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Author Topic: Reasons not to get an NGC  (Read 6341 times)

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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2001, 05:21:08 AM »
lol, he said "legos"
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Offline Ginko
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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2001, 07:54:14 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
mm, you are hilarious! Maybe you should, I mean Clyde should do the Nintendo bashing from now on.

Seriously - If you enjoy easy games, kid games, rehashes, all firsty party games , and lots of platformers, get a Nintendo!

if you like fighting games, RPG\'s, Racing, sports, shooting, adultish, and some others, youre much better off witha DC, X-Box, or PS2.

Eric Jacob

I\'m not flaming you, just your post.  You make it so easy...

Rehashes, I alwasy thought Sony had way more rehashes...  Toshinden, Tomb Raider, Ace Combat, Tekken, Ridge Racer, Twisted Metal, Crash Bandicoot, Final Fantasy (they all played the same=rehash).  Each had 3 games or more.

All first party games- Nintendo has alot more developers lined up this time.  It\'s way to early too make a statement like that.

RPGs-Nintendo already has 3 underway. The one from Brownie Brown, Sega\'s, and Retro Studios\'.  Looks covered to me.

Fighting/racing-  it will have Sega and Namco, it will be covered.

Sports- EA, Sega, Left Field Studios...\'Nuff said.

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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2001, 08:20:27 AM »
I can\'t wait to post a year from now and laugh my ass off. A lot of you guys remind me of the Nintendo fanboys before the N64 came out. It was supposed to be a guaranteed success. Everything else was crap. It was the hardcore gaming system. Sega was crap. 32x and SegaCD? :laughing:

BTW, Does anyone remember these?

FF Tech Demo part 1

FF Tech Demo part 2

FF Tech Demo part 3

courtesy of some fanpage.

Backstabbing at its finest. :D
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« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2001, 09:39:27 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
troll? I am shocked! AND appalled! I have always had a certain distaste for Nintendo products, stemming from my multiple NES systems and that illegal third party support thing that killed my SMS.

troll? what are YOU smoking? I have actually loosened my policies of making fun of GT3 and MGS2 as I will unfortunately have to buy the system they are available on, because Sega is making VF4 for it.


you make me laugh.

Eric Jacob

PS: I love banananananers!

LMAO,after you said this you went in another topic and ran your mouth on a Nintendo related subject. That makes me laugh. First you were just a fanboy but lately you\'be become a troll. I ask whats wrong again?

I\'m with Eric and Clyde on this one. If you want easy games for the pre-puberty crowd go Nintendo.

If you want something original, get something else.

If you like controlling ugly \'lil creatures that don\'t talk, but make stupid sounds. Get Pokemon and Nintendo.

If you require something more from a game, go elsewhere.

I personally like some Nintendo games, but I can\'t think of over 3 reasons to buy a GC. Where as I can think of a bunch on why not to buy it.
Ah, oh well.

Oh yeah and did I mention the controller and system look like legos?

And if you want an original and disapointing game immediately go for Sega....

Honestly, you two have REALLY turned the "Nintendo bashing" up lately. I find it both comical and mysterious...

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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2001, 10:34:07 AM »
I am getting a Gamecube.  I just want one really bad
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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2001, 10:46:07 AM »
Thanks Jumpman, after all, I try to be funny.

didn\'t you get banned once for being a spammin\' N fanboy? I don\'t try to hide the fact that Sega is #1 IM Book, but I don\'t troll, nor have I ever trolled, I didn\'t start this topic, and if someone wants to close it, they can, no loss, it is just a bunch of guys advising others on reasons not to get a GC. Got a PROBLEM?

Original and disappointing?  hmm Jet Set Radio? Shenmue? VF (anything, original every time around!), PSO, blah blah blah, everything else!

It still amazes me how people can play the same thing over and over in different names and still enjoy them, have you heard of Mario/Banjo/ Donkey Kong?

I can bash nintendo, because they are so easy to bash. they are repeptitive. Any time they supposedyl make a NEW series, it is really the same ole thing with a different texture and sticker on the front.

