more 3rd party developers lined up for Xbox.

So come back to reality Jumpman, the only people who are going to Jump on the GC are Nintendo fans, Pokemon fans.

Well now with GameCube that\'s all solve. The GODs can hold approximately 200 times more than the catridges could. Plus, the hardware is supposingly really easy to develop for. So whats holding developers back now? Nothing.

No its not solved. Nintendo still doesn\'t have the userbase the PS2 will have. The PS2 hardware is harder to develop for, but Developers keep announcing new games for the system all the time. Nobody is jumping off the PS2 ship and SOny has stated that the PS3 will use the EE3, and GS3 which means all there time learning the pS2 architexture will also be useful in the  future.

I still don\'t understand your thinking... Do you really think once GC is launched all the developers are going to leave Sony just to develope for Nintendo. Sure they\'ll develop some games port some games, but its more than obvious that 3rd parties are still putting there best franchises on the PS2 while developing new exclusive content.  There are so many awesome PS2 titles coming out that will sell more PS2\'s no way GC will be on top, thats just way to obvious.

[Nintendo doesn\'t care about graphics, they care about the games. They have always been this way and its time you accepted it. They create the GameCube so developers could get a chance to create BETTER games without limits or problems.(almost the exact words of Yamauchi)

This is BS, and your brainwashed.... Of course Nintendo cares about Graphics, and so do Nintendo fans. Thats the whole reason for hardware uprgrades, to make larger more beleiveable enviroments . To better immerse the player into the games world... Gameplay is important but Graphics to match are equally important and Nintendo knows this... If they don\'t thinks so and they release Graphically inferior games to Xbox and the PS2 the GC will fail cause casual gamers will look at it and say no thinks I\'ll take a PS2 or and Xbox instead.

Do you honestly believe developers will choose GC over the PS2 when the PS2 has double the userbase. Sure I expect a few Dev\'s to jump off the PS2\'s ship, but those will be the ones that can\'t hack it, and alot of those who jump ship might goto the Xbox which has better hardware.


Please, I\'ve learned from my past mistakes. I only get into arguments that I know I can win.

interesting when are you going to start following your own advice



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« Reply #34 on: February 24, 2001, 05:36:52 PM »
eXCUSSE ME FOR BEING mR pICKY sYP gUY here, but should\'nt this been in the CONSOLE DEBATING ForuM, after all it is NOT A playstaton 2 releted topic.

and this IS a Playstation 2 Site after all ?

an\'t it ?
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« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2001, 05:46:34 PM »
BINGO !!!!...i figured something out...IF hint the word IF, this is true that Nintendo is selling the GameCube for $150...they are going to charge the games for..no not $40 [price of PS1 games]....no not $50 [price of PS2, and DC games and N64 games]...no not $60 [price of some N64 games]...they are going to charge.....$100 dollars (does Dr. Evil with pinky) a game...thats how they going to get you..

buy a cheap system for $150 and then buy games for $100...hahaha


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« Reply #36 on: February 24, 2001, 05:50:12 PM »
First off, let me start by saying how suprised how many Nintendo fans there are here.  Ok, now on to the topic...

I really hope a $150 or $100 price point is true, because I don\'t think I can take another $300+ backbreaker... I\'ve been worried about the games since we have seen no real \'games\' yet, just tech demos, even if some are playable.

If the July date or whenever would be true too, I would be VERY worried, because the media first played N64 games some 10 monthes before the US launch, and N64 only launched with 2 games...

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« Reply #37 on: February 24, 2001, 06:16:43 PM »
ddaryl, please stay on topic. You brought out a lot of bias **** out of no where and forced me to make meat out of it too.

Yes you honestly do, but the majority of gamers don\'t think so, and I sure as hell do not. You are a Nintendo fan first you like Nintenod games, but the real truth is Nintendo is not the choice of the mass market of gamers. Nintenod is now a Niche\' market....

What does this have to do with anything besides you TRYING to make Nintendo look bad...

How is that? This is just bull****. I\'m not even going to respond to this part, it\'s worthless fanboy crap.

