I will go from the one nearest this post and up, as to not confuse some of you still in the ensuing drama.
It didn\'t take me 70 hours, I was exaggerating a tad, it did take me intot he 50\'s though, and I agree, once of the best ever.
The thing i am trying to get across to Jumpman is all of the three games you mentioned have nearly crabon copy gameplay, not against their own sequels, but against eachother. He doesn\'t get that bananas/coins thing, because he thought I was making fun of the thing you pick up, no I was making fun of him saying they were very different games, and I sarcastically made that comment.
I am getting a PS2, once again, I have stated this over the course of many months. But alas, people only like to argue with me, and not listen to me. I am also getting a GC, Nintendo makes good games, they are just rehashes. I am also getting an X-Box, because well, I have missed out on computer RPG\'s and FPS\'s long enough and I hope this is the system to provide me with that. Also, all three of these systems are being supported by Sega, the only way i can guarantee getting the best games from Sega all the time is to have all the systems. Problems solved. (Oh No! I mentioned Sega, I guess Jumpman is going to get on my case now!)
No NiGHTS 2, not by Yuji Naka anyways, as he has said that classics are better left alone. If they were going to make a sequel, wouldnt they have done it for DC while they could?
I meant the first one of course, on Twisted Metal, it was free enviroments with really good car combat. I agree that after part 2, the series went to hell (right after 989 picked it up), but the first two were classics. Wipeout and spyro are not Sony games either. WO is published by Psygnosis, which Sega owns, but not developed by them, as the first was on Saturn, and WO64 was on 64 (of course).
A SF or two? are you sure? That controller doesn\'t lok too good on the hands for fighting games. I guess they got the most out of the DC pad, maybe they can whirl up some magic for the GC.
Alot of the companies you named are 2nd party. Notice I said Third. As Nintendo will have a low amount.
The fact that Sonic collects rings is irrelevant. The point I was trying to make (and must of succeeded, as you ar the only one refuting my point) was, sarcastically, DK and Mario are the same game. Not each donkey kong is like each donkey kong. but that dk is like Mario. AS a whole. You said they werent, so I made fun of you and said that bananas/coins thing.
Obivously PS has similar gameplay each time because how much can you change an rpg on the same system?
PS 1 - 4 were never anything alike in terms of storyline. mario saves the princess or another buddy each time. PS1 you were killing a guy responsible for your brothers death, PS2 - mother brain is acting up and you have to find out why, PS3 - your new wife has been kidnapped, you have to find the one responsible, PS4 - a terror has ripped across the world and created monsters, as a guild member (with missions) you beat Dark Falz. NEVER A REHASH
I never said any of the Sonic\'s werent rehashes. In fact, I said that they were, because LIKE I SAID, every company has it\'s mascot.
Mario 2 is not a real mario game, anyone that plays Mario games (including me) knows that. In every game, isnt it the goal to beat Bowser though?
so it is a fact that VF is more of a rehash than Mario? Let\'s ask any other non Nintendo Fanboy if that is true? Looks like that was actually an opinion! hahaha that was funny though and kind of mentally puzzling!
the ending of Shenmue wasnt that great because it is onl 1 chapter in 16! why end the story and then have Ryo stand around for 15 other chapters? hahaha another puzzler from Jumpman. BTW, there are way more than ten fight scenes. You probably missed them all when you were in the arcade playing the QTE\'s
playing the Tatoo guy alone made this game worth it.
PSO was average?
Skies of Arcadia was average?
Shenmue was average?
VF was average?
Shining Force was Average?
Herzog Zwei ws average?
Virtua Racing was average?
etc etc etc!
I am sorry, you probably arent old enough to play most of these classics.
Making the ground erode, therefore making you change your moves and style half way through the match makes the game easier? when does that happen? the AI learning your moves and playing you WITH them to beat you senseless makes the game easier? when does that happen?
i didnt say it sucked. I said it isnt as good as hype says it is. It is just another platform on a Nintendo system, read: banjo, Mario, DK, etc. but THIS time, their is farting and naughty language! COOL!!!
Eric Jacob