What did I say against Nintendo in another thread that wasnt justified? Please copy and paste so everyone may see my foolishness, because I know many people will agreee with it.


Tell me, what developers are lined up that are commiting to 3 or more games? They dont even have a full list yet, not one over 100 developers anyways I think, even DC and Saturn had more than that!

Namco supported N64 - what did it get out? RR64 and Pac Man Maze Madness. WOW!

Capcom had like 3 games, one, RE2, was jut a port from PSX.

only one of those games were made by Sony. None. And I have hardly EVEr, if EVER, defended Sony, as my hatred for them runs nearly as deep as it does for Nintendo. Sony has actually done some very neat things with games, like Twisted Metal.

Sega hasn\'t commited anything to GC yet, so you can\'t claim fighting, RPG, or racing fromt hem. Sonic may be the only thing to go over, since it is for a younger audience.

EA Sports is crap, sorry, that is MO. Sega BETTER be making sports for GC, otherwise, the same old garbage will be pumped out year after year.

(Eric has widely defended his opinion once again, whilst still raising questions!) Thank you, thank you, sorry, no autographs!

Eric Jacob
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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2001, 11:13:23 AM »
didn\'t you get banned once for being a spammin\' N fanboy?

Nope. I got banned for telling everyone that Crash would be on GameCube. Thats the reason.

I don\'t try to hide the fact that Sega is #1 IM Book

Well maybe you should. Almost every post of yours seems to have the word Sega in it. Your getting as repititive as the VF series.:laughing:

but I don\'t troll, nor have I ever trolled


I didn\'t start this topic, and if someone wants to close it, they can, no loss, it is just a bunch of guys advising others on reasons not to get a GC. Got a PROBLEM?

Yes I do actually. You seem to want to make Nintendo look bad and make Sega look like god all the time. Its not just in this thread it\'s in a lot of them. Its just annoying, you wouldn\'t want me poking at Sega all the time would you?

Jet Set Radio?

Its an ok game. Has some major camera problems though. I expected better after IGNDC said it was better than SSX.


IMO,it was the most disapointing game ever. How many fights were there overall? 7? 10 at the most? God that game was boring. All I wanted to do was fight but noooo I kept getting these gay ass " quick action(something like that)" scenes. Absolutely terrible. And don\'t even get me started on the ending. The only thing good about this game was the graphics and the story.


It\'s just another fighting game. Nothing special.


At WalMart they\'re selling their DC games for 20$ each( including this one). I\'ll pick it up and tell you after I\'m done with it.

Just a quick question, hwo good is Skies Of Arcadia? Is it worse or better than the amazing Grandia?

It still amazes me how people can play the same thing over and over in different names and still enjoy them, have you heard of Mario/Banjo/ Donkey Kong?

Sonic, VF, Phantasy Star... you have no point. Sega rehashes too. At least Nintendo has the sense to make their rehashes high quality.

I can bash nintendo, because they are so easy to bash. they are repeptitive. Any time they supposedyl make a NEW series, it is really the same ole thing with a different texture and sticker on the front.

LMAO. What a fanboy statement. "can bash nintendo, because they are so easy to bash."

Your not helping yourself by saying **** like that Eric.

What did I say against Nintendo in another thread that wasnt justified? Please copy and paste so everyone may see my foolishness, because I know many people will agreee with it.

Look the topic with the initial\'s " CBFD".




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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2001, 12:04:31 PM »
i did, and I stand by everything I said in that thread, they are trying to cover there tracks by publishing a maturr game, too bad it isn\'t that good, and the humor is incredibly immature.

repetitve? Cheap shot? every VF4 has done something landmarkish with the gameplay.VF - polygon 3 D fighting, VF2 learning AI, VF3 - interactive stages, VF4 eroding interactive stages, changes everywhere! repetitive? don\'t comment on what you know nothing about, please, you make yourself look dumb.

How else do I give an example of a company that makes original games in comparison to Nintendo without including Sega? They both make systems (well, made for Sega), first parties, have mascots, etc. Sega just makes different games every once in a, oh say month, in comparison to hmm Nintendo, as I cannot remember how long it has been.

