Copy a cart ?
who would want to do that ?
infact inthe later days of the Dire Nintendo 64 , no developers wanted to touch it either ONLY j/k or am i ?

Nintendo Please change your name to "BOAT" and "MISSED" in Japanese.
But than again
The Software pirates are sitting back one day saying...
Pirate 1 : Hey lets barke into Nintendo market
Pirate 2 : But Boss that will mean we have to handle cartrages
Pirate 1 : Yeah your right let\'s just burn CD insted
Pirate 3 : But Boss , Nintendo clame that no one can pirate there software, plus they are charging some people £40 + for a game each.
Pirate 1 : Did they , that Bunch of B@stards, ill show them, Johny get my equipment. We will just do like we always do, STEAL mobile phones and start building some Carts
