The best wipE\'out" ever was the second game in the series. wo2097. I still go back to play it sometimes. No other futuristic racer has come even close. (well, F-Zero on the SNES was cool as hell)
I loved the original wipE\'out" when it came out. Not instantly, no, it was annoying as hell, but once you managed to get perfect races under your belt it came intensely satifying to play. I sold my own copy, silly me, I miss the game again.
wip3out was missing the huge metal balls that 2097 had. It was really... bland. The sound effects, selection screens, weapons, everything was watered down. The two player mode was enjoyable enough though.
Fusion looks cool as heck, with added elements like multi-segmented tracks, loops, and those freaking gorgeous environments. I can\'t wait to dive half a mile through those purrdy clouds.