Jet Set Radio was an excellent game, a tad short, but the gameplay was there.

Shenmue. Obviously you misread the label and thought that this masterpiece was an action game, because IT\'S NOT! The sheer scale of the game alone get s ahigh score from me. Did you actually play it? You are very sketchy about the details. If you didn\'t like it? Why did you play it? Why even finish it? You are full of crap.

Skie of Arcadia is easily better than Grandia 2, which is an excellent game. It doesn\'t have the graphics that G2 does, but the 70 hour gameplay makes up for it. A masterpiece.

you obviously did not get my point about Mario/Banjo/Donkey Kong. They are all the same game! if you think Sonic, PSO and VF are the same game, whew! and I already established that no VF has ever been rehashed, nor any PS, as they all have differing storylines and a continuum of gameplay, as Mario games all have the same storyline.

So are you saying that DK,Mario, and BK dont have the near same gameplay? now THAT is a fanboy statement.

OH!! nevermind, you were right! after all, Mario collects coins and Donkey Kong collects bananas, you were right! my mistake!

Eric Jacob
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« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2001, 12:47:40 PM »
i did, and I stand by everything I said in that thread, they are trying to cover there tracks by publishing a maturr game, too bad it isn\'t that good, and the humor is incredibly immature

I doubt you actually have played the damn game. VG.com gave it 9.4,IGN gave it 9.9, and you say it sucked...you certainly are entitled to your opinion but I seriously doubt you have ever played it.(also, you may not like it but most people probably will)

repetitve? Cheap shot? every VF4 has done something landmarkish with the gameplay.VF - polygon 3 D fighting, VF2 learning AI, VF3 - interactive stages, VF4 eroding interactive stages, changes everywhere! repetitive? don\'t comment on what you know nothing about, please, you make yourself look dumb.

ROLFMAO!!! One new feature each time DOESN\'T make it different from the last one.
That just made everything a whole lot easier.:)

How else do I give an example of a company that makes original games in comparison to Nintendo without including Sega? They both make systems (well, made for Sega), first parties, have mascots, etc. Sega just makes different games every once in a, oh say month, in comparison to hmm Nintendo, as I cannot remember how long it has been

Nintendo makes quality rehashes while Sega makes average originals...I stand by that.

Shenmue. Obviously you misread the label and thought that this masterpiece was an action game, because IT\'S NOT! The sheer scale of the game alone get s ahigh score from me.

No,I just thought it would have more fighting. Cmon who would of suspected 10 fighting scenes???

Did you actually play it?

Of course I played it. In fact, I own it. What a waste of my valuable money...I could of bought Grandia 2 with that. But instead I bought Shenmue...makes me sick.

You are very sketchy about the details. If you didn\'t like it? Why did you play it?

I played it because I heard good things about it.

Why even finish it?

Because it has a GREAT story. I just wanted to know what will happen next,then the ending game and it sucked.:(

I\'ll probably end up buying Shenmue2. This time I\'ll know what to expect from it(not an action game obviously).

You are full of crap.

LMAO. A lot of people are disapointed with this game, don\'t say **** like that at me again.

you obviously did not get my point about Mario/Banjo/Donkey Kong. They are all the same game! if you think Sonic, PSO and VF are the same game, whew! and I already established that no VF has ever been rehashed, nor any PS, as they all have differing storylines and a continuum of gameplay, as Mario games all have the same storyline.

Actually...Mario 2 was completely different from Mario 1. ...Mario 3 was completely different from Mario 2... SMW has tons of new features making it very different from Mario 3...SMW2 was different,but it was some what a rehash...Mario 64 was completely different from all the other Mario\'s because it was in 3D and had a lot of new techniques. There goes your Mario argument. VF is MORE of a rehash then Mario is. FACT. Doesn\'t feel to good being wrong does it?

All of the 2D Sonic games was the same. Sonic Adventure was just a pittyful game. Too easy and too short. I expect more from the sequal.

PS 1-4...\'nuff said. They were all the same. Of course they had new features each time but they were just as much as rehashes as Mario games.

So are you saying that DK,Mario, and BK dont have the near same gameplay? now THAT is a fanboy statement.