Yes but that opened the door for Sony who is a much larger company than Nintendo and is now the brand of choice for the majority of gamers. Most gamers want to play a large library of great and good games (and crap) over Nintendo\'s franchises and 2nd party games.

You have no clue what most gamers think ddaryl. Most gamers (PSX owners as you will call them)have never owned a Nintendo system...they have no clue what their talking about. And for the love of god stay on topic.

3rd party developers won\'t be jumping on the GC\'s ship becasue GC will never be the #1 selling console.

SILICON KNIGHTS. And how do you know this ddaryl? Right now it\'s just pure speculation.

Please,stay on topic. I\'m starting to think your a gimp now. You keep bringing up unrealated topics that I don;t give a rat\'s ass about, why?

but the bottom line is the PS2 has 3 times the 3rd party developers that Nintendo has, and even Xbox has more 3rd party developers lined up for Xbox.

Woop dee doo. 3 times more CRAPPY developers is what you should of put. Nintendo has EVERY good developer that that Sony has. Namco, Square, EA,ect.  In fact, if we were to compare the list than you would cleary see who has the most talented developers( this should be funny)...

So come back to reality Jumpman, the only people who are going to Jump on the GC are Nintendo fans, Pokemon fans.

The people who say these things are fanboys, Sony fanboys. :laughing:

No its not solved. Nintendo still doesn\'t have the userbase the PS2 will have. The PS2 hardware is harder to develop for, but Developers keep announcing new games for the system all the time. Nobody is jumping off the PS2 ship and SOny has stated that the PS3 will use the EE3, and GS3 which means all there time learning the pS2 architexture will also be useful in the future.

Why are they pushing PS3 so soon...

till don\'t understand your thinking... Do you really think once GC is launched all the developers are going to leave Sony just to develope for Nintendo.


Sure they\'ll develop some games port some games, but its more than obvious that 3rd parties are still putting there best franchises on the PS2 while developing new exclusive content. There are so many awesome PS2 titles coming out that will sell more PS2\'s no way GC will be on top, thats just way to obvious.

Stay on topic for the love of gtod you...
It doesn\'t matter who\'s on top. It\'s all about the games, and Nintendo will deliver them. Oh, and Nintendo may not win the hardware wars but they\'re certainly going to do extremely well in the software wars.

This is BS, and your brainwashed

*sigh* I\'m brainwashed am I? No comment needed for this.

Graphics to match are equally important and Nintendo knows this

I\'m not going to repeat myself again- the NGC was designed to give developers the chance to make their games the best they can and as easy as they can, graphics are connected to games right? Read my last post again...you said they only cared about graphics, I proved that wrong.(lol, I\'ll laugh my ass off if he doesn\'t get the point here).


If they don\'t thinks so and they release Graphically inferior games to Xbox and the PS2 the GC will fail cause casual gamers will look at it and say no thinks I\'ll take a PS2 or and Xbox instead.

Do you honestly believe developers will choose GC over the PS2 when the PS2 has double the userbase. Sure I expect a few Dev\'s to jump off the PS2\'s ship, but those will be the ones that can\'t hack it, and alot of those who jump ship might goto the Xbox which has better hardware.

I\'m sick of arguing unrelated points. I\'m going to pull a ddaryl and make one of my own.:)

BB and HD. Sony will lose money over these items. Do you honestly expect people to pay around 150 for them when you can already get them in the Xbox? Online gaming for Sony is going to screw up. Mark my words...

interesting when are you going to start following your own advice

Please, next time respond in a non-fanboy matter. I can\'t think straight when I\'m arguing with them.


$150-$200 ? i dont know where you read your info from..hope its not like that link you gave us..

Read this and shut up.


BINGO !!!!...i figured something out...IF hint the word IF, this is true that Nintendo is selling the GameCube for $150...they are going to charge the games for..no not $40 [price of PS1 games]....no not $50 [price of PS2, and DC games and N64 games]...no not $60 [price of some N64 games]...they are going to charge.....$100 dollars (does Dr. Evil with pinky) a game...thats how they going to get you..

buy a cheap system for $150 and then buy games for $100...hahaha

Were you trying to be funny?

