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Author Topic: X-Box Games  (Read 1163 times)

Offline Saotome
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X-Box Games
« on: March 17, 2001, 10:14:51 PM »
This is the first time I pick up a NextGen magazine, and the April 2001 issue had great coverage on five X-Box games with beautiful images of each.

This game will obviously be on everybody\'s \'wanted list\' when released. The pure fun of previous Oddworld games will hopefully be re-vitalized in 3D. The graphics are spectacular without a doubt, and from various sources the controls seem to be very good too. If there is one title that will sell the X-Box, this one (and maybe Halo) will be it.

Another eye-popping feast! This game, starring a teenagey red-head weilding a gigantic hammer looks breathtaking. And the addition of a giant robot is even more appealing. It looks like a very mechanical world of nuts\'n\'bolts, and has an interesting storyline. Basically, the world has been destroyed and you must become a goddess, go back in time, and save it. Hopefully this game will feature adventure-like elements featured in such games as Zelda.

I\'m not really into these sorts of games. According to NextGen, this is a racer/platformer type of game with really cartoony characters. The graphics sort of remind me of Looney Toones Space Race, and are very smooth with not many details. I don\'t think this game will be a smash hit, but it\'ll probably be worth the look.

I\'ll talk about BOUNTY HUNTER and NEW LEGENDS in a later post. Also note that I\'m only looking at graphics, because thats all the magazine allows, and I don\'t base games on graphics. However, I must say that both MUNCH\'S ODDYSEE and MALICE look particularly stunning. We\'ll see if the gameplay lives up to the graphics. Have any comments about any of these games, or any other X-Box games?
August 26th, 2002.

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X-Box Games
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2001, 10:37:03 PM »
I agree, the games look great. I don\'t understand why some \'gamers\' hate MS so much they\'d dismiss a perfectly viable platform with, even at this early a stage, as many AAA games at launch as DC or PS2.

Whats the deal faston? nplayer-2? jumpman? You guys have something against a very promising platform with some great games coming?
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'


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