VF, PS, and Sonic pretty much have the same gameplay each time. You can argue that each one is different but then again I can do the same with.

Your rehash argument is patheticly weak.

OH!! nevermind, you were right! after all, Mario collects coins and Donkey Kong collects bananas, you were right! my mistake!

LMAO,what does Sonic collect each game?

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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2001, 01:43:13 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast


Tell me, what developers are lined up that are commiting to 3 or more games? They dont even have a full list yet, not one over 100 developers anyways I think, even DC and Saturn had more than that!

They have a list?!?  Why have you seen this list and nobody else has?  
Nintendo hasn\'t disclosed a list yet, and when it does, I expect it to be packed.

Retro Studios
Silicon Knights
Left Field
Factor 5
Brownie Brown

just a little list, I\'ll go find more.
Namco says they want to Target GC, Sega is very pleased with Nintendo, EA is all for it, Capcom is enthusiastic, Rare makes games all the time.  

And also, tell me what developers are lined up committing more than 3 games for PS2...it\'s already been out a year and that list isn\'t very big.  

Namco supported N64 - what did it get out? RR64 and Pac Man Maze Madness. WOW!

Read above.  Namco seems to be changing direction...

Capcom had like 3 games, one, RE2, was jut a port from PSX.

True, but GC already has it\'s own Resident Evil.  And you can expect a Street Fighter or two.

only one of those games were made by Sony.

still rehashes, they were all on the same system and I don\'t see it being bashed. I forgot Wipeout and Spyro by the way.

Sony has actually done some very neat things with games, like Twisted Metal.

Like what?  Change Sweet Tooth\'s vehicle up a little and add different numbers to the title...very neat.:rolleyes:

Sega hasn\'t commited anything to GC yet, so you can\'t claim fighting, RPG, or racing fromt hem. Sonic may be the only thing to go over, since it is for a younger audience.

They have all but confirmed that RPG.  Sega is warming up to Nintendo big time, expect to see big franchises headed to GC...Daytona, Sonic, NiGHTS.

(Eric has widely defended his opinion once again, whilst still raising questions!) Thank you, thank you, sorry, no autographs!

You didn\'t do anything.  I\'m still questioning you.  And what exactly are you going to do when DC dies next year?  X-BOX? I see PS2 and GC are out of the picture since you have such a deep hatred for them.  Don\'t start flaming about ports or rehashes then, cause I\'ll fire on you.

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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2001, 02:18:55 PM »
Mario 64 was the defenitive 3D platformer that all others would be measured against.  It did do something new with the series, moved to 3D

Banjo-introduced the "buddy system".  Very fun...

DK 64 was just plain cool.  

Sega is awesome, VF does something different each time.  Jet Grind was very well done IMO.  Shenmue was a masterpiece and second best game ever in my book. (Next to NiGHTS)

Altered - did it take you 70 hours to beat SOA? (snickers)  It only took me 48 and I found everything...and no I didn\'t have a guide.
 I\'m not underminding Skies, best RPG ever IMO.

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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2001, 03:10:39 PM »
Originally posted by hyper
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
If you want something original, get something else.

Come on now, this argument is close to becoming a cliche! While I understand that Nintendo tends to recycle old franchises, every single game they have released featuring these franchise characters have been revolutionary (with the exception Yoshi\'s Story. UGH!!), and if not that, they have at least been incredibly fun.  


If you like controlling ugly \'lil creatures that don\'t talk, but make stupid sounds. Get Pokemon and Nintendo.

Not that\'s just unfair. I highly doubt that Link or Zelda can be described as pudgy labrats that make stupid sounds. And although Mario may need to burn off a few pounds from his ass, but every one of his games I\'ve played have been a breakthrough experience. Oh, and I recall correctly, Seaman scared the living ****e out of me, much more so than Pokemon.  


If you require something more from a game, go elsewhere.

You sure about that? Because I got everything I expected from a game from Zelda and Goldeneye. But If I\'m wrong, please feel free to correct my idiocy.


I personally like some Nintendo games, but I can\'t think of over 3 reasons to buy a GC. Where as I can think of a bunch on why not to buy it.