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« Reply #38 on: February 24, 2001, 07:32:04 PM »
Yes you honestly do, but the majority of gamers don\'t think so, and I sure as hell do not. You are a Nintendo fan first you like Nintenod games, but the real truth is Nintendo is not the choice of the mass market of gamers. Nintenod is now a Niche\' market....

What does this have to do with anything besides you TRYING to make Nintendo look bad...

How is that? This is just bull****. I\'m not even going to respond to this part, it\'s worthless fanboy crap.

Dude its the truth, and obviously it bothers yo so much you respond like a little girl

3rd party developers won\'t be jumping on the GC\'s ship becasue GC will never be the #1 selling console
SILICON KNIGHTS. And how do you know this ddaryl? Right now it\'s just pure speculation.

Please,stay on topic. I\'m starting to think your a gimp now. You keep bringing up unrealated topics that I don;t give a rat\'s ass about, why?

Again. common sense. 3rd parties are going to stay with the biggest Userbase. I expect GC to have 3rd parties, the N64 did, just don\'t allow yourself to believe they\'re just going to take all of there best work and put it on  GC instead, cuae it way to obvious that thats not going to happen.

I love the way you choose not to answer when you don\'t really have one. Also wahts up with Silicon Knights, I thought they we\'re a Nintendo 2nd party, if they are a 3rd party who does GC exclusives they congratualtions you have 1 3rd party that Sony doesn;t have.

but the bottom line is the PS2 has 3 times the 3rd party developers that Nintendo has, and even Xbox has more 3rd party developers lined up for Xbox.

Woop dee doo. 3 times more CRAPPY developers is what you should of put. Nintendo has EVERY good developer that that Sony has. Namco, Square, EA,ect.  In fact, if we were to compare the list than you would cleary see who has the most talented developers( this should be funny)...

1st Nintendo doesn\'t have Square, Square never announced any GC games and you know that. EA, Namco, Capcom, all have more PS2 project in development then GC or Xbox and are always announcing more. These are fact jumpman, I\'m not making htis up, they are facts... You need to deal with them

So come back to reality Jumpman, the only people who are going to Jump on the GC are Nintendo fans, Pokemon fans.

The people who say these things are fanboys, Sony fanboys. :laughing:

Sorry again, Nintendo franchises only appeal to Nintendo fans. Why do you think the latest Japanese Polls shows the PS2 being the console of choice. Why are PS2 selling like hotckaes in the US and still steady in Japan. Again just dealing with the information at hand. Nintendo is a niche\' market, and that fine Nintendo will profit and do well, but they\'ll never ever be #1 again in the console market. Handheld is there\'s  but GC will never be #1. It might be just an opinion right now, but I\'ll make any bet with you on that one

No its not solved. Nintendo still doesn\'t have the userbase the PS2 will have. The PS2 hardware is harder to develop for, but Developers keep announcing new games for the system all the time. Nobody is jumping off the PS2 ship and SOny has stated that the PS3 will use the EE3, and GS3 which means all there time learning the pS2 architexture will also be useful in the future.

Why are they pushing PS3 so soon...

C\'mon Jumpman, your not going to start that lame ass crap again. You know what I was saying. The fact is the PS2 learning curve will only be steep early on, th e dev\'s will get up to speed on the PS2 and th ehard to program for won\'t be viable. add in the fact that Sony is sticking with there architexture for the next generationand developers can apply all of there knowledge gained from PS2 developement to future generations of Sony hardware its just another reason why Developers won\'t leave Sony Jumpman, what\'s a matter does it make you angry that Nintendo will be #2 or even #3 this time around just like last time. It hurts doesn\'t it. GOOD

still don\'t understand your thinking... Do you really think once GC is launched all the developers are going to leave Sony just to develope for Nintendo.


Yu brought up these thing originally, now you are telling me it has nothig to do with the debate. Nice try, now answer the question son.


