Old is new, right? That seems to be the latest idea with PS2 titles. Tekken Tag, Ridge Racer, Klona, Wipeout and the list continues to go on. Well, how about the another one of the original PS titles being released for PS2?
I\'m talking about Toshiden! Anyone remember the Sofia "wet dreams" ads by Sony? I remember seeing that and being curious. Then reviews started to come in about the game. It was the most beautiful game ever most said and the gameplay wasn\'t too shabby itself (though, it was lacking somewhat). From there the series grew and in my opinion, kept getting better. But, alas the public didn\'t think so. Sales declined by the time Toshiden 3 was out and within no time it could be found in the good ole\' faithful bargin bins.
But come on, this is the PS2. The PS2 could power an excellent version of Toshiden and wow everyone again. Tighten the gameplay alittle more (which was great in Toshiden 3) and it would be an excellent game.
In short, I want a sequel damnit. I want to see a beautiful sequel to the original PS fighter. The one that sold alot of units and showed what the PS could do when compared to the first Virtua Fighter released for the Saturn.
Anyone else agree?
(P.S, I would also like a WarHawk sequel, Santa!)