Very nice professor...
The N64 also had alot of hurdles for developers that turned them away. And going to the only other competition.
N64-Catridge being expensive, hard to program for, came out a year later, and games were few and far between.
PSX-CD(very cheap to make and distrubute, third parties liked this), the system was very easy to develope for, Sony had it\'s doors wide open for who ever wanted to come in. Lots of games for everyone.
The Saturn was a very niche market and shouldn\'t be counted. Still a good system though.
Nintendo has alot more appeal this time. It\'s got all the big third party developers except Konami (who cares, we don\'t need a Metal Gear Cubed :rolleyes: ) Tons of inhouse developement. Franchises from every direction.
Too address the kiddie issue-Namco, Sega, Retro, Silicon Knights, EA and Capcom are behind the GC. It will have a broad range of games.
And the GC will be competitely priced. Since it doesn\'t have any junk like a DVD, CD, or backwards compatability, it will be cheap. I\'m guessing anywhere from 150-200$.
X-box is still getting started. A very rocky start, but I bet things will pick up soon. They haven\'t shown us everything by any means. All we saw were the 1st party efforts. E3 will show us more. I see MS being the underdog this round though.
Now don\'t go and I say I think PS2 will fail. I highly doubt it will. I just don\'t see it taking over the market. Maybe it will hit a very comfortable 30-40% market share but I don\'t guess any more. I guess the same for GC.