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Author Topic: The GC\'s RAM to expand to 75MBs from 43MBs??  (Read 1639 times)

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The GC\'s RAM to expand to 75MBs from 43MBs??
« on: March 15, 2001, 07:53:32 PM »

I have no idea what that means, but what I do know is that no load times, enhanced graphics, and audio = good.

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The GC\'s RAM to expand to 75MBs from 43MBs??
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2001, 07:57:44 PM »
add-ons= failures.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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The GC\'s RAM to expand to 75MBs from 43MBs??
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2001, 08:06:04 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
add-ons= failures.

Amen to that. Though it could be argued that the expansion pac and rumble pacs was add-ons that didn\'t fail. Same with Dual Shock for the PS. Add-ons depend on price and if well known titles require them.  For the most part though, a true add-on (i.e, 32X, Sega CD, 64DD) are total failures. I\'ve been saying this for quite awhile now. I am curious to see how Sony plans to pull off selling the HD and getting it supported. If the HD is over $50 dollars and no huge titles require it, then it will be a failure.

In my opinion, it is never a good thing when a company plans add-ons before the system is even released.

Still, as the URL said, this doesn\'t mean it will happen. It simply means it could happen in theory and that Nintendo has given thought to it. There is a huge difference. Nintendo is leaving the door open for add-ons later down the road, that is all.

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The GC\'s RAM to expand to 75MBs from 43MBs??
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2001, 08:06:17 PM »
Not if Nintendo can market and distribute it as a required add-on, like the Rumble Pak or the Expansion Pak for the N64. The most important issue would be the price.

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The GC\'s RAM to expand to 75MBs from 43MBs??
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2001, 08:35:36 PM »
At this point, I think Nintnedo would be much better off just adding the expansion into the unit. If the console has a 0 userbase.. why fracture the market if it doesn\'t  have to be??? Sure you could argue that it\'s to keep costs down, but since the expansion is going to have to be competetively priced anyhow then why not? At least by packing it into the unit and upping the retail price by whatever the expansion cost, Nintnedo could save a lot of cash that would otherwise be going into packaging, shipping, and advertising.

Sony\'s Dual Shock controllers shouldn\'t really count as successful add-ons since they were packaged in with the system after 97. Sony could do the same thing with the HDD, but I suggest they get on the ball and do it before their userbase grows to the point where mending a fractured market becomes an impracticality.

Then again, I guess you could consider the Memory Cards as add-ons.. and they have done very well desipite costing 20 bones a piece.
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The GC\'s RAM to expand to 75MBs from 43MBs??
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2001, 08:45:29 PM »
Heck Gamecube is going to sell for $150

Why not just put the ram in now and release it for $200

For all that extra ram the price hike would be more than worth it

Interesting rumor

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The GC\'s RAM to expand to 75MBs from 43MBs??
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2001, 08:10:28 AM »
the expansion pak and rumble pak were not addons.  they were planned \'ripoffs\'

especially the expansion pak.  humans are so foolish
brother, can u spare a nanner?

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The GC\'s RAM to expand to 75MBs from 43MBs??
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2001, 10:59:17 AM »
I like to think that the Rumble Pak and Expansion Pak are accessories rather than add-ons. Same thing goes with the Playstation\'s Dual Shock.

The only way this accessory could do well is if Nintendo packaged it with a smash game (one of their bestselling liscenses), which is what they did with StarFox (Rumble Pak) and Donkey Kong (Expansion Pak). They were also really good deals, because the price of the games only went up about $10.

As to the Playstation 2\'s hard-drive, I have no idea how Sony is going to market it. I suppose the HD will be pretty expensive, and unless they have a value pack that includes Tony Hawk 3 it will be very hard to sell. To tell you the truth, I\'m pissed off enough that the PS2s price went up because it played DVD movies and I certainly won\'t buy a HD just so the system can become more and more like a computer every day.
August 26th, 2002.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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The GC\'s RAM to expand to 75MBs from 43MBs??
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2001, 02:08:44 PM »
Originally posted by Clyde
the expansion pak and rumble pak were not addons.  they were planned \'ripoffs\'

especially the expansion pak.  humans are so foolish

Well, Clyde, I don\'t think they are add-ons either. But, I mentioned them because the last time the add-on debate came up, everyone included them in as add-ons. They also included the dualShock as an add-on, even though in my mind it is just a controller. You\'re a smart chimp.;)

Sao, you bring up a good point. I\'ve seen plenty of PS2 zealots or what not call the XBOX nothing but a computer, but totally forget the fact that the PS2 is being marketed as a "Computer entertainment system". Then with the HD it will just be more like a computer.


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