I guess we\'re all entitled to our own opinions.


Oh yeah and did I mention the controller and system look like legos?

Come on now Clip, I respected you as a reasonable forum member. Don\'t stoop to that level. [/B]

The last comment, about the controller and system was sarcastic. I should of put the sarcasm tags near it. Ah, oh well. Though, I must say , the controller does scare me. But, then again, every Nintendo controller scares me, \'cept for the SuperNES controller.

Link is not a labrat, damnit. He looks quite normal, \'cept for pointy ears. But, ick! Pokecrap! Ughhhh! At least Seaman could actually talk (though, he scared me too :( ).

As for the "if you require something else.." statement. Let me explain. I don\'t see Nintendo ever actually having a true part of the mature auidence.

Finally, if I had the choice of a GC or GBA, I would have to say get the GBA.

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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2001, 03:13:27 PM »
I will go from the one nearest this post and up, as to not confuse some of you still in the ensuing drama.


It didn\'t take me 70 hours, I was exaggerating a tad, it did take me intot he 50\'s though, and I agree, once of the best ever.

The thing i am trying to get across to Jumpman is all of the three games you mentioned have nearly crabon copy gameplay, not against their own sequels, but against eachother. He doesn\'t get that bananas/coins thing, because he thought I was making fun of the thing you pick up, no I was making fun of him saying they were very different games, and I sarcastically made that comment.

I am getting a PS2, once again, I have stated this over the course of many months. But alas, people only like to argue with me, and not listen to me. I am also getting a GC, Nintendo makes good games, they are just rehashes. I am also getting an X-Box, because well, I have missed out on computer RPG\'s and FPS\'s long enough and I hope this is the system to provide me with that. Also, all three of these systems are being supported by Sega, the only way i can guarantee getting the best games from Sega all the time is to have all the systems. Problems solved. (Oh No! I mentioned Sega, I guess Jumpman is going to get on my case now!)

No NiGHTS 2, not by Yuji Naka anyways, as he has said that classics are better left alone. If they were going to make a sequel, wouldnt they have done it for DC while they could?

I meant the first one of course, on Twisted Metal, it was free enviroments with really good car combat. I agree that after part 2, the series went to hell (right after 989 picked it up), but the first two were classics. Wipeout and spyro are not Sony games either. WO is published by Psygnosis, which Sega owns, but not developed by them, as the first was on Saturn, and WO64 was on 64 (of course).

A SF or two? are you sure? That controller doesn\'t lok too good on the hands for fighting games. I guess they got the most out of the DC pad, maybe they can whirl up some magic for the GC.

Alot of the companies you named are 2nd party. Notice I said Third. As Nintendo will have a low amount.


The fact that Sonic collects rings is irrelevant. The point I was trying to make (and must of succeeded, as you ar the only one refuting my point) was, sarcastically, DK and Mario are the same game. Not each donkey kong is like each donkey kong. but that dk is like Mario. AS a whole. You said they werent, so I made fun of you and said that bananas/coins thing.

Obivously PS has similar gameplay each time because how much can you change an rpg on the same system?

PS 1 - 4 were never anything alike in terms of storyline. mario saves the princess or another buddy each time. PS1 you were killing a guy responsible for your brothers death, PS2 - mother brain is acting up and you have to find out why, PS3 - your new wife has been kidnapped, you have to find the one responsible, PS4 - a terror has ripped across the world and created monsters, as a guild member (with missions) you beat Dark Falz. NEVER A REHASH

I never said any of the Sonic\'s werent rehashes. In fact, I said that they were, because LIKE I SAID, every company has it\'s mascot.

Mario 2 is not a real mario game, anyone that plays Mario games (including me) knows that. In every game, isnt it the goal to beat Bowser though?

so it is a fact that VF is more of a rehash than Mario? Let\'s ask any other non Nintendo Fanboy if that is true? Looks like that was actually an opinion! hahaha that was funny though and kind of mentally puzzling!

the ending of Shenmue wasnt that great because it is onl 1 chapter in 16! why end the story and then have Ryo stand around for 15 other chapters? hahaha another puzzler from Jumpman. BTW, there are way more than ten fight scenes. You probably missed them all when you were in the arcade playing the QTE\'s :) playing the Tatoo guy alone made this game worth it.

