[mm]Ignorance is bliss isn\'t it?[/mm]
Why can\'t you PS2 gimps accept the fact that Xbox will look better? If your head PS2 hoe ddarly can do it then all of you should too. Just step into the light...
And no one call me an Xbox fan boy, I hate it but I have the ability to see which console has better graphics.
ps2 gimp? not hardly. maybe you can teach me about ignorance. what happened to the 3x more powerful console than ps2? just like ps2 was to be 3x more powerful than dc. it didn\'t happen. if you are foolish enough to believe that those shots \'blow away\' the ps2, then you have obvious problems. step into the light? the light that is blinding some xbox morons? no thanks. i couldn\'t care less if these shots looks somewhat better than ps2, for the hype and BS M$ promised us, it shouldn\'t be somewhat better, it should be superior in every possible way.
nfl fever, the models look nice, and the grass textures as well. let\'s see how it animates.
halo, very pc-ish. looks like a ut mod.
azukrik, looks like a heretic 2 with some more polys.
snowboarding game, um, that
one character on the screen looks nice, enviroments suck.
malice, awesome textures, low-polygons.
only one i think looks nice is abe.
Only advantage I see are the textures. You obviously have a low-end pc and aren\'t used to those type of graphics. People bashed the PS2 when it didn\'t \'blow away\' the DC, and now people will bash the xbox since it doesn\'t \'blow away\' the PS2. Last hope, GC.
and btw, why call Ddaryl the \'PS2 hoe\' this conversation is between us. I\'ll call you the \'Anti-PS2 hoe.\'
- dm
- what\'s in the f\'cking box?
:edit: I won\'t bother replying anymore. In the end, opinions are pointless. For those that think these xbox shots are mind-boggling, then good for you. I will pass final judgement when I play these games in person. :edit: