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Author Topic: Gamecube 1.5 GB Disks  (Read 3830 times)

Offline ooseven
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Gamecube 1.5 GB Disks
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2001, 12:09:20 PM »
Copy a cart ?
who would want to do that ?

infact inthe later days of the Dire Nintendo 64 , no developers wanted to touch it either ONLY j/k or am i ? :laughing:.

Nintendo Please change your name to "BOAT" and "MISSED" in Japanese.

But than again

The Software pirates are sitting back one day saying...

Pirate 1 : Hey lets barke into Nintendo market

Pirate 2 : But Boss that will mean we have to handle cartrages

Pirate 1 : Yeah your right let\'s just burn CD insted

Pirate 3 : But Boss , Nintendo clame that no one can pirate there software, plus they are charging some people £40 + for a game each.

Pirate 1 : Did they , that Bunch of B@stards, ill show them, Johny get my equipment. We will just do like we always do, STEAL mobile phones and start building some Carts :D.
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Gamecube 1.5 GB Disks
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2001, 02:14:50 PM »
Originally posted by Gohan

Its all about the piracy protection. Everyone here is so against piracy so I would think they would applaud this move. Pirates are going to have a hell of a time finding blank mini-disks and a hard time finding a drive that can burn them and even more trouble trying to break the disks encryption. I think that is a good move on their part. It may be a smaller capacity but you can always use multiple disks. I know I am not the only one who read that Square was planning to use a whopping 10 DVDs for FFX(?). I think that after this generation a lot of people are going to be using mini-disks. In everything from consoles to handhelds.

BTW, Mini-disks can also be double sided if the developer chooses to use that feature.

Right, its a good idea for pirating. But, here is the problem, with Matu****a making their own version that would play DVD, it would make it once again easy to pirate the games, now wouldn\'t it?  In theory, couldn\'t a skilled pirate (i.e, someone who sits and does this non-stop) copy the mini-disc games over to DVD then play a burned copy of the game on DVD in the Matu****a model of the GC. I mean, DVD-R prices are coming down and some manufactors already sell them built in at a reasonable price.
I\'m not saying it would be easy. But, it sort of defeats the purpose.

Offline EThugg
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Gamecube 1.5 GB Disks
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2001, 02:19:45 PM »
I\'ll say again, clearer this time. Pir8s will have GC cracked within the 1st year.
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

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Gamecube 1.5 GB Disks
« Reply #33 on: March 19, 2001, 09:28:18 PM »
Right, its a good idea for pirating. But, here is the problem, with Matu****a making their own version that would play DVD, it would make it once again easy to pirate the games, now wouldn\'t it? In theory, couldn\'t a skilled pirate (i.e, someone who sits and does this non-stop) copy the mini-disc games over to DVD then play a burned copy of the game on DVD in the Matu****a model of the GC. I mean, DVD-R prices are coming down and some manufactors already sell them built in at a reasonable price.
I\'m not saying it would be easy. But, it sort of defeats the purpose.

 No.... I\'m sure Nintendo would have thought of something like that. There will be some sort of thing to prevent them to do that.

Offline ooseven
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Gamecube 1.5 GB Disks
« Reply #34 on: March 20, 2001, 01:34:01 AM »

No.... I\'m sure Nintendo would have thought of something like that. There will be some sort of thing to prevent them to do that.

they have...

they are either hoping that the only people intested in the NGC will be under 14  and won\'t have to buy any games themselfs.


they will have a Warning saying PLEASE DON\'T PIRATE !
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]

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Gamecube 1.5 GB Disks
« Reply #35 on: March 20, 2001, 05:22:32 PM »
they have...

they are either hoping that the only people intested in the NGC will be under 14 and won\'t have to buy any games themselfs.


they will have a Warning saying PLEASE DON\'T PIRATE !

 Geeze, that was real funny. :rolleyes: Out of nowhere, too.

Offline Black Samurai
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Gamecube 1.5 GB Disks
« Reply #36 on: March 20, 2001, 07:26:43 PM »
Originally posted by ooseven

they have...

they are either hoping that the only people intested in the NGC will be under 14  and won\'t have to buy any games themselfs.


they will have a Warning saying PLEASE DON\'T PIRATE !

OK. It has been established that you do not like Nintendo. Do you have to be a troll with every post? :rolleyes:
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Offline ooseven
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Gamecube 1.5 GB Disks
« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2001, 01:33:35 AM »
Originally posted by Gohan

OK. It has been established that you do not like Nintendo. Do you have to be a troll with every post? :rolleyes:

I Don\'t hate Nintendo, i just wish that they treated us OLDER games to some Fun on the NGC and GBA too.

Oh and to have a slightly fast release scedule for the NGC too.

tHe one for the N64 was Dire.
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Offline Black Samurai
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Gamecube 1.5 GB Disks
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2001, 06:13:34 AM »
Originally posted by ooseven

I Don\'t hate Nintendo, i just wish that they treated us OLDER games to some Fun on the NGC and GBA too.

Oh and to have a slightly fast release scedule for the NGC too.

tHe one for the N64 was Dire.

I\'ll be the first to admit that Nintendo(priamarily EAD) is not going to make a MGS or a RE. That is why they are signing so many second parties that make mature games ie. Rareware, Retro, Silicon Knights, and Left Field. They have plenty of third part developers that make mature games ie. Capcom, EA, Konami, etc.

That is why there were no "mature" games on the N64. The only people who had enough money to consistently support the N64 was Nintendo and Rare. Like I said before, Nintendo(EAD) does not really know how to make a mature game. So we were left with Rare trying to convert a cutesy platformer into a "mature" platformer. Leaving Conker\'s Bad Fur Day.

That is why I don\'t understand why everyone says the GCN is kiddy. If anything Nintendo is in a really good position right now. They will always be able to make those cutesy games for the kids, the fun games for everyone and thier 2nd/3rd parties can make plenty of mature games. What is the problem with that?
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Offline Saotome
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Gamecube 1.5 GB Disks
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2001, 07:16:38 AM »
1) The Nintendo 64 had more "bloody" games that the Super Nintendo, and none of us ever complained about the lack of violent games for the SNES. Of course, I like my SNES a lot more than my N64, but still, people who argue that the Nintendo 64 has a lack of mature games should take a look at their Super Nintendo.

2) What would you enjoy playing more? A fun "kiddie" game or a lousy "mature" game. I have to say that Super Mario 64, and lots of other Nintendo liscences are loads of fun. And, even though The Legend of Zelda is rated "E" it doesn\'t seem like a kiddie game.

3) The reason the Nintendo 64 was dissapointing was not because of the (presumed) lack of mature games, but because of the lack of RPGs and Fighting games, which consequently are the most famous genres in Japan. Hopefully the Gamecube will improve upon this (which it likely will), but we can\'t be sure until E3.
August 26th, 2002.


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