Sure they\'ll develop some games port some games, but its more than obvious that 3rd parties are still putting there best franchises on the PS2 while developing new exclusive content. There are so many awesome PS2 titles coming out that will sell more PS2\'s no way GC will be on top, thats just way to obvious.

Stay on topic for the love of gtod you...
It doesn\'t matter who\'s on top. It\'s all about the games, and Nintendo will deliver them. Oh, and Nintendo may not win the hardware wars but they\'re certainly going to do extremely well in the software wars.

Your right it doesn\'t matter about who\'s on  top but it is the games, and its so obvious Sony and the PS2 will have a larger library of kick ass games.

As for software wars, what You think Nintendo will sell more software than Sony this generation, maybe, but again SOny is developing some 30 games to be released this year
some of the most anticipated PS2 games will be Sony 1st party games. Sony only had limited experience when the launched the PSX, but I\'m already excited and realtively large amounts of kick ass looking titles SOny is putting out for the PS2.

Go ahead and say it. I know you want to say your biased comments about Up and coming Sony games vs: Nintendo games, but the fact remains, alot of people don\'t care for Nintendo games, and SOny has ALL Genre\'s covered. They have a couple of Gems coming ut this year alone, no denyiong that

That is unless your some biased fanboy who her Nintendo is better the eryone else opinion is actually a valid argument


This is BS, and your brainwashed

*sigh* I\'m brainwashed am I? No comment needed for this.

Yes you and alot of Nintendo fans seem to be  from the Nintendo Zealots I meet on Forums. They all quote Nintendo PR BS as some sort of gospel. Nintendo is a good company made some great games for there fans, but they definetly don\'t belong on some special pedestal that you put them up on.


Graphics to match are equally important and Nintendo knows this

I\'m not going to repeat myself again- the NGC was designed to give developers the chance to make their games the best they can and as easy as they can, graphics are connected to games right? Read my last post again...you said they only cared about graphics, I proved that wrong.(lol, I\'ll laugh my ass off if he doesn\'t get the point here).[/quote

I never said Nintendo only cared about graphics, some Nintendo fans do though.. as do fans of any console

You didn\'t prove a thing, GC was desiged to be easier to program for, but the PS2 was built and designed to allow devs to realize there dream as well. GC and Nintendo hold no real advantage here, simple because 3rd paty dev\'s are not going to run over to GC and concentrate there efforts htere simply because of ease of dev. If you actually use a tad bit of common sense userbase determines where 3rd parties concentrate there best efforts, and newer franchises  mostly ( I didn\'t say entirely, mostly)


If they don\'t thinks so and they release Graphically inferior games to Xbox and the PS2 the GC will fail cause casual gamers will look at it and say no thinks I\'ll take a PS2 or and Xbox instead.

Do you honestly believe developers will choose GC over the PS2 when the PS2 has double the userbase. Sure I expect a few Dev\'s to jump off the PS2\'s ship, but those will be the ones that can\'t hack it, and alot of those who jump ship might goto the Xbox which has better hardware.

I\'m sick of arguing unrelated points.

This is right on topic you just don\'t have any argument to fight with so you  turn to BS,

I\'m going to pull a ddaryl and make one of my own

BB and HD. Sony will lose money over these items. Do you honestly expect people to pay around 150 for them when you can already get them in the Xbox? Online gaming for Sony is going to screw up. Mark my words...

The HD and Ethernet will not cost that much. Sony knows it will fail if they charge over $75. There are alot of ways to make the money back for these periphials cause Sony\'s online network is so much more then just gaming. I don\'t think BB will take off for Xbox or the PS2 as much as anyone would like but it will not "screw up" as you are so deserately are hoping for. Sony is teaming up with lots of bigtime players, I seriously doubt it will "screw up" and I will mark your words. It\'ll just give me more reasons to laugh later on

Well Jumplad, you can love your precious Nintendo till your dead, Nintendo will make Nintendo fans very very happy I\'m sure, and they\'ll have some great games on the system. I have no doubts about that

But don\'t go trying to make Nintenod out to be this whollier than thou company that stand for the rightesnous of gamers, cause thats Nintendo\'s public relations BS does to so many Nintendo fans.....  Brainwashes them.

