In my humble opinion they should of censored the friggin\' hours of cinemas. My god, I hadn\'t seen so much talkin\' in a game for no apparent reason. What about the damn song? "Counting the Roses" or what the hell ever. Will someone please explain to me how WARP is still in buisness? They made ......
Trip D -- 3D0 puzzle game.
D --3DO then ported to every system known to man.
Enemy Zero -- Japan only.
D2-- which took some five years to make and flopped.
How exactly are they still in buisness? Other then D all the other games only gained cult status or not even that. You will have to excuse me if I seem bitter.....I loved the original and even though it was just a FMV point-\'n-click game, I thought it was friggin\' awesome... D2...Well...Well.. It was a really bad game with horrible cinemas....
By the way, it was Sega\'s choice to censor D2 for the American auidence. It was to graphic. Which, I don\'t get, because D2 had the giant vagina--or at least that is what it looked like to me..... Where you meet Laura\'s "mother"... Now, unless I\'m some horrible pervert (don\'t comment!!!), her mother looked like a giant vagina....
And, I\'m with Sam. That damn fly lady needs to shave her legs!