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Author Topic: Reasons not to get an NGC  (Read 6416 times)

Offline Bozco
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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2001, 05:27:50 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
[troll? what are YOU smoking? I have actually loosened my policies of making fun of GT3 and MGS2 as I will unfortunately have to buy the system they are available on, because Sega is making VF4 for it.

You got to be kidding me you dont like GT3 or MGS2 i just pray that this was some satanic joke or something

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Reasons not to get an NGC
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2001, 06:43:24 AM »
no, I wasnt joking.

I didn\'t like GT or GT2. Sure, I had GT, but what was the point? I got about 20 cars. and after I had fun pumping all of them up (including the Twin Turbo) the fun runs out, and I go back to Daytona on Saturn with the Netlink, or Sega Rally, etc.

I thought MGS was prety dumb. I liked the VR missions, but the game as a whole I just didn\'t like. Of course I was playing two other games intensely around the same time, Panzer Dragoon Saga and Shining Force 3. Why didn\'t I like MGS? well, in comparison to those games, it was pretty poor. If I wasn\'t playing those game around the same time, I would probably be freaking out to lay MGS2, but I really have other games to play int he future, that I look forward to with much more excitement, like PSO2, Skies of Arcadia2, or TM:B!

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.


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