Original titles: Sega wins this award hands down. Jet Grind Radio? Shenmue? Seaman? Sega has always pushed the envelope for original and refreshing titles.
: Konami. I noticed Nintendo was mentioned, but I can\'t agree with this. If anything, Rare was doin\' more then Nintendo itself. While the games looked good, they wasn\'t advancements in the industry. Instead, it was just amazing that the N64 could actually do games like Mario 64. Still, it didn\'t push the industry forward. Infact, the rest of the industry could of cared less, as they was using the cd format. In either way, Nintendo didn\'t push the graphics industry anywhere. Extreme use of fog, er, sorry you mean all that fog was suppose to create a tense enviorment in Turok? Ah, damn.

Where as Konami has made beautiful games over and over. Okay, sort of. Back in the 2D days, they was always pushing the barrier. They had alittle problems movin\' 3D, but still... CastleVania: SOTN was a beautiful PSone game that no one expected. It proved the PSone could push sprite based games with the best of \'em. Now with the PS2 they have titles like Z.O.E which is beautiful and Metal Gear Solid 2 which simply looks breathtaking (which is a huge compliment from me, as I friggin\' hate the MGS series).
I really came close to saying Square, as The Bouncer is a gorgeous game, but I refrain, because like Altered said, you can get away with making a beautiful game if it is based around a movie theme and extremely short.
Nintendo does get credit though. One, they showed that classic 2D titles can make the move to 3D and still be as fun if not more fun then their old 2D counterparts. A extremely hard task, indeed. And something the rest of the industry (or most of it) should take note of.
The second "award" goes to Nintendo for making mascots out of the dumbest things. Who else could of pulled of making little yellow critters that can\'t even speak into multi-billion dollar items and eventually one of the biggest franchises known to man? No one. I\'m not sure if this is a good "award" or not. But still, its true. Nintendo has a talent for making the wierdest things into multi-billion dollar franchises.
Worst execution of an idea: "Virtual Boy". It wasn\'t portable, despite them claiming it was. It could induce a headache extremely quick. Poor marketing. Only two colors and one of the worst controllers ever (only outdone by the Jaguar\'s controller). This is not to say it didn\'t have any good games. It did, the Wario game for it was great, but still, one can\'t overlook the fact that it had so many flaws to begin with that Nintendo should of predicted it was going to be a massive failure. I came extremely close to saying Sega\'s 32X was the worst, but it wasn\'t. While, by no means was it excellent, it still had quite a few good games. Virtua Racing, Space Harrier, Knuckles Chaotix, and so on. Not to mention it was an add-on, not a complete different system.