"If your a die hard Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Pokemon fan, by all means go for it. Everything else, I\'d still stick to Sega/Sony. Nintendo isn\'t gonna stand that much of a chance in the sport/racing/FPS/fighting games."
This was the N64 era--Don\'t expect the same thing.
Why does Sega/Sony have everything else? (besides Sega\'s diverse 1st/2nd parties) 3rd parties, thats why. The NGC\'s 3rd party situation won\'t be the same as the N64\'s, thats for sure. In fact, it is looking to be better, a lot better.
"Namco supported N64 - what did it get out? RR64 and Pac Man Maze Madness. WOW!"
Actually, Namco let another company do RR64... I\'m not sure about Pac Man though. That is a VERY different situation then, and you should know it, too.
http://cube.ign.com/news/31962.htmlSeems that Namco is sporting a big loss because of Sony\'s lack of Ps2 consoles. Now they\'re \'throwing their support\' behind the NGC and have at least 2 titles planned (for now.... Quick ports, no less): RRV and TTT. But, thats better than nothing. Besides, Namco has always wanted to become majorly multi-platform.
"Capcom had like 3 games, one, RE2, was jut a port from PSX."
Again, that was a different situation. It was the N64, not the NGC. Capcom has become a huge multi-platform company, and it plans to release every release simultaineously across platforms (as soon as they\'re out, at least). Heck, they already have an exclusive title planned: Resident Evil: Zero. And it even happens to be a mature one...
"only one of those games were made by Sony. None. And I have hardly EVEr, if EVER, defended Sony, as my hatred for them runs nearly as deep as it does for Nintendo. Sony has actually done some very neat things with games, like Twisted Metal."
Yeah, they have... but aren\'t you forgetting the constant rehashes that came out of that series, Twisted Metal?
"Sega hasn\'t commited anything to GC yet, so you can\'t claim fighting, RPG, or racing fromt hem. Sonic may be the only thing to go over, since it is for a younger audience."
Don\'t expect anything to be said until at least E3... But they will be supporting them--Heck, the rumours about the Nintendo<->Sega RPG seem to be true.
"EA Sports is crap, sorry, that is MO. Sega BETTER be making sports for GC, otherwise, the same old garbage will be pumped out year after year."
Well lots of people like their games, despite your opinions. While I would agree that Sega\'s Sports are better in some areas (NFL2K is the closest sports title for me that I\'ve gotten close to actually liking).
"i did, and I stand by everything I said in that thread, they are trying to cover there tracks by publishing a maturr game, too bad it isn\'t that good, and the humor is incredibly immature."
Thats funny... Last thing i heard it was getting great reviews. No, its not a mature game and was never reallly meant to be one of those titles. It sports those things like toilet humor. But, you can read on that in the other thread.
"How else do I give an example of a company that makes original games in comparison to Nintendo without including Sega? They both make systems (well, made for Sega), first parties, have mascots, etc. Sega just makes different games every once in a, oh say month, in comparison to hmm Nintendo, as I cannot remember how long it has been."
You\'re right--I think Sega does make more original and innovative ideas than Nintendo does (at least recently). Shenmue, Ecco, Seaman, etc..
"you obviously did not get my point about Mario/Banjo/Donkey Kong. They are all the same game! if you think Sonic, PSO and VF are the same game, whew! and I already established that no VF has ever been rehashed, nor any PS, as they all have differing storylines and a continuum of gameplay, as Mario games all have the same storyline."
While they probably use the same/similar engine, they are very different (Well, at least Mario is to Banjo and DK).
"OH!! nevermind, you were right! after all, Mario collects coins and Donkey Kong collects bananas, you were right! my mistake!"
Actually, in Mario 64, Mario really didn\'t collect coins, he collected stars. BUT, not in the sense of DK. It was a level, a stage, beat it and get a star. All the games are similar, because they\'re all platformers... 3D platformers.
"Alot of the companies you named are 2nd party. Notice I said Third. As Nintendo will have a low amount."
Right now they definately have a small amount. However, I expect that to grow... especially after E3.
"i didnt say it sucked. I said it isnt as good as hype says it is. It is just another platform on a Nintendo system, read: banjo, Mario, DK, etc. but THIS time, their is farting and naughty language! COOL!!!"
Have you played it yet? Have the reviewers? What are they saying?
"People were praising CBFD, and it really is just another Banjo/DK, etc."