PSO was average?
Skies of Arcadia was average?
Shenmue was average?
VF was average?
Shining Force was Average?
Herzog Zwei ws average?
Virtua Racing was average?
etc etc etc!

I am sorry, you probably arent old enough to play most of these classics.:)

Making the ground erode, therefore making you change your moves and style half way through the match makes the game easier? when does that happen? the AI learning your moves and playing you WITH them to beat you senseless makes the game easier? when does that happen?

i didnt say it sucked. I said it isnt as good as hype says it is. It is just another platform on a Nintendo system, read: banjo, Mario, DK, etc. but THIS time, their is farting and naughty language! COOL!!!

Eric Jacob

A funny gesture.

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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2001, 08:35:40 PM »
Dammit Altered. I can\'t argue against you if I agree. Say something stupid. :D
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2001, 08:52:38 PM »
The fact that Sonic collects rings is irrelevant. The point I was trying to make (and must of succeeded, as you ar the only one refuting my point) was, sarcastically, DK and Mario are the same game. Not each donkey kong is like each donkey kong. but that dk is like Mario. AS a whole. You said they werent, so I made fun of you and said that bananas/coins thing.

God could you be any more unclear?

Obivously PS has similar gameplay each time because how much can you change an rpg on the same system?

I\'m sorry, but wern\'t we discussion gameplay? ( well I was with Mario)

The point I was trying to make was that Mario had different gameplay each time  making them different from their previous versions. IMO, people don\'t play Mario for the story. They play it for the solid gamaplay. So what if the story is the same each time? The gameplay is always something new and fresh and that\'s all that counts.

PS 1 - 4 were never anything alike in terms of storyline. mario saves the princess or another buddy each time. PS1 you were killing a guy responsible for your brothers death, PS2 - mother brain is acting up and you have to find out why, PS3 - your new wife has been kidnapped, you have to find the one responsible, PS4 - a terror has ripped across the world and created monsters, as a guild member (with missions) you beat Dark Falz.

You slammed me with the banana bit...and now I\'m slamming you for missing an obvious point!:D


You call Mario a rehash but no the PS series...hypocrite.

Mario 2 is not a real mario game, anyone that plays Mario games (including me) knows that. In every game, isnt it the goal to beat Bowser though?

Quit be a fanboy Eric. People don\'t play Mario games for the story. If they do then I apologize for my ignorance.

so it is a fact that VF is more of a rehash than Mario? Let\'s ask any other non Nintendo Fanboy if that is true? Looks like that was actually an opinion! hahaha that was funny though and kind of mentally puzzling!

No it\'s basically a fact whether you want to admit it or not. Mario has different gameplay each time...VF has the same overall gameplay but with a gew new features each time. The truth hurts huh?

the ending of Shenmue wasnt that great because it is onl 1 chapter in 16! why end the story and then have Ryo stand around for 15 other chapters? hahaha another puzzler from Jumpman.

hahaha another dumb comment from the Sega tool. :rolleyes: I don\'t think this one needs a comment. but...Was I suppose to expect a bad ending to a game with a great story line??? Answer me that.

BTW, there are way more than ten fight scenes. You probably missed them all when you were in the arcade playing the QTE\'s

QTEs don\'t count. Way more than ten? No way.  There are only three alone on the first two disks. Ten at the most on the third disk.

Actually, I found the arcades in Shenmue very amusing. :)

i didnt say it sucked. I said it isnt as good as hype says it is. It is just another platform on a Nintendo system, read: banjo, Mario, DK, etc. but THIS time, their is farting and naughty language! COOL!!!

Quit being a fanboy Eric( I feel like I\'m repeating myself...)

You say each VF are different because they have new features each time then you go out and say Mario, Banjo, and DK are all the same...HYPOCRITE.

IMO, Banjo,Mario, and DK are a lot better than Sonic Adventure. LMAO that game was a pitiful excuse for a platform game.


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