there will equally fun, equally in quality, equally  in inovation games on all 3 systems. The PS2 will just have a larger library of them. [/B]

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« Reply #39 on: February 24, 2001, 07:45:14 PM »
what i wanna know it, how do u guys read the threads with all the quotes and crap in there, AND have the time to do it all, sheesh
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« Reply #40 on: February 24, 2001, 07:49:28 PM »
Originally posted by mm
what i wanna know it, how do u guys read the threads with all the quotes and crap in there, AND have the time to do it all, sheesh

Its hilarious isn\'t it

but how the hell do you reply to a portion of debate so the person knows what the hell you we\'re trying to reply too

and I\'m just having fun with Jumplad here, I wanna see how far he will go

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« Reply #41 on: February 24, 2001, 08:23:13 PM »
Wow $150 bucks for the GC. So if Sony takes a substantial loss on each PS2 sold at $299 how much are Nintendo going to lose per unit sold on hardware that is similar to the PS2s in terms of power? Sure one strategy is to make it up with software sales, but how much do they think they can sell? Or are they going to charge developers bigger royalites - and thereby alienate developers like they did with the N64?

I\'d sure as hell love the GC to come out at $150, but honestly I think that poster is pure BS.
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« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2001, 08:40:59 PM »
I\'ve just got one question Jumpman, if you like Nintnedo so much because you believe they honestly care about their games and gamers.. they why do put down the little developers as making crappy games?? Even EA, Square, Rare, and Nintnedo themselves were little guys at one time. The company and people that you don\'t give a chance today may never have the oppertunity to create tomorrows masterpieces. I mean, look at all the great developers who have come out in just the last five years... expecially Neversoft and Naughty Dog.  

See the problem isn\'t lazy developers.. it\'s greedy PUBLISHERS like EA, Take2, and Eidos. Games are just too expencive to create in your garage anymore.. and it takes $$$$ to make a AAA title. To offset the cost of making and distributing the game, you have to get a publisher. Now the publisher isn\'t just going to throw their money away, and often times they limit budgets, impose strict deadlines, and demand that new games be a "Proven sellers" by imitating other popular titles. The result is often rehashed, unimaginative games at best, and bug riddled crap at worst.

Most developers I know of, DO care about their games.. and it hurts when people talk trash about it. There\'s just an indescribable mix of emotions when a game you\'ve spent so much time and effort on finally goes to market... expecially when it\'s unfinished and you KNOW it. Yet, these developers are stuck between a rock and a hard place. You HAVE to ship when the publisher wants it to ship.. under the publishers conditions... regardless of weither or not the game is ready or else risk having your project get canned. Now I\'m not saying this is true of all games comming from little development houses.. but there is a great deal of it judging from the interviews and behind the scenes editorials I\'ve read.

It\'s really a shame that there are so many talented and innovative developers out there who are stuck creating crap because of the limitations their finances and publishers put on them. You just wouldn\'t believe the amount of politics that goes on in the game market. It\'s really more or less just how a developer plays the system as to weither or not their given the oppertunity to be discovered. Crappy games aren\'t made because developers don\'t care.. most of the time they do care, very much so. Crappy games are made because noone is willing to give these people a chance.

I say, let the little guys show us what they can do when provided the right tools, income, and incentive. You never know where the next Miyamoto, Suzuki, or Williams will come from... but there\'s one thing for certain.. it\'ll be from somewhere at the bottom.
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« Reply #43 on: February 24, 2001, 10:26:30 PM »
I rarely post stuff but this little debate with jman and ddaryl was funny to me because of their passion for videogames but for anybody to say what is going to happen after seing what just happened with sega it only proves for whatever reason 1 console will be better we don\'t know plain and simple . One year ago if somebody would of told anybody of what sega is doing now they would laugh in that persons face. As much as I love videogames and I do feel passionate about them but Im not hypnotized when the button is off like a lot of people are and I like to keep things simple because we are really getting to complicated and worrying about way to much stuff when we all know when we hit that on button all of that userbase and how easy or hard thing is to develop for,licensing fees, 4.7gb...(you get the message) will go right out the window. That is the only reason you debate beacuse you are hypnotized when the button is on but when it turns off just chill and be happy of what you have the oppurtunity to experience. The Gamemaster has spoken.

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« Reply #44 on: February 24, 2001, 10:48:08 PM »
Dude its the truth, and obviously it bothers yo so much you respond like a little girl

I don\'t care if it\'s the truth or not, your STILL trying to make Nintendo look bad.

Why though? Why are you going out of your way to put PS2 on a pedestal amd NGC on the ground? You must be worried about it because you seem to be slamming it pretty hard.

I think I\'ll do what you do(trolling)...

Again. common sense. 3rd parties are going to stay with the biggest Userbase.

Ha. Then why arn\'t they all with Nintendo and Sega?

I expect GC to have 3rd parties, the N64 did,

In case you don\'t know yet but they will have a lot more third parties around more than the last time.

just don\'t allow yourself to believe they\'re just going to take all of there best work and put it on GC instead, cuae it way to obvious that thats not going to happen.

I\'m not an idiot ddaryl. Besides, I only buy Nintendo 1st and 2nd party games, I don\'t care if GameCube doesn\'t any third parties because Nintendo is capable of carrying a system by themselves.

Sony on the other hand couldn\'t do it. They have the ****tiest 1st parties around. Cmon, Naughty Dog with that moron Jason Rubin? What descent games have they made? Crash? IE a cheep rip off of Mario.

love the way you choose not to answer when you don\'t really have one. Also wahts up with Silicon Knights, I thought they we\'re a Nintendo 2nd party, if they are a 3rd party who does GC exclusives they congratualtions you have 1 3rd party that Sony doesn;t have.

You idiot. I just gave you an example of a Sony third party jumping ship. They are a Nintendo 2nd party btw/.

But I remember when everyone was so excited about Too Human for PSX. People were calling it the next MGS or FF, then they ****ed Sony and went to NIntendo. Too bad, they had talent, something most Sony developers don\'t have. Besides poor ole Square of course.

1st Nintendo doesn\'t have Square, Square never announced any GC games and you know that. EA, Namco, Capcom, all have more PS2 project in development then GC or Xbox and are always announcing more. These are fact jumpman, I\'m not making htis up, they are facts... You need to deal with them

1- they do have Square. Yamauchi CAN\'T STOP THEM. They are the facts trol..er ddaryl,you need to deal with them. :laughing: (I like this troll gimmick)

Oh yeah, read above. 3rd parties can lick a llama\'s anus.

Sorry again, Nintendo franchises only appeal to Nintendo fans.

Sorry, but thats just completely insane. Nintendo\'s franchises were the ONLY games that Sony fans liked. They kept saying" well they only have some good games and thats from their 1st and 2nd parties because they don\'t have any third parties."

Why do you think the latest Japanese Polls shows the PS2 being the console of choice.

I\'d like to see those.

Why are PS2 selling like hotckaes in the US and still steady in Japan.

I went to Walmart today to pick up MSR and I saw about 15 PS2\'s on the shelves. They were there when I came and left. I guess hotcakes don\'t sell too well...

Nintendo is a niche\' market, and that fine Nintendo will profit and do well, but they\'ll never ever be #1 again in the console market. Handheld is there\'s but GC will never be #1. It might be just an opinion right now, but I\'ll make any bet with you on that one

Fine I\'ll take your pathetic little flame bait. Nintendo will be number one through Christmas 2002. Lets just wait and see on this one.

C\'mon Jumpman, your not going to start that lame ass crap again.

Actually thats the first time I ever mentioned PS3 in any of my posts.

It hurts doesn\'t it. GOOD

Actually it doesn\'t hurt to know that PS2 will be the least powerful console this genereation(loving this troll gimmick, it\'s pretty fun eh ddaryl?).

Yu brought up these thing originally, now you are telling me it has nothig to do with the debate. Nice try, now answer the question son.

It doesn\'t have anything to do with the debate. Go ahead, try and explain. I\'m in the mood for another good trollish remark.

Answer-no,but again I don\'t care.

Your right it doesn\'t matter about who\'s on top but it is the games, and its so obvious Sony and the PS2 will have a larger library of kick ass games.

ddaryl, just admit that your a troll and go back under your bridge. ITS ALL ABOUT OPINION. You can\'t say PS2 will be better because thats your opinion, not everyone elses.

 They may have a larger one, but they won\'t have a better one.
( I love being a troll)

As for software wars, what You think Nintendo will sell more software than Sony this generation, maybe, but again SOny is developing some 30 games to be released this year
some of the most anticipated PS2 games will be Sony 1st party games. Sony only had limited experience when the launched the PSX, but I\'m already excited and realtively large amounts of kick ass looking titles SOny is putting out for the PS2.

I think Sony should leave it up to the people who know how to make games, not do it themselves. What do they got? Some gay ass Naughty Dogg game, Dark Cloud? PPFFFTTTT! I\'ll stick with their third parties thank you.

Go ahead and say it. I know you want to say your biased comments about Up and coming Sony games vs: Nintendo games, but the fact remains, alot of people don\'t care for Nintendo games, and SOny has ALL Genre\'s covered. They have a couple of Gems coming ut this year alone, no denyiong that

Wow they have all genre\'s covered do they? Is that suppose to make anyone excited?

Yes you and alot of Nintendo fans seem to be from the Nintendo Zealots I meet on Forums. They all quote Nintendo PR BS as some sort of gospel. Nintendo is a good company made some great games for there fans, but they definetly don\'t belong on some special pedestal that you put them up on.

Face it ddaryl, your just as biased as I am. You know, just try and argue out of this one( and stay on topic while you do it).

I never said Nintendo only cared about graphics, some Nintendo fans do though.. as do fans of any console

Your excact words:

the GC is all about Graphics

Seems pretty trollish to me.

But what did Sony care about when they made the PS2? Obviously it wasn\'t graphics or gameplay because they would of made it like NGC then. What were they trying to accomplish? Pissing developers off? Well they succeeded at doing that.

If you actually use a tad bit of common sense userbase determines where 3rd parties concentrate there best efforts, and newer franchises mostly ( I didn\'t say entirely, mostly)

Tell that to Sega and Nintendo after the SNES you gimp.

Newer franchises- UNPROVEN. And can\'t be unless your god.

ight on topic you just don\'t have any argument to fight with so you turn to BS,

I\'m turning to BS? Please, then why would you bring up who\'s number 1 or any other of your other of no where comments?

and Ethernet will not cost that much. Sony knows it will fail if they charge over $75. There are alot of ways to make the money back for these periphials cause Sony\'s online network is so much more then just gaming. I don\'t think BB will take off for Xbox or the PS2 as much as anyone would like but it will not "screw up" as you are so deserately are hoping for. Sony is teaming up with lots of bigtime players, I seriously doubt it will "screw up" and I will mark your words. It\'ll just give me more reasons to laugh later on

75$? LOL. Try over 100 $.

But don\'t go trying to make Nintenod out to be this whollier than thou company that stand for the rightesnous of gamers, cause thats Nintendo\'s public relations BS does to so many Nintendo fans..... Brainwashes them.

You need to get out of the house more often ddaryl. Your the one saying PS2 is better and will have better games, not me. I don\'t do that ****. I ain\'t a fanboy.

there will equally fun, equally in quality, equally in inovation games on all 3 systems. The PS2 will just have a larger library of them.

It\'s official, your an idiot. Unless you can predict the future than just shut up. You don\'t know whats gonna be all the NGC or Xbox so why would you say PS2 is better? I\'ll answer that: cause your a true Sony fanboy. Deny it, I dare you. After saying something so twisted and insane as you can\'t deny it.

they why do put down the little developers as making crappy games??

Hey, they\'ve giving SOME the chance. But the only ones I can think of are Retro and Silicon Knights...meh. Meh. I blame Yamauchi for that.


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